UK economy is crashing into bankruptcy under the impact of the world capitalist crisis!


THE TORY Shadow Chancellor Mel Stride has refused to call for the resignation of Labour’s Chancellor Rachel Reeves.

Asked by Camilla Tomney on GB News if Reeves should go, he said: ‘I think there are serious questions around the judgements that Rachel Reeves is making.’ He added: ‘I am not going to speculate on the future of the Chancellor. That is a matter for the Prime Minister.’

He added: ‘The fact that she’s in China, cap in hand to the Chinese, when she should be over here at her station, reassuring the markets about the economy, are clearly matters that are deeply, deeply unsatisfactory.’

The fact that the Tory Shadow Chancellor refuses to call for the resignation of the Labour Chancellor, is an expression of the depth of the crisis of British capitalism and the complete bankruptcy of the Labour Party leadership.

In fact, as revealed in The Daily Telegraph on Saturday: ‘Britain’s gas reserves have dwindled to a “concerning” low with just one week’s supply left, as freezing temperatures and low winds grip the country this weekend.’

British Gas’ owner Centrica added: ‘The UK’s storage sites are now only about half-full.’ Britain is on the brink!

The Chief Executive of Centrica, Chris O’Shea said that there was enough gas in storage for one week in the UK compared with 89 days for Germany, 103 days for France and 123 days for the Netherlands!

The issue is whether the UK can make it through the winter without a series of disasters taking place, including large numbers of deaths!

In fact, Starmer’s 10 Downing Street is preparing to push through billions of pounds worth of cuts to disability benefits to try to calm the capitalist markets through the winter and prevent a complete financial collapse. He is acting for the bosses and would join a National Government.

Both the PM and Treasury leaders, and Starmer’s Labour leadership, consider that billions of pounds worth of cuts are necessary to ‘calm the markets’ over its economic crisis which is set to sharpen throughout the winter. A savage attack on the poor is necessary to create the conditions where the rich can feel secure.

Meanwhile, the cost of living is rising and fruit and vegetable costs are rocketing.

Chancellor Reeves is under greater pressure to prove to the markets that she can push through savage cuts.

Officials are already ‘exploring’ tightening the rules to cut, cut and cut again, so that the standard of living of the working class ceases to exist.

It is in this situation that the TUC and the trade unions cannot just stand idly by and watch as the working class and the youth face massive Tory attacks!

There must be a Special Congress of the TUC called to mobilise the working class class for a general strike to bring down the Starmer government and bring in a Workers Government.

The capitalist crisis is a world crisis. It is the death agony of a completely out-of-date social system that should have been got rid of in the 1930s, and must not be allowed to smash the wages and working conditions of the working people of the world.

It is the capitalist system that is in its death agony. It must not be allowed to drag the working class back to some new Dark Age.

Now is the time to build sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International worldwide to carry through the victory of the World Socialist Revolution and bring in a socialist planned economy worldwide.

Now is the time to build a mass Young Socialists movement of hundreds of thousands of youth in the UK who will drive forward the Workers Revolutionary Party to lead and organise the British Socialist Revolution, as part of the struggle for the victory of the World Socialist Revolution.