
Daily editorials from the newspaper

China, Japan Warn Usa About World Default Crisis

BOTH the capitalist class of the world and the Stalinist bureaucracy, which has been expending trillions of dollars buying US debt, are now issuing...

Stop Bedroom Tax! End evictions! Unions must act!

THE warning given over the weekend by the head of one of the leading housing associations that the bedroom tax will lead to mass...

Hunt throws down the gauntlet – the trade unions must pick it up!

THE Department of Health, headed by Health Secretary Hunt, has said that a proposed 1% increase in NHS staff pay was unaffordable, and is...

Time For The Tuc To Call General Strike

THE Fire Brigades Union has organised a national demonstration in London on Wednesday 16 October. The FBU is under an all-out attack on the...

World crisis reaching explosion point!

AS the US government entered its first full week of shutdown, the ruling class in America and the world are in panic mode as...

Tory hypocrites vow to create a land of ‘opportunity for all’

TORY leader Cameron treated his audience to a big dose of Tory hypocrisy yesterday, when he vowed in the final speech to the Tory...

US government shuts down as ruling class split widens

THE US government has begun to shut itself down after the two houses of Congress failed to agree a budget by midnight Monday. The Republican-led...

Osborne to intensify Tory slave labour drive

LONG-TERM unemployed workers and youth will have to undertake work for no pay in return for their benefits, or else starve, with the government...

Capitalist governments crumble as crisis deepens!

ALL over the capitalist world, governments and administrations of all kinds are crumbling, as the deepening of the world crisis of capitalism sharpens the...

Answer Tory Royal Mail Provocation With A General Strike

ROYAL Mail shares are to be sold by mid-October, with the government under-pricing the industry and selling for between £2.6bn to £3.3bn to make...

As workers boil with anger Obama and Republicans vow ‘no deal’

THE USA is set to hit its debt ceiling by 17 October, if the Houses of Congress are unable to agree a massive cuts...

Labour Must Renationalise Energy Giants!

CENTRICA, the UK’s biggest energy company, said yesterday that if Labour won the general election in 2015 and brought in an energy price freeze...

Unite the public sector TUC must call indefinite general strike

TODAY'S four-hour national strike by firefighters is just the tip of a gigantic iceberg of working class hatred steadily bearing down on the leaky...

Balls promises more cuts under Labour

THE shadow chancellor, Ed Balls, made his keynote speech to the annual conference of the Labour Party yesterday setting out the economic policy of...

Brown planned troops on the streets after Lehman collapse

IN 2008, the then-Labour prime minister, Gordon Brown, actively considered ordering armed troops onto the streets of Britain as his response to the collapse...

Victory to Syria – down with imperialism and Stalinism!

THE Syrian war has reached a ‘stalemate’ and President Bashar al-Assad’s government will call for a ceasefire at the Geneva conference on the state’s...

Care for the Elderly crisis – capitalist barbarism at work

WHEN workers pass the age at which their labour can be exploited for profit they become a useless burden on society as far as...

King’s Fund warns NHS being systematically destroyed!

A REPORT from the independent health think-tank, the King’s Fund, has revealed that the NHS is systematically being destroyed through government-imposed financial cuts. The Fund...

Inflation soaring not falling – General Strike now!

MONTHLY figures released yesterday reported that inflation in Britain had fallen from 2.8% in July to 2.7% in August, leading some bourgeois economists to...

Bury bankrupt capitalism – forward to socialism

SUNDAY marked the fifth anniversary of the biggest banking collapse in the history of capitalism to date. On 15 September 2008 Lehman Brothers, a massive...

Syria counter-revolutionary alliance

THE counter-revolutionary alliance between US imperialism and the Stalinist bureaucracy emerged into the light of day last Saturday with the joint framework agreement between...

Smash Royal Mail privatisation!

THE arrogant Tories have announced that the sell-off of Royal Mail is to begin in just weeks. The announcement comes days after the ending of...

