
Daily editorials from the newspaper

Balls Is The Bankers Man!

BEFORE the 1997 election, the Blair-Brown gang proved to big business that they were the right men to run capitalism by conducting a war...

Eurozone Crisis Is Hitting Every Country

IN a week when Greece and Spain witnessed massive strikes and demonstrations against austerity measures – designed to drive the working class and youth...

Build the Fourth International throughout Europe

YESTERDAY Greece was hit by a massive general strike with tens of thousands of workers marching in Athens demanding that there be an...

Lagarde admits crisis as deep as five years ago!

IMF CHIEF Christine Lagarde opened her speech of last Monday in Washington with a dose of false optimism. She said: ‘Let me begin by saying...

GM jobs crisis hits UK-EU!

THE week long closure of the two remaining GM owned Vauxhall plants in the UK at Luton and Ellesmere Port which started yesterday marks...

Revolution Emerging All Over Europe

THE Portuguese government has agreed to look for alternatives to th social security tax rise, just one week after huge anti-austerity street protests shook...

Governor King Breaks Ranks With Osborne

UK PUBLIC sector borrowing has hit a record high of £14.4bn. After more than two years of Tory austerity measures, the deficit for August...

Greece For Sale – Lock Stock And Barrel!

AT the end of August the EU-imposed Greek prime minister, Antonis Sameras, announced to a disbelieving populace that the £9.3 billion cuts imposed on...

Build Fourth International Throughout Africa

THE victory of the strike of the Lonmim miners will inspire not just the workers of South Africa and Africa as a whole, but...

Coalition plan to beat the poorest to aid the richest

SO FAR trillions of pounds have been spent by the state, using taxpayers’ money, to rescue, prop up and save bankrupt banks and...

‘Welfare reforms’ a declaration of war against workers and youth

THE Tory pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, is a man on a mission – a mission to drive the unemployed, low paid and youth...

Taleban inflict serious reverse on US–UK forces in Camp Bastion!

IT HAS emerged that the US-UK forces lost six Harrier jump jets – completely destroyed with two more badly damaged – in the highly...

Federal Reserve Opens The Inflationary Floodgates!

BANK SHARES rose rapidly yesterday with the news that the Federal Reserve Bank is to open up the inflationary floodgates and re-prop up the...

Defend NHS hospital care with occupations and a general strike!

A REPORT  issued by the Royal College of Physicians (RCP) this week exposes the appalling state of hospitals in England as the NHS is...

Examine practicalities of a general strike by organising it now!

THE TUC Congress was dominated by the growing mass anger of the working class at the Tory-led coalition policy of wage freezing and massive...

Nut Warns Over Free Schools And Academies

COMMENTING on the latest Education at a Glance report by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Christine Blower, General Secretary of the...

Government plans to smash up health and safety laws

THE Tory-led coalition is pushing full steam ahead with its plans to completely smash up the health and safety legislation and leave hundreds of...

Make the TUC call a general strike to Bring down the coalition, Smash the...

TODAY at 9am the TUC General Council is discussing a motion from the Prison Officers Association (who have no right to strike) that urges...

Draghi proposes Central Bank dictatorship – while the German bankers warn of hyper-inflation

SPANISH 10-year bond yields fell yesterday to 5.77%, below 6% for the first time since May, while yields on the equivalent Italian bonds fell...

Obama Dumps Two-State Solution!

PROPONENTS of the two-state solution to Palestine, that is the creation of two separate states, Israel and Palestine through peaceful negotiations, with East Jerusalem...

Greek Workers Have No Alternative To Revolution!

A LEAKED email sent to the Greek Ministries of Finance and Labour from the Troika mafia in Brussels says Greek private sector workers must...

Murdoch’s Poodle Hunt Gets Health Privatisation Job

HEALTH Secretary Andrew Lansley has been demoted to the role of Leader of the House of Commons. This is after his health goose was cooked...

