Unions Must Fight And Defeat Local Pay Plans
THE Tory LibDem coalition, despite all its problems and weaknesses, waged a war to bring its Health and Social Care privatising bill into law. They...
Unite Leaders, As In The BA Dispute, Postpone Action Yet Again!
LAST Wednesday afternoon, the Unite trade union reps for its tanker driver membership rejected the employers’ offer, and the union was due to present...
Imf Predicts A Global Catastrophe
THE European banks are heading at speed into a crash that will bring down not just the economies of the 17-nation Eurozone but the...
Production down, inflation up, pensioners savings destroyed – the ‘recovery’ so far!
INFLATION may stay above 3% during the rest of this year, according to Paul Tucker, a deputy governor of the Bank of England. He...
The Death Penalty For Breivik – No Platform For Fascists!
THE fascist who killed 77 people, the majority of them at a youth school of the Norwegian Young Socialists, in bomb and gun attacks...
Eurozone on brink of collapse – forward to Socialist United States of Europe
The news yesterday that the cost of borrowing for Spain has jumped to over 6% will inevitably mean that for the country to stagger...
Kabul Taking The Place Of Saigon In The Pantheon Of US Imperialist Disasters
THE Taleban yesterday carried out another daring attack in the centre of the Afghan capital, Kabul, with gun and shellfire taking place near to...
After Bradford – No Change In Labour Policies
LABOUR Party leader Miliband said on Thursday that both national and local factors were to blame for the party’s massive defeat at the hands...
Nato Murderers!
IT is enshrined in International Maritime Law that any ship, whether civilian or military, is bound to answer distress calls and render assistance to...
Hands Off Syria – Smash The Gulf Feudal Regimes
THE Syrian government has informed the UN envoy, Kofi Annan, that it will respect the cease fire agreement that it is a party to,...
EU rights court sends UK citizens to US ‘supermax’ prisons!
THE European Court of Human Rights has backed the extradition of five men from the UK to the US which intends to put them...
Unemployment And Poverty Soaring!
THE Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) confirmed what people already know, when it predicted yesterday that unemployment is set to rise, this...
Teachers must not fight alone – TUC must call a general strike
The annual conferences of the two largest teaching unions, the NUT and the NASUWT, meeting at the weekend heard that the unions and the...
Christoulas makes his call for REVOLUTION!
A 77-YEAR-old Greek pensioner penned his political testament on Wednesday, before he blew his brains out in front of the Greek parliament, a parliament...
No Respite From The Capitalist Crisis!
IT is one of the features of the capitalist crisis that it proceeds not in a straight line but through a downward spiral movement...
ICC refuses to act over Israel’s Gaza war crimes
PALESTINIAN youth and workers marched very bravely all over the occupied territories last Friday on Land Day, and they were met as usual by...
Tory Big Brother will be spying on everybody!
THE News International empire’s phone hacking and spying, and the way that it sought to regulate the government and bend the police force to...
30th anniversary of Malvinas war – reject imperialist war hysteria
Yesterday marked the 30th anniversary of the Malvinas (Falklands) war, a war involving a tiny island with a population in 1982 of less than...
Savage Spanish cuts will stoke a fire that no firewall can keep at bay
THE Spanish government is to cut 27bn euros (£22.5bn) from its budget this year. Among the measures are the freezing of public sector...
Workers want the Tories out but don’t want Miliband and Balls back
THIS IS the message that is coming out of the Bradford West by-election where Respect candidate George Galloway was ‘unexpectedly’, out of the blue,...
Cameron-Osborne Are No Joke!
THE row over the Tories so-called ‘pasty tax’ has become a dangerous diversion in the hands of the Labour leadership who are intent on...
Oecd Calls For A Giant Firewall!
UK economic growth for the last quarter of 2011 has been revised downwards to a 0.3% contraction, another body blow to those who had...
Nuclear Terrorists Attend Seoul Summit
A WORLD leaders summit in Seoul on nuclear security has called for closer co-operation to tackle the threat of nuclear terrorism. President Obama warned there...
