Ukrainian Stalinists giving way to EU-backed regime-change attempt
THE Ukrainian Prime Minister, Mykola Azarov, of the Stalinist Party of the Regions resigned on Tuesday in an attempt to draw the EU-backed right-wing...
Cameron dreams on while stock markets collapse
IN a radio interview yesterday morning the Tory prime minister, David Cameron, pronounced that the UK economy was seeing a ‘balanced economic recovery.’ All this...
Ukrainian Opposition Only Interested In Regime Change
THE offer of the Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to ‘opposition leaders’ to take the premiership and other key positions in his elected government has...
Libya disintegrates as robbers ‘privatise’ its wealth
IT IS now obvious that the NATO-inspired and organised ‘revolution’ to overthrow the Gadaffi regime in Libya has resulted in a complete catastrophe for...
The Crisis In The Ukraine
THE imperialist-backed attempted coup to oust the Ukrainian government and replace it with a pro-imperialist regime, has now taken the open form of a...
Routine NHS operations to be privatised!
Sir Bruce Keogh, the NHS medical director, has said that private companies will be asked to carry out routine operations to relieve pressure on...
Down with the Geneva 2 conference – victory to Assad’s Syria
RUSSIA’S Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Tuesday that UN chief Ban Ki-moon’s decision to cancel Iran’s invitation to the ‘peace talks’ on Syria,...
Chase Farm Closure Kills!
THE death of 2-year-old Muhammad Hashir Maveed last Wednesday is a tragic warning of the cost to human life that must inevitably result from...
Forward To Workers Power In Egypt
EGYPTIAN voters have approved a new constitution by 98.1 per cent, in a turn out of 36.8 per cent of those eligible to vote....
Education Crisis Deepens!
THERE was a 17% fall in the number of first-year undergraduates at UK universities in the first year of higher tuition fees, the latest...
Arrogant Carney Rubbishes Miliband!
THIS week, in an attempt to cash in on the universal hatred felt by the working class and middle classes towards banks and bankers,...
Osborne demands smash Welfare States throughout the EU
THE crisis of British capitalism deepened yesterday with Chancellor Osborne warning the EU ‘We can’t go on like this’, while the Ford motor company...
Defend state education – defeat academies drive
TEACHERS at Copland School in Wembley, who took part in their fifth one day strike against being forced into academy status yesterday, must be...
Cameron’s Fracking Bribe Rejected!
THE Tory Party is in an energy crisis. In 1993 in the person of Michael Heseltine it completely shut down the mining industry putting 100,000...
Labour-Tory Race To The Right!
TEACHERS will have to be re-licensed every few years or face the sack under a future Labour government. This is the just unveilled position of...
Karzai To Release Prisoners From Bagram’s G-Bay Jail
WASHINGTON has expressed concern about a plan by the Afghan government of President Hamid Karzai to release scores of prisoners considered by the US...
Time To Sack The Leadership Of The FBU!
YESTERDAY’S closure of ten London fire stations, with the loss of 552 firefighter jobs and the axing of 14 fire engines, shows how little...
Stop The Council Cuts – Bring Down The Coalition!
COUNCILS all over the UK are poised to make the most savage cuts ever that will wreck and destroy local communities by destroying all...
Coalition in crisis, bring it down
The disarray, confusion and splits within the Tory/LibDem coalition government were brought out sharply over Monday’s announcement by Tory chancellor, George Osborne, that he...
Answer Osborne’s £25bn cuts with general strike
IN A speech last November, Cameron declared a permanent ‘austerity war’ against the working class, singling out the unemployed and young people as the...
Tenants face mass evictions
TENANTS receiving housing benefit have been issued with eviction notices by the largest ‘buy-to-let’ private landlord in the country. Fergus Wilson, who owns 1,000 properties...
Lessons from the 1984-85 miners strike
THE government papers released under the 30-year rule concerning the 1984-85 miners strike confirm that Thatcher and the Tories, despite their considerable preparations over...
How to win the firefighters struggle!