Sack Gove not teachers, stop privatisation of schools

TEACHERS in England returned to work this week facing an all-out assault on their jobs, their pay and the very existence of free state...

The EU crisis is threatening catastrophe

THE UN’S International Labour Organisation has issued a dire warning of the disaster that will follow on from Greece being evicted from the EU...

Miners charged with murder – ANC stands with the bosses!

THE SOUTH AFRICAN ANC government and its state apparatus have taken a very clear class stand, alongside international capital, with their decision to charge...

Mursi supports imperialist drive to overthrow Assad!

PRESIDENT MURSI caused a Syrian walk-out at the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) meeting in Tehran yesterday when he attacked the Syrian government and supported the...

Massive run on Spanish banks shakes the EU and the euro

THE European Central Bank has reported that outflows from the Spanish banks reached 74bn euros (£59bn) in the month of July,...

Smash The Zionist Entity! Forward To The State Of Palestine!

THE decision of an Israeli court to reject that the Israeli army and state were in any way responsible for the 2003 Israeli...

Anc Leopard Will Not Change Its Spots!

TOP members of South Africa’s ruling ANC party met yesterday to discuss the political crisis that has emerged in the wake of the ANC’s...

Libya disintegrates while the NATO vandals admire their work

A SHRINE in the Libyan capital Tripoli venerating a Sufi Muslim saint has been destroyed – the latest in a series of outrages by...

New Axis Of Evil Threatens War With Syria!

THE new axis of evil, the leaders of the US, France and the UK, have come together to threaten Syria with war, with US...

Tories planning to close hundreds of schools

HUNDREDS of state-run schools in England are facing closure as a direct result of the Tory-led coalition’s war against free state education, it emerged...

Greek PM pleads for the granting of a little breathing space

THE GREEK BOURGEOISIE is now pleading for more time to repay its massive loans. The unelected Prime Minister, Samaras, who was selected...

Lonmin forced to withdraw their sack threat!

UK-OWNED platinum mining giant Lonmin (the world’s third largest platinum producer) has been forced by the strength and defiance of the miners, supported by...

Nationalise Lonmin – forward with South African socialist revolution

The massacre of 34 striking miners at the hands of the ANC government’s police last Thursday marked a decisive point in the development of...

Neither savage deflation or massive inflation but socialism!

LABOUR’S last Chancellor, Alistair Darling, has urged the Tories to set about printing or borrowing even more money to finance growth. It must be remembered...

Sa Police Massacre Platinum Miners

SOUTH AFRICAN workers have been shocked by the ANC government’s police force shooting dead over 30 miners at the Lonmin UK-owned platinum mine. Fifty...

Put Cameron, Hague and Obama on trial, and free Assange!

ACCORDING to William Hague, the Tory Foreign Minister and Acting Prime Minister, Britain has a ‘legal obligation’ to extradite Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to...

Unemployment and slave labour – the bourgeois future for youth

‘UK unemployment falls to 2.56 million’, is the fraudulent headline, with Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith declaring: ‘It’s the private sector...

EU slumps while UK inflation rises!

THE eurozone economy shrank in the third quarter from April to June by 0.2%, with France having a third consecutive quarter of no growth...

Mass sackings on way in bankrupt Britain

IT’S ‘make or break’ time for UK manufacturing, according to the authoritative Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), an organisation not noted for...

US-UK Forces Must Quit Afghanistan Now!

THE position of the imperialist powers in Afghanistan has become completely untenable. Their forces are not wanted either by the Taleban or the mass...

Hague hands £5m to the Syrian counter-revolution

THE British government has responded to the success of the Syrian government in driving the Al Qaeda-supported Free Syrian Army out of Damascus, and...

Food prices surge will drive revolution!

GLOBAL food prices rose sharply in July. The wild swings in weather conditions are responsible says the UN food and agricultural body. The July...

King sees nothing but the ‘black cloud of uncertainty’

THE Governor of the Bank of England yesterday poured gallons of ice cold water over the prospects of British and world capitalism. King cut the...