
Daily editorials from the newspaper

One Year Since The Marikana Massacre

THE MARIKANA massacre of mineworkers in South Africa one year ago, in which 34 miners were murdered by the police and hundreds injured, has...

The US’ allies in Egypt are at each other’s throats!

THE bloodbath in Egypt last Wednesday, which saw hundreds of supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood cut down in cold blood by the Egyptian army,...

Capitalist recovery fraud is stoking working class fury

WORKERS and young people will be forgiven if they believe that they are living in some parallel universe that has absolutely no connection with...

Commuters Demand Bring Back British Rail

THE announcement this week that the coalition government has sanctioned an inflation busting 4.1% increase in rail fares across England has thrown the spotlight...

Tesco & Next Make Bryant Run

THE shadow minister for immigration, Bryant, yesterday ran away from confronting Tesco and Next over employing migrant workers at reduced wages in place of...

Opportunist Burnham launches drive to replace opportunist Miliband!

BURNHAM, who served as Labour’s health secretary under Gordon Brown and enthusiastically pursued polices to privatise the NHS, cut its budget and bankrupt it...

US Mounts Drone Assault On The Yemen

AFTER withdrawing its embassy staff from 20 countries, the US ruling class has now launched a drone blitz on the Yemen, with three drone...

Stop the A&E closure programme by booting out the Tory coalition

JUST days after Health Secretary Hunt was found to be acting unlawfully with his plan to close the A&E and other facilities at Lewisham...

Low Interest Rates And Quantitative Easing Forever Pledges Carney

THE new Bank of England governor Carney yesterday in his ‘Inflation Report’ gave big business a sample of his ‘forward guidance’. This amounted to inflation,...

Imperialism In Crisis In Egypt, Syria And The Yemen

THE US State Department has told its citizens and all non-emergency government staff to leave the Yemen ‘immediately’ due to increased threats to their...

Trade unions must fight zero hours contracts

THE news that over one million workers now have ‘zero hours contracts’ and work only when their employer wants them, have no holidays or...

The ‘Peace Process’ is a Fraud!

THE long-serving Palestinian prisoners whom Israel has pledged to release, and whose pledge prepared the way for the Palestinian leader Abbas to reopen the...

US rules Egyptian Military are Democrats

THE US ruling class has finally worked out its line on the military coup that was carried out in Egypt to overthrow the elected...

CWU Reps demand action while the leaders equivocate

THE two-day national meeting of postal workers representatives at the union’s Policy Forum this week demonstrated that CWU members have gone way beyond their...

Manning faces long jail sentence as US demands return of Snowden

A US military judge on Tuesday found former US Army intelligence officer Bradley Manning not guilty of aiding the enemy, but guilty of five...

Peace Talks Begin With Attack On Ramallah Demonstrators

THE Palestinian Israeli ‘peace talks’, officially began on Monday but actually the process began on the Sunday in Ramallah when Palestinian police ...

Unions act now against NHS cuts

A HUGE contract for health services, including end-of-life care in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, is being put out to tender with privateers such as Virgin...

Forward with the Egyptian revolution

HUNDREDS of people are reported to have been killed in Cairo, Alexandria and other cities throughout Egypt, and thousands injured after the army leaders...

Japanese Imperialists Flex Their Muscles

JAPANESE Nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has just been re-elected and has immediately begun a drive to prepare for war against China and North...

McCluskey’s surrender not enough for the Tories!

IN his speech to Unite leaders earlier in the week, the union’s general secretary, Len McCluskey, effectively threw in the towel and capitulated to...

Stop the A&E closures! End the £50bn of NHS cuts! Defend the NHS by...

GROWING demand on A&E departments will make them unsustainable if effective action is not taken quickly, according to MPs on the Health Committee. Launching a...

Dempsey’s Five Deadly Options

THE US chief of staff, General Dempsey, has written an Open Letter to the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee chairman, Carl Levin, about the...

Scandal-hit government steps up attack on unions

IN her speech to the annual Tolpuddle Martyr’s rally held last Sunday, TUC general secretary Frances O’Grady lambasted the coalition government over the Transparency...

