Private hospital forced to close surgery unit!
A DAMNING report from the Care Quality Commission into the running of a private hospital has finally emerged in public some four months after...
Coalition launches Royal Mail ‘Blitzkrieg’ – Recall CWU conference!
A ‘blitzkrieg strategy’ was how the bourgeois press dubbed last Monday’s announcement by business minister, Michael Fallon, that he was starting the process of...
Universal Credit = war on benefits
YESTERDAY the Tory-led coalition launched its ‘pathfinder’ trial of the new Universal Credit System at a job centre in Ashton-under-Lyne, Manchester. From here the government...
Bangladesh: a paradise for the bosses, and a hell for the workers
THE arrest of the owner of the collapsed building in Dakha is just a tiny sop to the massive anger felt by Bangladeshi workers...
Desperate US and UK warmongers play the lying WMD card
IN March 2003, the US-UK axis led by warmongers Bush and Blair – after claiming that there was irrefutable evidence that Iraq possessed weapons...
Miliband Lashes Out At The Unions
ON Wednesday night the Labour leader, Ed Miliband, launched a scathing attack on the leader of the largest trade union, Unite, denouncing him for...
Defend Syria – bring down Cameron and Hague
GILLES DE KERCHOVE, the EU’s anti-terror chief yesterday told the BBC that hundreds of Europeans are now fighting with the counter-revolutionary forces in Syria...
TUC must call indefinite general strike to bring down coalition now!
TODAY’S meeting of the TUC general council must get off the fence and call for an immediate all-out, indefinite general strike to bring down...
Hands off nurses! Government to blame for cuts
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) started its annual conference this week in the midst of a brutal attack on the nursing profession spearheaded...
Fitch strips UK of triple-A rating
LAST Friday, Fitch ratings agency became the second of the world’s three big credit agencies to strip Britain of its top notch triple-A credit...
Only a revolution wIll halt the Bahrain grand prix
VERY heavy clashes between masses of anti-government protesters and the Bahraini security forces continued into last night, ahead of tomorrow’s F1 Grand Prix. The...
Stop Royal Mail Privatisation!
NEXT week the postal workers union, CWU, is holding its delegate conference under conditions where the coalition government is planning the wholesale privatisation of...
Ireland heading for a general strike
THE Croke Park II proposals to cut the public sector pay bill, as part of an additional one billion euros of state cuts, have...
Hands Off Syria – To ‘End The Cruelty And Carnage’
THE heads of five major UN agencies have issued a joint appeal to the international community, a code phrase for the imperialist...
Coalition plans Royal Mail sell-off at knock-down price
News broke yesterday that the long expected attempt by the coalition to sell off and privatise Royal Mail is set to occur this autumn. What...
US Working Class At The Crossroads – Break With The Democrats Now!
EVERYWHERE, from the motor car industry to the mines of Appalacia, the US working class is struggling for its jobs and its trade union...
Withdraw All US Forces From Korea – Hands Off North Korea
THE hysterical propaganda that North Korea is run by a young madman, who is about to press a button to attack the US mainland...
Lobby TUC April 24 – make them call a general strike
THE News Line calls for a massive lobby of the next meeting of the TUC General Council on Wednesday 24th April, to demand the...
Hurry And Make Peace With Taleban Urge Mps
THE start of an Afghan-led peace deal with the Taleban is needed to secure the future of Afghanistan after British troops leave, a group...
The British ruling class embraces a corpse
MARGARET Thatcher was ignored by the bourgeoisie for 23 years after she was put out of office by the Tory leadership in 1990. This...
Hundreds of Thousands Facing DLA Cuts
Yesterday saw the introduction of changes to the benefits available to the disabled that will leave hundreds of thousands facing cuts of between £20.55...
Defend Welfare, Defend The NHS, Defend All Benefits, Bring Down Coalition
TORY leader Cameron has backed Chancellor George Osborne after he suggested a link between the Mick Philpott case and the Welfare State. The prime...
