NHS Logistics workers picketing last tuesday night at Bury St Edmunds determined they will not work for privateer DHL
NHS Logistics workers picketing last tuesday night at Bury St Edmunds determined they will not work for privateer DHL

‘I will be seeking a fresh ballot for more strike action,’ NHS Logistics UNISON Maidstone assistant branch secretary Dean Lane told News Line yesterday.

‘Personally, I would like to see another two days of strike action,’ he added.

As tomorrow’s deadline for the handover of the NHS supplies organisation to parcels firm DHL approached, Lane said: ‘Despite the successful UNISON motion at the Labour Party conference, the government is not appearing to back down.

‘We are seeking talks with UNISON nationally about our options.

‘Personally, I would call on any member of the public who values the NHS as an entity free at the point of use to lobby MPs and the prime minister.’

Lane said the Maidstone members have had a lot of support from the local labour movement and Labour MPs.

He continued: ‘This NHS privatisation should be a national issue, all the unions should work together.

‘The government sold us off without much discussion. They are not taking note of what we say and are going ahead with their political agenda.

‘So the unions must take action. We have to put pressure on the government.’

Firefighters have visited the picket lines at Maidstone.

Kent Fire Brigades Union brigade secretary, Harry Sawyer told News Line his members backed the NHS Logistics workers.

When there is further action, ‘We’ll offer any help that we can in any way – both financially and on the picket line.’

A UNISON national spokesman told News Line: ‘We’ve nothing to add to our statement of yesterday.’

This was that, following the Labour Party conference vote that the government must stop further NHS privatisation: ‘we now call on the government to take notice of the motion and hit the pause button’.

GMB trade union national officer Sharon Holder, who seconded the Labour Party conference motion, told News Line yesterday: ‘I hope the government rethinks its decision and explores ways in which we may be able to halt the sell-off of NHS Logistics.

‘The GMB has had bad experiences of industrial relations at DHL.

‘We are now preparing to ballot our members at DHL for strike action over its plans to sack 3,000 employees and replace a small number with casual labour.

‘Our members at DHL will be supporting UNISON’s campaign to stop the NHS Logistics sell-off.’

Dave Wiltshire, secretary of the All Trades Unions Alliance said yesterday: ‘These workers must be supported.

‘The trade unions must call a general strike to end the Labour government’s privatisation programme.

‘Nothing else will do.’


AN Emergency motion at CCSC (Central Consultants and Specialists Committee) of the British Medical Association (BMA) of support for the NHS Logistics workers was carried unanimously last Thursday.

The motion reads: ‘That a message of support be sent to NHS Logistics trade union members who are taking industrial action to stop their part of the NHS being privatised, and we call on the BMA Council to contact their representatives.’

Moving the motion, Anna Athow said: ‘NHS Logistics is an award winning not-for-profit organisation which provides medical equipment to the NHS and employs a thousand people.

‘It buys in bulk and saves the NHS around £2.8m per year.

‘The government has signed a contract worth £4bn with the German parcel firm DHL to take it over, with no proper consultation with staff. The government refuses to show the business case because of commercial confidentiality.

‘DHL would become a monopoly supplier. Americans say it would cost the NHS money.

‘There is no proper TUPE agreement with staff to protect terms and conditions. As DHL wants to sack 3,000 GMB members and replace them with agency workers, NHS Logistics staff are worried about their future employment.

‘Moreover DHL’s Texan partner, Novation, is at the centre of a massive fraud investigation for allegedly questionable business practices, for overcharging US federal healthcare programmes.

‘NHS Logistics workers have organised two one-day strikes to stop their privatisation.

‘We could very well find ourselves in a similar position with hospitals closed or privatised over our heads.

‘CCSC and the BMA should contact their leaders and offer support.’

The Committee also agreed to support and work for the Lobby of Parliament called for November 1, organised by the ‘NHS Together’ TUC-BMA-RCN coalition.