Cleaners mass picket at SOAS

Student and lecturers came out in support of cleaners at SOAS during yesterday’s mass picket
Student and lecturers came out in support of cleaners at SOAS during yesterday’s mass picket

THERE was a lively mass picket at SOAS University, Central London, yesterday at the start of a two-day strike by cleaners.

SOAS Unison Assistant Branch Secretary Ezequiel Kramer told News Line: ‘The cleaners are employed by ISS contractors. We are fighting for equal terms and conditions as for those who work directly for the university.

‘We want equal sick pay, holidays and equal pension schemes.

‘Yesterday night ISS hired strikebreakers to try to undermine the cleaners strike. We were making banners and tried to talk to them and they were really aggressive to us.

‘They were ISS employees working at another university. But the cleaners are really strong and they believe they will make a change.

‘All those on this shift are on the picket line. We have 35 on this one and it’s 6am in the morning. We have another eight looking after another building.

‘This shows their determination to achieve what they deserve, which is essentially dignity and respect.’

One of the strikers, Unison member Julian Camelo, said: ‘This strike is important, it’s an important

struggle for our own good. We need to get everything that we request – sick pay, holidays and pensions.

‘We don’t get any sick pay at present, we only get 20 days holiday a year. We are asking for the same conditions as SOAS staff. We are asking to be in-house, employed directly by SOAS.’

Another Unison member, striking cleaner Rubiela De Jesus, said: ‘I’ve cleaned this building for seven years. I’m not happy with our situation. We want better conditions.

‘I feel very, very positive about going on strike. I am determined to win, absolutely. I want to be in-house, employed by SOAS, not ISS. We want to say “Bye bye ISS”.’