Reinstate Ricky Matthews


FIREFIGHTERS are coming from all over the country to protest in Bucks over the sacking of firefighter Ricky Matthews.

Matthews was sacked for coming out on strike.

The demonstration is taking place at Oakfield Road Park, Aylesbury, Bucks HP20 1LL

It is assembling at 11:30am, next Tuesday 9 December.

Firefighters’ union, the FBU said: ‘Firefighters will be protesting against the decision by Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes Fire and Rescue Service to dismiss their victimised colleague Ricky Matthews, with a march and rally through Aylesbury.

‘A firefighter for more than 17 years, Ricky Matthews, who is also a member of the Fire Brigades Union’s executive council, was sacked for taking lawful industrial action during the recent four day strike over the Westminster government’s changes to firefighter pensions.’

Matt Wrack, FBU general secretary, said: ‘Ricky was sacked for taking part in lawful strike action by a fire service that has a history of bullying and intimidating firefighters and union members.

‘His sacking is an attack on every firefighter and their right to organise in the workplace to secure better conditions and a better public service.

‘Firefighters across the UK stand united with their bullied and victimised colleague and call for Ricky Matthews to be reinstated.’