End education privatisation
The complete privatisation of public services has taken a massive step forward with the announcement that a further education college in Luton is to...
Cruddas scandal – ruling class split over Cameron leadership
The resignation by the chief Tory fundraiser and party co-treasurer, Peter Cruddas, late on Saturday gave one more glimpse into the corruption that lies...
Break The Blockade Of Gaza!
GAZA is being reduced from a massive prison for the Palestinian people to one in which they are homeless, jobless, and beginning to go...
Osborne Mugs The Pensioners!
WEDNESDAY’S budget left no room for doubt about who the coalition government intends should pay to bail out the bankrupt British economy – pensioners,...
Osborne’s Budget For The Bosses!
OSBORNE began his budget address yesterday by admitting the calamitous state of British capitalism saying that recovery would be ‘challenging’ since ‘we’ve had the...
Return The Malvinas To Argentina!
PERU has cancelled a visit by a Royal Navy frigate, HMS Montrose, that had been due this week. Peruvian Foreign Minister Rafael Roncagliolo said: ‘This...
Privatisation of roads and Royal Mail
The leadership of the postal workers union (CWU) delivered a treacherous blow to their members when they hailed the announcement that the government is...
Tories Challenge The Unions With Plan To Impose Low Pay
UNIONS have reacted angrily to plans to scrap national pay rates for public sector workers. Chancellor George Osborne is expected to say civil...
Italy, Spain and Greece erupting against EU austerity
ITALIAN car giant Fiat has shut down five of its plants as the Italian ruling class struggles against a transport workers strike directed against...
Chinese Stalinists fear workers political revolution!
IN an extraordinary speech given at his annual press conference, the outgoing Chinese prime minister, Wen Jiabao, warned that China risks a ‘historical tragedy’...
Capitalist State Tooling Up F0R Civil War
A SCOTLAND YARD review into the 2010 summer riots ‘Four Days in August’ shows very clearly that the capitalist state in the UK...
Israel Accepts Gaza Ceasefire Out Of Fear Of The Arab Revolution
THE Egyptian military have brokered a truce between the militant Palestinian factions in Gaza and the Israeli military, which had been bombing Gaza for...
Greek crisis rages – forward with European socialist revolution
European finance ministers met in Brussels yesterday to rubber-stamp the deal agreed at the last minute last Thursday to bail-out the bankrupt Greek economy...
Imperialist War Equals Massacre And Dehumanisation
A US SOLDIER in Afghanistan has killed at least 16 civilians and wounded five men, women and children. Nato said it was investigating...
The Desperate Housing Crisis!
IT WAS Frederick Engels who said that the housing problem and capitalism were inseparable, and that to get rid of the former you would...
End Of The Road For The UK-US Afghan War
THE news that the death toll of British soldiers in Afghanistan passed the 400 mark this week has been greeted with outpourings of grief...
There Must Be Trade Union Acti0N To Stop NHS Privatisation!
THE Health and Social Care Bill is set to become law within weeks. This is after the LibDem ‘revolt’, which the Labour bureaucracy was telling...
Netanyahu ready to strike Iran, while McCain calls to bomb Syria
ISRAEL, which has several hundred nuclear bombs, has issued a warning that it will not wait much longer before it strikes Iran, which has...
Privatising the Law
The disclosure over the weekend that two police authorities, West Midlands and Surrey, have started the process of privatising the police service in their...
Egyptian Military Shut Down Gaza Power Supply
ALI AL-HAYIK, the head of Gaza’s Federation of Industries and the Palestinian Businessmen Association on the Gaza Strip, warned yesterday that dozens of factories...
Hold Criminal Governments To Account, Says Cameron
UK Prime Minister David Cameron called for the ‘criminal’ Syrian government to be held to account, and threatened Syria’s people that there would be...
The Chief Banker Condemns The Banks
THE governor of the bank of England, Mervyn King, has launched a scathing attack on the major UK banks, accusing them of trying to...