Mothers Camp Outside Downing Street

Rose Gentle at the Military Families Against the War Camp opposite Downing Street, yesterday with a letter demanding Blair meet the families
Rose Gentle at the Military Families Against the War Camp opposite Downing Street, yesterday with a letter demanding Blair meet the families

The mothers of soldiers killed in Iraq, along with mothers of serving soldiers, are camping outside Downing Street this weekend.

Rose Gentle, whose 19-year-old son Gordon was killed by a bomb in Basra in 2004, told News Line: ‘We want the troops out now. Tony Blair must give an exact date and stop changing it.

‘The trade unions should take strike action to bring Blair down and stop the war. We need a workers’ government, that’s the only way we will get peace.’

Military mother Janet Lowrie added: ‘Too many are being killed.

‘I’d like to see the Iraqi people get their own country back. It’s not just our boys who are getting killed.

‘It’s brilliant that Blair said 1,600 troops are coming home – I’d like to believe him but we’ve had so many lies. Maybe those 1,600 will be going to Afghanistan. I want my son back in one piece.’

Rose and Janet handed in a letter to Blair at 3pm yesterday and this afternoon will join the march from Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square, calling for British troops to be withdrawn from Iraq.

The mothers will camp outside Downing Street until Sunday morning.