UK Trade Unions Must Boycott Israel And Give Financial And Political Support To Palestinian Fighters!


THE new Israeli government, which includes known fascists, is now engaging in murderous attacks on the Palestinian people as it pushes to create many new settlements and drive the Palestinian people out of Palestine.

The President of the State of Palestine, Mahmoud Abbas, has chaired an emergency meeting of the Palestinian leadership after the latest Israeli massacre in Jenin which led to the death of 11 Palestinians and the wounding of dozens more, during the storming of Jenin Hospital, and the demolition of the facilities in the Jenin camp.
The death toll of Palestinians, since the beginning of this month, has now reached more than 30.
The new Israeli government has sponsored plans and policies to implement crimes of ethnic cleansing and racial discrimination, continuing attacks on the city of Jerusalem and its Islamic and Christian Holy sites, invading the Al-Aqsa Mosque, intensifying settlement operations, annexing lands, demolishing homes, carrying out the detention of the bodies of Palestinian martyrs, and the seizure of Palestinian tax funds.
The Israeli regime is on the way to the ‘final solution’ of the Palestinian problem by driving the Palestinians out of their homeland and treating with contempt the international legitimacy resolutions, and signed agreements, demolishing the foundations on which ‘the peace process was based under international auspices’.
This peace process has now been completely scrapped with the Israeli occupation government ignoring the Palestinian, Arab and international warnings about the seriousness of Israeli crimes, including the repeated aggression against the Palestinian people, and the undermining of signed agreements, including security agreements.
In the face of the current murderous Israeli attacks on Palestinians, the Palestinian government considers that ‘security coordination with the Israeli occupation government no longer exists’.
Further it states: ‘In this context, we salute the sons of the Palestinian security establishment, for their honourable stances in defence of our national project and the interest of our people.
‘We also salute the national institutions and activities that watch over the popular peaceful resistance, and we call on them to do more, in order to protect our people and their capabilities in the face of settler terrorism and the occupation forces.’
The Palestinian government has decided to make an ‘Immediate approach to the UN Security Council, to request international protection for the Palestinian people, under chapter VII and to stop unilateral measures’.
It has decided to ‘Urgently go to the International Criminal Court to add the file of the massacre committed by the Israeli occupation forces in Jenin to the other files submitted earlier’.
To make ‘The immediate call for the advent of the ongoing international commission of inquiry in the Human Rights Council, to investigate and draw up its findings regarding the responsibility of the occupation for this massacre, and to refer its findings to the International Criminal Court and the Security Council’.
President Abbas has also invited ‘all Palestinian political forces for an emergency meeting, to agree on a comprehensive, united national vision to confront the Israeli aggression and respond to it’.
Meanwhile the deputy head of the political bureau of Hamas, Saleh al-Arouri has pledged in a statement: ‘The will of our nation is stronger than the crimes of the occupying regime. Jenin, the West Bank, and its residents will remain invincible, and these crimes will only increase the strength and determination of the people to fight.’
‘The occupation will pay the price for the massacre it carried out in Jenin and its camp this morning, and the response of the resistance will not be delayed,’ al-Arouri assured.
The Hamas official also warned the Israeli regime that such is the extreme behaviour of Benjamin Netanyahu’s cabinet and the intensification of attacks against Palestinians that it will inevitably lead the resistance front to launch a new ‘al-Quds sword battle’ to defend its land and people.
Palestinian media outlets reported that Israeli occupation forces raided the Jenin camp early on Thursday, leaving residents and popular resistance groups with no choice but to defend themselves and confront the occupation forces.
The sources pointed out that more than 70 Israeli armed vehicles stormed the flashpoint city and the neighbouring refugee camp, while Israeli snipers were also deployed on rooftops and heavily armed soldiers opened fire at Palestinian youths who tried to block their way.
The British trade unions have made many promises and pledges to support Palestine and now they must be made to honour these pledges. The TUC trade unions must completely boycott Israel, and begin a fund to raise millions of pounds to help arm the Palestinian people to help them successfully to defend their land.
The slogan must be ‘Revolution until Victory’ both in Palestine and also in the UK!