The Tory crisis is the source of the Labour ‘racism’ provocations!


THE attempt to frame up Ken Livingstone as a rabid racist, after similar attempts to do the same to Labour leader Corbyn, who was depicted as being practically a member of Hezbollah and/or Hamas, and then to the Labour candidate for the post of London Lord Mayor, Sadiq Khan (depicted as a man who solidarised with IS sympathisers) is rooted not in any misdeeds of the accused, but in the acute crisis of British capitalism and the desperate state of crisis of the Tory Party, now on its deathbed.

We can learn something from history about the above attacks. In 1924, just four days before the general election, when Ramsay MacDonald was the Labour PM and the leader of a minority Labour government, the Daily Mail published a letter allegedly from the head of the Communist International, Zinoviev, whose author was actually M15, to the CPGB, containing instructions for action to prepare the way for an insurrection.

The letter with its emphasis on actions that ‘will assist in the revolutionising of the international and British proletariat’ assisted in the disintegration of the minority government and the coming to office of the Baldwin led Tory government. This then prepared the state to meet the general strike that was rapidly developing and took place in 1926.

This was sold out by the TUC after just over a week and led directly to the ‘hungry 30s’.

The current ‘racist’ onslaught on the Labour Party is straight out of the Zinoviev letter cookbook.

In a situation where capitalism is heading for another world crash – with the Tories behind Labour in the struggle to win the election for London Mayor, and the Tory Party as a whole on the edge of the precipice, absolutely split over the EU, at war with itself, in a situation described by ex-Thatcher Chancellor Clarke as one where, if Cameron lost the EU referendum, he would last just 30 seconds – desperate measures are truly required.

It is vital that the Tories throw a bomb into the Mayoral election and into the centre of the Labour Party. The accusations of widespread Labour racism is their weapon of choice! Since modern racism was an invention of the British ruling class and its empire, the choice of racism as a weapon to beat the Labourites with is pretty desperate. However the need to try and weaken, and then split the Labour party is even more desperate.

The ruling class and its provocateurs do have a problem, outside of the outlandish nature of their charges. This is that the working class has given a lot of support to Corbyn and the new Labour leadership. Even the Labour right wing is arguing that even if they mount a coup to overthrow Corbyn and bring in some Tory lover, the basic membership of the Labour party has changed, and that if Corbyn was to be on the new list of leadership contenders, he would be re-elected!

In this situation the truth is very concrete. Even if Cameron wins the referendum, the prospect is that there will be two or more Tory parties, and the Cameron regime will need propping up. The ‘racist’ attack on Labour’s left is to create the conditions where its right wing can summon up the necessary righteous indignation to walk out and then form a national government with the Tories, to save the nation by speeding up and deepening the various austerity programmes.

This is why the way to answer the attacks on Livingstone and Khan is to vote labour in the election for London’s mayor and to vote ‘Leave’ on June 23 to bring down the Cameron government to go forward to a workers government and socialism.

As part of this answer the working class must tell the TUC to stop propping up Cameron, as they are doing at the moment over the EU, and by looking the other way so that the junior doctors are fighting alone.

The TUC annual conference must be recalled so that the unions’ seven million members can instruct their leaders to vote ‘Leave’ on June 23, and also that the unions must ally themselves with the junior doctors and call a general strike to defend the NHS and bring down the Cameron gang.

A UK workers government will expropriate the bosses and bankers to build enough houses and create enough jobs for all. It will also fight for a Socialist United States of Europe and for the establishment of the Palestinian state!