Imperialism In Crisis In Egypt, Syria And The Yemen


THE US State Department has told its citizens and all non-emergency government staff to leave the Yemen ‘immediately’ due to increased threats to their security.

This comes in the wake of the sudden closure of 20 US embassies and consulates in the region, proving that in the Middle East and North Africa the US has feet of clay, with its policies of overthrowing Arab nationalist regimes in Iraq and Libya resulting in a growth of Al-Qaeda forces and operatives throughout the region, with some of them still being armed and financed by the US in the failing attempt to overthrow President Assad in Syria.

A new stage has been reached in the strategic weakening of the US ruling class when it volunteers that this massive retreat has been prompted by intercepted ‘conversations’ between two senior Al-Qaeda figures.

After the failure of its murderous drone attack, the US is now forced to flee by ‘conversations’.

Oh how the mighty have fallen. This conduct must give their feudal allies in the Gulf panic attacks!

Meanwhile, the situation in Egypt is concentrating the minds of the teams of US diplomats that have been sent there to try to stop their warring allies killing each other.

The US welcomed the election of Mursi to the presidency, after the workers’ revolution that overthrew Mubarak, and gave him all the aid that he requested. In return he urged Egyptian youth to go to Syria to help the US remove Assad, and fully respected the Egyptian-Israeli treaty that provides the guarantee of Israel’s security.

However, Mursi proceeded to throw caution to the winds with his vicious attacks on the Egyptian people and trade unions.

In response, the whole world was shaken when 18 million people took to the streets of Egypt and would not go away until Mursi was removed.

Fearful that the second revolution would bring in a workers’ and poor people’s government, the US gave the go-ahead for the army to make a pre-emptive strike on the revolution, removing Mursi ‘on behalf of the people’.

Now the Egyptian ruling class and state is completely split. The Muslim Brotherhood and the army are killing each other in the streets and in the Sinai.

The teams of US diplomats that have descended on Egypt, like all the King’s Horses and all the King’s Men, have been unable to put Humpty Dumpty together again, that is to rebuild the Mursi-army coalition.

They are split in a way that can only encourage the workers and the trade unions to use their power to fight for working class power and socialism.

To make matters worse, yesterday the Syrian Defence Minister Fahd al-Freij visited army troops in Khaldiyeh, a Homs district the army has just won back from US-backed rebel control.

‘Liberating Khaldiyeh is proof of great heroism,’ Freij told soldiers.

‘Facing terrorists in the narrow streets of this district, to cleanse the buildings, is a great military exploit,’ he added.

‘We are determined to chase down the criminals in order to save the country…We will triumph over this terrorism that is supported by more than 80 countries, and whose goal is to implement the US-Zionist plan for the region,’ Freij said.

Homs city had been dubbed by rebels the ‘capital of the revolution’.

Imperialism is being defeated in Syria and its political and military servants are split and divided in Egypt.

The situation is being created for a massive revolutionary leap throughout the Middle East that will sweep imperialism and Zionism out of the area.

Lenin supported the movement of national liberation and said that it greatly weakened imperialism and prepared the way for the socialist revolution in the West.

Now is the time for the working class in the UK, the EU and the US to rise up and unite with the peoples of the Middle East and Asia by destroying capitalism and imperialism in the major capitalist countries with socialist revolutions.

The opportunity for doing this is rapidly maturing. We must make sure that it is not missed.