Big Support For Chase Farm Occupation

North East London Council of Action pickets determined to keep Chase Farm Hospital open
North East London Council of Action pickets determined to keep Chase Farm Hospital open

THE North East London Council of Action organised a mass picket of Chase Farm Hospital yesterday to stop the closure of Maternity, Paediatrics and A&E services at the hospital.

The picket won big support from doctors, nurses, patients and hospital staff for the demonstration through Enfield on 10th December to organise the occupation of the hospital and stop the closure.

The picket was really lively, with flags and banners and passing motorists hooting their horns in support, raising cheers from the pickets.

Suko Khumalo, a student nurse at Chase Farm, said: ‘It’s terrible that this government is cutting the things that people need.

‘This government needs to go. I support the strike action tomorrow, because now people are standing up and action is being taken.

‘We need to support the occupation of Chase Farm as it is action that is needed.’

Local pensioner Mrs Webb said: ‘I certainly support the policy of occupying the hospital. I will support anything if it will work. I think it’s essential to keep the Paediatrics, Maternity and A&E open.’

Clive Norris, a patient at Chase Farm, said: ‘I was down outside the occupation of St Paul’s. I’ve been there twice. The only way to defend anything is by occupying. Writing a letter doesn’t cut it, really, does it?

‘I will be on the demonstration on 10th December and when the hospital is occupied I will help.’

Charlotte Newman, who stopped at the picket whilst on her way to school, said: ‘I was born at Chase Farm and I have had operations at Chase Farm and it’s really convenient because I live very close.

‘Going all the way to Barnet is ridiculous and pointless. I support the occupation of Chase Farm Hospital.’

Bill Rogers, Secretary of the North East London Council of Action, said: ‘On 10th December we want a mass march through Enfield and thousands of people have said they are going to join in.

‘The purpose of the march is to prepare the occupation of the hospital to prevent the cuts and closure.

‘We have been campaigning all over Enfield and we’ve been to Waltham Cross and the whole community supports what we are doing.’