US imperialism is discussing Israeli air strikes on Iran’s oil industry!


CLEARLY rattled by Iran’s 180-strong missile barrage, fired at Israel in retaliation for Tel Aviv’s genocidal war on Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon, US President Biden revealed on Thursday that he is discussing widening the war with possible Israeli strikes on Iran’s oil production infrastructure.

His words jolted the crude oil markets, spiking the world price by 11 per cent to $78 per barrel, with Biden adding that: ‘First of all, we don’t “allow” Israel, we advise Israel. And there is nothing going to happen today.’ Meanwhile he is calling for ‘a proportionate response’ from Israel, and emphasising that the US is ‘fully supportive’ of Israel.

Biden also said he ‘would not support an attack on Iran’s nuclear facility. Any Israeli response to Iran’, he told reporters, ‘should be proportional’, which was immediately contradicted by State Department spokesman Matthew Miller who warned that Iran would face ‘severe consequences’ and that he was not ‘ruling anything out’.

Former Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak however predicted, after the Iranian missile strike, that Israel is likely to mount a large-scale airstrike against Iran’s oil industry and possibly an attack on a military target related to its nuclear programme.

Barak said there was no doubt there would be an Israeli military response to Iran’s assault on Tuesday with over 180 ballistic missiles.

Iran has stated that it does not seek regional war, but that if attacked, its response will be ‘unconventional’ and rapid, understanding that it will be using the oil weapon and the closure of the Strait of Hormuz, cutting off 20 per cent of the world’s seaborne crude oil supply.

Rocketing crude oil prices, stock market collapses, military conflagration, including wars and revolutions, are now stalking the crisis ridden capitalist world.

The US, the world’s biggest oil producer and exporter, by closing its economy to oil exports will bankrupt the European Union and Britain immediately and create revolutionary situations in the major capitalist countries.

However, imperialism and its ‘mad dog’ Israel have failed to defeat Hamas in Gaza and will also be driven back by Hezbollah in Lebanon.

The General Strike in support of Palestine in Spain last week shows the way forward is through socialist revolutions internationally to bring down bankrupt capitalism and its bourgeois regimes and bring in socialism.

The bosses must be expropriated and economies nationalised to bring in planned production, to satisfy people’s needs, and for a socialist future to take the place of the anarchy of capitalist production.

In Britain, the working class must go forward to force the TUC to call an indefinite general strike in place of its Day of Action on Thursday October 10th.

General Strike action is now urgently required to remove the Starmer Labour government and bring in a Workers Government and Socialism, through the nationalisation of the banks and the major industries.

With capitalism visibly disintegrating, now is the time to build up sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International to lead the World Socialist Revolution, and to replace the bankrupt capitalist system with planned production to satisfy workers needs in a worldwide socialist republic.

We urge all UK workers and youth to join the Workers Revolutionary Party and Young Socialists today to play a leading role in the organisation of the British socialist revolution.

Internationally, what is required at the current moment is a massive movement to organise general strikes in the major capitalist countries to drive their governments out and to bring in governments that will support the establishment of the State of Palestine where Jews, Christians and Muslims can live side by side in harmony.

In the UK, the issue of the hour is the organisation of a general strike to bring down the Starmer government, that seems only interested in feathering its own nest, and replacing it with a Workers Government and socialism.

This is the only way forward to smash capitalism and replace it with a worldwide Socialist Republic with planned production to satisfy people’s needs replacing the current law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest!