Locked-out workers picket Gate Gourmet

Gate Gourmet locked-out workers picketing the factory yesterday – threatened with arrest by Heathrow Airport police
Gate Gourmet locked-out workers picketing the factory yesterday – threatened with arrest by Heathrow Airport police

Gate Gourmet locked out workers picketed the Heathrow caterer’s factory gate yesterday.

This was after Heathrow Airport police, accompanied by a British Airports Authority manager, on Tuesday had dismantled their picket tent and threatened to arrest them if they continued to demonstrate on the hill at the Beacon roundabout.

‘We are glad to picket the factory gate but we don’t accept that we can’t demonstrate on the hill,’ Baljit Dhindsa told News Line yesterday.

‘The High Court judge said last year we could picket the gate and demonstrate on the hill. Nothing has changed.

‘We are still very angry with the company which has treated us very badly and with the union leaders.

‘What the TGWU union leaders have done is very low.

‘They have agreed to our dismissal so that the company can bring in cheap labour and new working practices.

‘Trade unionists must take up our fight and come on our march through Hounslow on the 25th.’

Sharanjit Grewal said: ‘The day we win we are going to have a big celebration. We are glad to be back on the gate picketing our place of work.

‘We have been unfairly dismissed and we believe we are going to win.

‘We have done nothing wrong. But what the company and the union leaders have done is very wrong.

‘The company sacked us when we always did our job properly, so they could bring in cheap labour and new conditions.

‘The worst thing is that the union leaders shook hands with the management and agreed to it.

‘We are fighting for the union. Woodley and Gold (TGWU leaders) are fighting for the bosses.’

Sukhdev Brar added: ‘We want to continue demonstrating on the hill where everyone can see us. The union solicitor must inform the police that this is our right as ruled by a High Court judge.’

Sukhvinder Mundy said: ‘We’ve got no social security money, we need hardship money from the union.’

‘We have received nothing since the 6th January. How can we survive? How can we afford to pay our bills?

‘We are very upset. The union must restore our hardship payments.’

Mohinder Grewal added: ‘Everyone should come on our march on the 25th March.

‘We are fighting for the whole working class not just for ourselves.’

Parmjeet Sihdu declared: ‘We are very strong and determined to win.’