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Israeli Bombers Target Gaza Schools

ISRAELI forces have attacked five separate schools in Gaza in just eight days, killing dozens of people sheltering in them, according to Palestinian officials,...

Myanmar’s trade unions facing a brutal regime

MYANMAR’s trade unions are facing brutal retaliation in the fight for democracy, says Khaing Zar Aung, the President of the Industrial Workers Union of Myanmar. Democratic...

4,000 workers & youth mark 7th anniversary of the Grenfell Tower...

OVER 4,000 workers youth and local residents came to Ladbroke Grove in west London on Friday to mark the 7th anniversary of the Grenfell...

Nearly 3,000 children in Gaza are at risk of dying before...

THE United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) says nearly 3,000 children are at risk of dying before the eyes of their families as they have...

‘Israeli authorities are responsible for war crimes against humanity!’– UN International...

ISRAELI authorities are responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity committed during the military operations and attacks on Gaza since 7th October 2023,...

Tata steel workers vote to take strike action!

TATA Steelworkers have overwhelmingly voted to strike with three quarters of them backing industrial action, the GMB union announced on Monday. The ballot ended with...

South African union NUMSA wins right to organise workers, while bosses...

National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa, NUMSA, and mining company, SASM, have vowed to fight it out in court as the company intends...

UN reports horrific mass graves at Nasser & al-Shifa hospitals on...

THE DISCOVERY of hundreds of mass graves at the Nasser and al-Shifa hospital complexes, where United Nations (UN) officials reported that bodies were ‘buried...

Ex-President Zuma barred from standing for SA Parliament

South Africa’s highest court has barred former President Jacob Zuma from running for parliament in next week’s general election. The Constitutional Court ruled on Monday...


THE Geneva-based Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor said on the 200th day of the Israeli genocide in Gaza on Tuesday the Israeli military is planning...


THE EU and the UN called for an official probe into mass graves at hospitals in Gaza, where hundreds of bodies have been discovered,...

International inquiry finds no basis for Israeli claims against UNRWA that...

IN JANUARY, the Israeli regime unleashed a propaganda campaign against UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East,...

US trying to destabilise Venezuela before July election!

VLADIMIR Padrino López, the Venezuelan Defence Minister, has denounced what he has called a new US-backed attempt to destabilise the country before the Presidential...

Vote no to imposition of Driver Only Operation – urges RMT’s...

SCOTRAIL employees are set to vote on strike action against the introduction of Driver Only Operation (DOO) trains, the RMT has announced. The management of...

Role of pro-Israel groups in US terrorism laws exposed

Decades before the events of 9/11, Zionist organisations such as the Anti-Defamation League were advocating for counter-terrorism laws that specifically targeted Palestinians, unveils a...

Global Condemnation Of Israel’s Killing Of Palestinian Civilians

GLOBAL condemnation has poured in following a recent deadly attack by the Israeli occupation forces on Palestinian civilians seeking food aid in the besieged...

35,000 Greek public & private sector workers take part in mass...

SOME 35,000 public and private sector workers and students took part in mass rallies and marches on Wednesday in central Athens as part of...

Stella Assange denounces the US case as ‘pathetic, founded on lies’

ON the second and pivotal day of Julian Assange’s appeal hearing, the unwavering spirit of Assange supporters was palpable outside London’s High Court, despite...

Israel deliberately targeting reporters in a desperate attempt to silence the...

THE TARGETED killing of journalists in Gaza by the Israeli regime claimed the lives of two Al Jazeera journalists on Sunday when the car...

Demand for inquiry into Israeli war crimes!

THE United Nations human rights office has called for an independent inquiry into allegations that Israeli forces ‘summarily executed’ at least 11 Palestinian men...

NHS squandering billions on privateers – warns the RCN

THE NHS has squandered billions on agencies that could have been used to hire over 31,000 nurses, says the Royal College of Nursing. New analysis...

Hezbollah and Hamas meet in Beirut to discuss closer coordination

THE secretary general of Lebanon’s Hezbollah resistance movement has met with a delegation of senior officials with the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement, as hundreds...

Israel using sniper drones in al-Shifa

‘WE WERE forced to bury them in a mass grave,’ al-Shifa Hospital Director Mohammad Abu Salmiya reported yesterday as he announced that 179 people,...