The Banking Standards Commission selects three scapegoats for the capitalist crisis
THE farcically misnamed Banking Standards Commission (as if the banks had any standards) was created to try and prevent an even bigger banking collapse...
Call A General Strike Now!
THE demand for a general strike to bring down the government has been driven by the working class onto the immediate agenda of the...
Arm The Palestinian Masses Now!
ISRAEL has set Palestine ablaze yet again with the death in an Israeli prison of Maysarah Abu Hamdiyeh, a 64-year-old prisoner, who had been...
American dream turns to nightmare!
HUNDREDS of US cities are going bust, either destroyed by the banking and property collapse or by the crisis of the major US industries. The...
Defend the NHS! defend the Welfare state! Bring down the Coalition!
IN his recent budget speech Chancellor Osborne stated his objective is: ‘Building a modern reformed state we can afford.’ The truth of the matter is...
Trade Unions Must Take Action To Smash The Bedroom Tax!
TODAY is the day when the outrageous Bedroom Tax begins and hundreds of thousands of working people will see between 14% and 25% of...
Teachers At War With The Government!
THE two biggest teachers unions have begun their annual conferences, where they will challenge the government over pay, Ofsted inspections and England’s Academies and...
The crisis is leaving the working class no alternative to revolution
A FURTHER nail was driven into the coffin of British capitalism this week with the release of figures showing that the income from overseas...
Bank Of Cyprus Occupied By Angry Workers
FURIOUS CYPRIOT workers took over the streets of Nicosia on Tuesday and occupied the Bank of Cyprus. The occupation took place on the...
Hundreds Of Thousands Being Referred To Foodbanks
HUNDREDS of thousands of welfare claimants are being denied support by the social services, and are being referred to foodbanks by Job Centre staff...
World capitalism is in its death agony – forward with the world socialist revolution
YESTERDAY’S ‘solution’ to the economic crisis of Cyprus is simply the decision of the EU bankers and the IMF to completely bankrupt the country...
Berezovskiy goes bust as capitalist crisis deepens!
POLICE were yesterday searching the home of Boris Berezovskiy. They were desperately looking for chemical, biological or nuclear material, so that they could...
Agree to robbery with violence or face eviction – Troika warns Cyprus
MPs in Cyprus have been told to agree, by Monday, on a series of bills to raise 6bn euros off the backs of the...
Impotent Osborne Lashes Out At The Workers
TORY chancellor George Osborne started his budget speech last Wednesday with a confession that British capitalism is totally impotent in the face of the...
Osborne to make £11.5bn spending review cuts!
ON a day during which it was announced by German bankers that Cyprus’ banks may never open again, and by the ONS that UK...
No State Control Of The Media!
THE OSCE (Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe), the political cloak for NATO, has issued a warning about the agreement to establish an...
Spies Who Fooled the World
ON the eve of the tenth anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq by British and US forces the BBC’s Panorama programme last night...
‘Clear-cut robbery in Cyprus’ – the penalty for the crime is revolution!
THE Cypriot parliament yesterday postponed an emergency session on the 7-10% banking tax imposed by the EU on every depositor in the country’s...
Detroit gets its dictator over workers’ jobs, unions and wages
AN emergency manager, in fact a financial dictator with powers over jobs, wages and conditions, has been appointed for the bankrupt US city of...
WITH less than three weeks to go before the start of the Tory-led coalition government’s plan to open up the entire NHS to the...
Cameron wants to intervene in Syria!
AT the same time as Foreign Secretary Hague has been insisting publicly that the UK will not supply arms and ammunition to their Syrian...
US warns Pakistan over gas pipeline link with Iran
THE Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari on Monday officially inaugurated the final construction phase of the Iran-Pakistan gas...
Liam Fox’s ‘jihad’ against public spending
SPEAKING on BBC radio yesterday morning the LibDem business secretary, Vince Cable, described proposals being put forward by senior Tory MP Liam Fox as...