
Daily editorials from the newspaper

Cable threatens unions – answer with Indefinite general strike

VINCE CABLE, the coalition Business Secretary, used his speech to the GMB union’s annual conference yesterday to deliver a stark warning to the unions...

Palestine erupts on 44th anniversary of Six-Day-war

IN 1967, Israel, in the infamous ‘Six-Day War’, used its air power, and its backing from the Western powers, to defeat Arab armies and...

Taliban Wins The War!

THE news that the United States and Britain are going to the United Nations security council to push for UN sanctions against 18 top...

Workers action shakes Rajapakse

A FIERCE struggle has erupted in Sri Lanka between the military-police dictatorship of Mahinda Rajapakse and over a hundred thousand garment workers in the...

Keep Profiteers Out Of NHS And Elderly Care

HEALTHCARE as a business is now being exposed as a malicious and very nasty fraud. First we had the Mid Staffs NHS hospital crisis with...

Only A Socialist Revolution Can Feed The Planet

OXFAM warned yesterday that average prices of staple crops will more than double in 20 years if urgent action is not taken to change...

Social care starved of funds – one million without support

A new report, Care in Crisis, issued by Age UK spells out exactly what the Tory-led coalition’s destruction of the welfare state means for...

Obama Sends In Medvedev As Stalinists Betray Libyan Masses Again

AT the Group of 8 meeting (G8) of the largest industrialised nations, the Russian Stalinist bureaucracy voted for regime change in Libya and then...

Victory to Libya Bring down the coalition!

AFTER initial hesitation, and no doubt after a talking to by President Obama, and after President Sarkozy jumped the gun with his announcement, the...

Essential relationship = master and servant

US President Barak Obama, in his speech to both houses of parliament last Wednesday, did little more than restate the old George Bush doctrine...

British Capitalist Economy Down The Pan!

THE latest Office of National Statistics (ONS) GDP figures show two quarters – six months – of zero growth in the British capitalist...

Obama attempts to con Irish workers

FOR the second time in two weeks Irish workers and youth have been subjected to a powerful imperialist propaganda assault designed to shore up...

Spanish youth shake Zapatero government

The Spanish municipal and regional elections that were held on Sunday took place under unprecedented conditions as thousands of youth and workers defied the...

US unions being driven to historic break with Democrats

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said last Friday that US workers want an ‘independent’ labour movement designed to help the working class, not a specific...

Obama Attempts To Ride The Revolutionary Tiger

IN his speech on Thursday, President Obama made it clear that the United States is currently attempting to ride the tiger of revolution. He said:...

Irish and UK ruling classes uniting against working class

MARX says in his 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte that ‘Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak,...

Claimant count rises as UK economy carries on sinking!

UK unemployment fell by 36,000 in the three months to the end of March, to 2.46 million. However, the number of people receiving...

Bush, Blair, Obama, And Cameron Are The War Criminals!

THAT the chief prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) is seeking arrest warrants against Libyan leader Muammar Gadaffi, his son and his brother-in-law, on...

Cameron Poses As The Soldiers’ Friend

THE government is to write into law for the first time the principles of a ‘military covenant’, which will give members of the navy,...

Bomb Gadaffi Out Of Power Urges General Richards

THE NATO war that was supposedly being waged to defend Libyan civilians must be stepped up and Libya’s infrastructure destroyed if Colonel Gadaffi is...

Reject BA Sell-Out!

THERE can be only one response by BA cabin crew to the latest attempt by the national leadership of Unite to impose a ‘settlement’...

Youth slave labour plan by Osborne and Co

THE Tory Prime Minister Cameron and his LibDem Deputy Clegg visited the Olympic site in Stratford yesterday to spell out that the only future...


CPI inflation is expected to hit 5% later this year due to higher energy and other utility bills that will continue rising by up...

Palestinian revolution on the march to Jerusalem!

THE Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas has said that the Palestinians are determined to seek recognition of a Palestinian state from the United Nations...

Suicide guidelines for Jobcentres

THE leaking of new guidelines to staff working with the unemployed exposes the barbarity of the coalition government’s onslaught on the sick, vulnerable and...

Miliband Holds Out His Hand To The Hated Libdems!

SO the farce continues. The LibDems, having received a drubbing at the hands of the electorate for their treachery, are now pledging, through their...

LibDems shattered while Labour gets Scottish shock!

THE coalition with the Tories is proving to be the kiss of death for the LibDems. They are hated, and paying the price for...

Rates On Hold As Economy Folds!

UK interest rates were kept on hold at 0.5% yesterday, the 26th month in a row that the Bank of England has left interest...

Israeli Fury At Palestinian Unity!

PALESTINIAN president, Mahmud Abbas, and Hamas leader, Khaled Mishaal, yesterday signed the Palestinian Unity Agreement in Cairo, putting an end to the split in...

Defend The Post Office! Stop Royal Mail Privatisation!

THE CWU revealed yesterday that 9,360 post offices will close once Royal Mail is privatised and the inter-business agreement with the Post Office is...

Bin Laden killing opens Obama election campaign

When US President, Barack Obama, announced on Sunday night that Osama bin Laden had been killed in a dawn raid by US special forces...

UK-NATO attempt on Gadaffi’s life fails!

THE murderous attack on the home of Saif al Arab, the youngest son of Colonel Gadaffi, killed Saif and three grand children of the...

A Revolutionary May Day

THE News Line sends its revolutionary greetings to the workers and the oppressed peoples of the world on this historic May Day. The world...

A victory for the ‘March 15’ revolutionary youth

THE force of the Arab revolution, sweeping through North Africa and the Middle East, yesterday won a new victory when the campaign of the...

When The Victim Becomes The Criminal

STUDENT Alfie Meadows, who underwent an emergency brain operation after his head was broken by a police truncheon, when he was kettled during a...

Victory To The Arab Socialist Revolution!

THE world capitalist crisis is driving forward the working class and poor of the world to carry through the world socialist revolution, and replace...

Teachers Vote For General Strike

AT THEIR annual conference last Saturday the NUT (National Union of Teachers) passed a resolution committing the union to a strike ballot over attacks...

The Police Spy In Your Pocket

THE millions of people throughout the world who rushed out last June to buy the latest must-have piece of technology from the Apple company...

The US kettle calls the Pakistani pot black

THE US military’s top officer, Admiral Mike Mullen, has accused Pakistan’s spy agency of having links with Taleban fighters who are targeting US forces....

Banking parasites still riding high off of the public purse

THE Committee of Public Accounts today publishes a report which reveals in the words of its chair Margaret Hodge that: ‘The peak of the...

Capitalist Debt Crisis Demands A Socialist Revolution!

THE deepening world capitalist crisis is poised to see entire nation states defaulting, plunging their banks into an even more desperate crisis, deepening the...

World Bank chief fears youth and world revolution!

When the President of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, concluded a summit of the bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) with the statement...

Libyan Land War Looms!

FIRST of all they embraced Gadaffi like a long lost brother in 2004, just one year after the mass slaughter in Iraq. The...

Children Going To School Hungry!

THE survey by the ATL (Association of Teachers and Lecturers) into child poverty has exposed what the reality of bankrupt capitalism means for millions...

Coaliton Policies Put The Elderly On The Breadline

RISING costs and rampant price inflation are leaving half of older people living on the breadline. According to the AGE UK charity nearly half are...