Biden leaves for Middle East!

US PRESIDENT Biden left Washington yesterday evening for Tel Aviv, where he is to meet Netanyahu and other Israeli politicians before flying to Amman...

BBC reveals how police abuse body cameras – time to disband...

IN 2005, the Metropolitan Police introduced a trial of body-worn cameras for police officers, a move that was quickly rolled out by forces throughout...

Army brought in as police demand complete legal immunity from prosecution

FOLLOWING a mass walkout by armed police over the decision to charge an unnamed armed police officer with murder over the shooting of 24-year-old...

Pro-Palestine activities in US & UK campuses facing restrictions!

CONCERNS are rising over restrictions to free speech, academic inquiry, and student activism related to Palestine at universities across the UK. This trend has been...

Met police officer charged with murder of Chris Kaba – ...

The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) announced on Wednesday that the Metropolitan Police Officer who shot Chris Kaba is being charged with murder. Chris Kaba, 24,...

IOPC reviewing destruction of Malkinson evidence

THE IOPC (Independent Office for Police Conduct) has begun an investigation as a result of its review into the way Greater Manchester Police handled...

Criminal Police Officers To Face Automatic Sackings!

POLICE officers guilty of gross misconduct in England and Wales will face automatic sackings, the government has announced. The change follows high-profile cases of officers...

To disband the police force and defend the NHS from...

ON Thursday, Tory Home Secretary Suella Braverman announced new government reforms of the police disciplinary system which means that in future any police officer...

Disband the police and go forward to a Workers State and...

TORY Home Secretary Suella Braverman announced another government ‘initiative’ this week, this time ordering the police to ‘crackdown on crime’. The very idea that the...

Now The Tuc Must Call A General Strike To Defend The...

NHS CONSULTANTS in England today begin two more days of industrial action, and have announced further strike dates in October, demonstrating their commitment to...

CONSULTANTS 2 DAYS OF STRIKE ACTION! – and further action to...

CONSULTANTS in England are holding two more days of strike action today and tomorrow, demonstrating their commitment to fix consultants’ pay in order to...

Kick out privatising hospital managers – place NHS under the management...

THE aftermath of the sentencing on Monday of Lucy Letby for the murder of seven babies and the attempted murder of six others at...

Family Of Kelso Cochrane Demand Access To Police File On His...

THE FAMILY of a black man murdered in 1959 is demanding access to the police file on his unsolved killing, said the radio documentary,...

Parents demand judge-led inquiry

TORY Prime Minister Rishi Sunak yesterday dodged the question as to whether the inquiry he announced into baby deaths at the Countess of Chester...

Managers Ignored Doctors Warnings!

THE BMA issued a powerful statement yesterday calling for ‘non-clinical managers in the NHS and other health service providers to be regulated, in line...

SA cops use water cannon and teargas against striking diamond miners!...

HUNDREDS of National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) members began a strike at the Ekapa diamond mines on August 7th; then on...

Time For The US Working Class To Dump The Republicans And...

FORMER US President Donald Trump has been charged with illegal plotting to overturn his 2020 election defeat. He is accused of four counts including...

BRITAIN’S DIRTY SECRET: UK aided CIA in extended programme of torture!

IN THE wake of recent revelations, it appears that agents from Britain’s intelligence community might finally be held accountable for their previously lesser-known involvement...

TROUBLES BILL: ‘Provides a blueprint for letting state forces and other...

MPs WERE urged to reject the UK government’s ‘cruel and contemptuous’ Northern Ireland legacy bill as it returned to the House of Commons for...

180 arrested during clashes in France after police shooting of 17-year-old!

‘AS MANY as 180 people were detained in France last night (Wednesday) for participation in unrest, sparked by the police shooting a 17-year-old driver...

Drop the extradition case! Free Assange! – answers demanded over destruction...

From an article by Di Stefania Maurizi FOR the last six years, the Crown Prosecution Service have rejected all of our attempts to shed light...

Braverman’s instruction to police to ‘ramp up’ stop-and-search inspired by fear...

ON MONDAY, Tory Home Secretary Suella Braverman announced that she is instructing all 43 police forces in England and Wales to ‘ramp up’ the...