Putin wants to collaborate with imperialism, not overthrow it

THE New York Times has just printed a letter from the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, which he described as a direct address to the...

Obama told – ‘This nation is sick and tired of war!’

THE IMPERIALIST attempt to overthrow the Assad government in Syria has met a colossal resistance from the Syrian people, despite the hundreds of millions...

Putin And Lavrov Come To Obama’s Rescue!

OBAMA had been facing massive opposition in every State of the Union, with opinion polls saying that he faced defeat in any Congressional vote...

Smash the surveillance society – smash the capitalist state!

HARD on the heels of the revelations last June from the US whistleblower Edward Snowden that American and British spy agencies can access all...

NO Apology to UNITE – Miliband to continue with anti-union campaign!

UNITE’S general secretary Len McCluskey has said he is delighted the union has been ‘vindicated’ over the Falkirk ‘vote-rigging’ allegations Labour has decided no individual...

Imperialist War abroad and class war at home – a general strike is the...

THE Trade Union Congress is meeting at a very crucial time for the working people of the UK and for the working people of...

Renationalise Now!

A SURVEY conducted this week by BBC Radio 5 Live has revealed that more than one third of people in Britain live in fear...

Gmb Cuts Cash To Labour While Unite To Discuss A Boycott

THE GMB Central Executive Council (CEC) has voted to reduce its current levels of affiliation to the Labour Party from 420,000 to 50,000 from...


US SENATOR and former Republican presidential candidate John McCain has warned that a Congressional vote against military action in Syria would be ‘catastrophic’. He also...

Smash capitalism to end hire and fire at will and poverty pay

WHAT kind of future capitalism has in store for the entire working class was forcibly brought home this week – a future where workers...

Obama asks Congress to decide on war or peace

IN A MAJOR abdication of Presidential power, Obama has given the US Congress the task of deciding whether there should be a strike on...

Tory Party Turns On Cameron Over Syria

PRIME Minister Cameron said last Thursday night that he would respect the defeat of his ‘strike Syria’ government motion by 285-272 in the House...

Stop the war against Syria – smash austerity at home

THE humiliating climb-down by David Cameron over Syria on Wednesday night exposes for all to see the weakness of British imperialism, the coalition government...

Forward With The South African Socialist Revolution!

THE decision by the ANC government to talk to the Amcu trade union, which has won away from the NUM majority membership status in...

TUC must call a general strike to stop US-UK war criminals

THE UK ruling class, alongside its US masters, is getting ready to attack Syria in a matter of hours. It is to be struck with...

Lobby TUC for general strike to bring down coalition

THIS year the Trade Union Congress meets in Bournemouth from the 8th to 11th September under conditions where, if the Tory-led coalition government have...

Obama and Cameron take just 40 minutes to dispose of the fate of...

IN JUST 40 minutes of telephone conversation, imperialist leaders Obama and Cameron, on Saturday, decided the fate of millions of people in the...

Hands Off Syria – Down With Obama & Cameron’s War Drive!

THE Syrian government has said over a long time that it would never use chemical weapons against its own people. Yesterday, the General Command of...

US Fed Reserve threatens 2014 end for QE cash supply

THE US Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, gave the clearest indication this week that the Fed is intent on pursuing a policy of ‘tapering...

Cameron supervised the destruction of Guardian hard drives

THE picture painted by Home Secretary May of the police doing their duty in the Snowden affair, as they saw it, without any government...

Lobbying Bill A Conscious Attack On The Working Class

THE Tory-led coalition’s proposed new Lobbying Bill is sending shock waves throughout the leadership of the TUC, as its full import becomes known. This bill,...

UK Police State Must Be Smashed!

THE detention of a Guardian employee at Heathrow airport for nine hours was unwarranted and unlawful said Amnesty international yesterday. David Michael Miranda – the...

Prescott slams Miliband’s failure as Labour opportunists panic

FIRST of all we had Labour ex-Health Secretary Burnham serving notice on Miliband that he had until the spring to challenge the Tory-led coalition...