THE six-hour strike by firefighters on New Year’s Eve was a demonstration of the solidarity and determination of FBU members across the country to...
Turning A New Page In The NHS!
THE leaders of 10 NHS organisations have called in an open letter for a ‘new page to be turned’ in 2014. Powerful organisations including...
Palestinian leadership says peace talks will fail!
THE Palestinian leadership in Ramallah is working on the basis that the peace talks with Israel will fail and that both sides know...
US Rushes Drones And Hellfire Missiles To Iraq
THE US has sent 75 Hellfire air-to-ground missiles to Iraq, with many more on the way. They are to be used to try to...
Privatisation destroys infrastructure
BRITAIN’S infrastructure was reduced to complete meltdown over Christmas through a combination of high winds and heavy rainfall. Not because of blinding snow storms, hurricane...
Duncan Smith blames the poor and food banks for poverty
THE Tory Works and Pension Minister, Iain Duncan Smith, is furious with the accusation that the government’s policies of cutting all benefits to the...
Bulgarians Hit Out At Cameron
THE President of Bulgaria, Rosen Plevneliev, has correctly rebuked Tory leader Cameron for peddling nationalism and isolationism. It is ironic that the UK – which...
Imperialist Crisis Deepens In The Middle East!
PALESTINIANS are demanding that the US-sponsored ‘peace talks’ with Israel are called off after Israeli troops murdered three Palestinians in the occupied West Bank,...
Drive Out Zero-Hours Contracts
FIGURES released last Wednesday purport to show the UK unemployment rate for the three months to September fell to 7.4% from 7.6% – a...
Reconstitute The Ussr!
UKRAINE’S decision to suspend a deal on closer EU ties and sign a Russian aid agreement instead has helped avoid bankruptcy, Prime Minister Mykola...
Japan Rearming To Back US Aggression Against China
THE Japanese government, ignoring yet again its own constitution, which bans Japan having aggressive military forces, has approved a new national security strategy, and...
Housing crisis demands revolutionary solution
Yesterday, in a speech delivered in the Hertfordshire town of Stevenage, Labour leader, Ed Miliband, reiterated his pledge that the next Labour government would...
Gaza a disaster area! Take action to force Israel to lift its blockade!
UNRWA spokesperson Chris Gunness said yesterday that large regions of the Gaza Strip are a ‘disaster area’. Furthermore he called on the world community to...
UK has not offered to take in a single Syrian refugee!
THE fact that the UK ruling coalition is involved up to its neck in organising the war in Syria, and is also keeping it...
US budget deal threatens working class
ON Tuesday night, the chairs of the US House and Senate budget committee, Paul Ryan (Republican) and Patty Murray (Democrat), held a joint press...
Mandela mourners boo ANC President Zuma
THE presence of all of the capitalist world’s leaders could not keep the South African masses quiet about their real feelings for the ANC...
Deal Aimed At Strangling Cwu Branches
THE CWU trade union has agreed a ‘landmark’ agreement with Royal Mail. CWU deputy general secretary Dave Ward said: ‘The agreement breaks new ground in...
MEMBERS of Parliament will receive an 11% pay rise following the publication of the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority recommendations later on this week The rise...
Hero Mandela dies – Forward to socialism in South Africa
NELSON Mandela, one of the great heroes of the anti-Apartheid struggle who was jailed for 27 years on Robben Island for his opposition to...
Osborne launches permanent austerity war against workers
CHANCELLOR OSBORNE underlined the precarious nature of his ‘recovery’ when he told the House of Commons yesterday ‘the job is not done…we don’t squander...
Cameron preparing more police state measures
ON Wednesday, a cabinet level task force set up by Cameron last June to consider proposals for new laws aimed at combating ‘extremism’ published...
Millions of low paid US workers are on the march!
FOLLOWING the Black Friday strike action at 1,500 WalMart stores throughout the US, fast-food workers in over 100 cities will walk off the job...
Defeat imperialist coup attempt in Ukraine
THE refusal at the last minute by the Ukrainian president, Viktor Yanukovich, to sign up to a ‘partnership’ deal with the EU has led...