US workers and youth won’t tolerate racist murders

THE eruption of a mass movement in over 100 US cities condemning the clearing of George Zimmerman for the murder of black teenager Trayvon...

Motor City Goes Bankrupt – Unions Denounce Orr Power Grab!

DETROIT, once the motor car capital of the USA where hundreds of thousands of workers used to flock looking for good jobs in the...

Greece On The Brink!

THE Greek working class has been pushed right to the brink of revolution this week with the passage of a bill in the Vouli...

British capitalism bankrupt, backward and stuck at the bottom!

UK unemployment fell by 57,000 to 2.51 million in the three months to May, leaving the unemployed rate stuck at 7.8% in the UK,...

Benefit cap to be lowered by £6,000 say Treasury officials

CHANCELLOR George Osborne, the hammer of the poor, is so determined not to increase the taxes of the rich that he is about to...

Reject Hunt’s hit squads – act to defend the NHS

TODAY Tory health minister, Jeremy Hunt, is unveiling his plan to send ‘hit squads’ into ten NHS hospital trusts to carry out a witch-hunt...

Portuguese economic and political crisis reaches explosion point!

PORTUGAL’S borrowing costs have jumped to over 7%, meaning that it will shortly have to seek another IMF-EU bailout, by offering even more cuts...

Durham Miners’ Gala must demand a General Strike!

TENS OF thousands of workers and youth are taking part in today’s historic Durham Miners’ Gala at a time when the capitalist system is...

Action needed to stop them smashing the NHS

NHS England warned yesterday that by 2020-21 the gap between the NHS budget and rising costs could reach £30bn, meaning that when the current...

Action needed to defeat Royal Mail privatisation

NOTHING demonstrates the complete bankruptcy and downright treachery of the reformist trade union leadership more clearly than the gyrations being performed by the leadership...

Miliband wants to break with unions so Labour can form a national government...

STANDING with the ‘One Nation’ Tory slogan behind him, Labour leader Miliband yesterday outlined his intention to wrest the Labour Party completely away from...

AMCU rejects corporatist agreement with SA bosses

THE decision by the South African Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (Amcu) not to sign the Framework Agreement for a Sustainable Mining Industry...

Banks tremble at the thought of the end of Quantitative Easing

THE pound fell below $1.49 against the dollar on Friday, close to a three-year low. Sterling traded as low as $1.4858 at one point. The...

Labour – Dancing To A Tory Tune – Is Attacking The Trade Unions

THE Unite union, which in recent years has prevented the Labour Party from going bust and has financed its election campaigns with donations of...

Having removed Mursi, the Egyptian masses will march forward to socialism

THE move by the Egyptian military leadership to overthrow the Muslim Brotherhood government of President Mursi represents a decisive development in the Egyptian revolution...

US piracy forces down Bolivian plane in search for Snowden

THERE is not the slightest doubt that Bradley Manning, Edward Snowden and Julian Assange have done a huge service to the whole of...

Forward to a workers and small farmers government in Egypt

THE US-backed and financed Egyptian army has given a 48-hour ultimatum to the US-backed and financed Muslim Brotherhood government (which supports the imperialist powers...

Send ex-Goldman Sachs Carney packing

YESTERDAY the new head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, officially took up the reins from the outgoing Sir Mervyn King. Carney, formerly head...

Recall CWU conference to sack the leaders and call strike action!

IN an act of downright treachery, the leadership of the postal workers union, CWU, announced last Friday that their ‘opposition’ to privatisation had collapsed...

The biggest fall in living standards since 1931!

THE Joseph Rowntree Foundation has found that living costs have risen 25% in the past five years and placed an ‘unprecedented’ financial burden on...

Balls Agrees With The Tories!

THE Labour shadow chancellor, Ed Balls, engaged in a nauseating charade on Wednesday of verbally attacking his Tory opposite number whilst at the same...

Desperate Osborne swings the axe as the capitalist crisis deepens

IN HIS Spending Review of yesterday, drawn up at a time when the capitalist crisis is deepening, with inflation rising and the banks warning...