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Daily editorials from the newspaper

Disarm imperialism through the victory of the world socialist revolution!

LAST week the Federal Reserve Bank of New York published a whole series of blogs on its website warning that the entire US banking...

New Labour Is Proposing 24-Hour Courts And Fast-Track Sentencing Of Workers And Youth!

COURTS ARE now to sit for 24 hours in order to impose fast-track sentencing under New Labour Emergency Government plans to crack down on...

Replace Starmer’s anti-worker Labour regime with a workers government and socialism!

THE TUC yesterday published a poll of over 3,000 voters which showed conclusively overwhelming support for workers rights and pay increases to match the...

Britain, once the workshop of the world, collapses to be the 12th biggest manufacturer!

BRITAIN, where modern industrial capitalism began and which became the workshop of the world, has now collapsed to being the world’s 12th biggest manufacturer,...

Labour Intends To Prop Up Capitalism And Continue From Where The Tories Left Off!

KING Charles yesterday outlined his new Labour government’s law-making plans in his speech to Parliament. The Labour Party now has an overall majority over all...

Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves declares war on workers to rescue British capitalism from bankruptcy

ON MONDAY, the new Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves announced her shock and horror that no one had told her about a £22 billion ‘black...

Revolution At Home And Abroad – Victory To Hamas And To The UK Workers...

THE appointment of Yahya Sinwar as the new political leader of the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas, after the Israeli assassination of Ismail Haniyeh, has...

The TUC Must Call A General Strike To Stop The Israeli Massacres Of Palestinians!

ISRAELI occupation forces have committed four massacres against families in the Gaza Strip over the last 24 hours, resulting in the documented killing of...

Labour heading for a major collision with the working class and its trade unions

LABOUR Chancellor Rachel Reeves is set to tell workers that major unavoidable tax rises are on the way since she has inherited a £20bn...

Israel is imposing water rationing forcibly on the Palestinian masses!

A NEW Oxfam report on Thursday has revealed how Israel has been systematically weaponising water against Palestinians in the war-torn Gaza Strip in total...

Labour under Starmer, and UK capitalism are heading for state bankruptcy!

THE capitalist press is currently trumpeting the latest news from Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves, that she is set to unveil a £19bn black hole...

Stock markets around the world crash as the US plunges into recession

STOCK markets in Europe and Asia crashed yesterday morning as the international financial world suddenly woke up to the grim reality that US capitalism...

Labour’s Sir Keir Starmer foresees a summer of discontent organised by the far right

ASKED yesterday whether the country faced a ‘Summer of Riots’, the Labour Party Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer responded: ‘It’s obvious to me, and...

Labour MPs must fight for a socialist solution to the crisis of capitalism in...

WITH the UK’s Labour government set to face challenges from the left to the King’s Speech today, the Fire Brigades Union has urged MPs...

Imperialism Drives For A War With Russia And Continues Mass Murder In Gaza!

YESTERDAY’S Daily Telegraph Editorial has called for ‘Supporting the Ukraine whatever it takes’ backing the Ukrainian attack on Russia to the hilt. It observed: ‘Faced...

Hamas calls on all states to follow Colombia’s example and sever all relations with...

HAMAS has condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for the failure to reach a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, following two days of talks in...

UK, US And EU Workers Must Take General Strike Action To Aid The Palestinians...

PHILIPPE Lazzarini, Commissioner of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), reported on Saturday that over 75,000 Palestinians have been...

Stop the UK plot to launch a missile attack on Russia by bringing down...

US PRESIDENT Biden is now poised to lift the ban on the UK’s Storm Shadow missiles being fired into Russia by the US-UK’s fascist...

Hamas calls for the ‘criminalisation of the Israeli occupation’ of Palestine!

ON World Humanitarian Day, the Hamas movement called for ‘criminalising the occupation’s violations against humanitarian work, and stopping its escalating terrorism against the Gaza...

Workers must use their power to smash capitalism and put an end to the...

SINCE the onset of Israel’s brutal war on the besieged Gaza Strip, the Israeli military’s use of live ammunition to kill and wound Palestinian...

It Is Time For The UK, EU And US Trade Unions To Recognise And...

A SENIOR member of the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement has said that there is no real will on the part of the United States...

Palestinians Set To March On Gaza! The UK And US Trade Unions Must Take...

ON the day the Palestinian death toll in the Gaza genocide reached 40,000, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas defiantly announced he will visit Gaza, the...

Defend university education! Forward to the British socialist revolution!

‘LET THEM FAIL!’ declared yesterday’s Daily Telegraph in response to repeated calls for emergency government funding to rescue endangered English universities as the economic...

THE TUC must take general strike action to support Palestine and bring in a...

‘THE report issued by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Michael Fakhry, on the Israeli-induced starvation in the Gaza Strip...

Grenfell Tower Deaths Were Avoidable – Time To Nationalise The Banks And Building Industry!

THE Grenfell Tower fire that killed 72 people was the result of ‘dishonest companies, successive governments, and a lack of strategy by the fire...

Israeli minister Ben-Gvir calls for collective punishment against Palestinians!

THE fascist Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir has renewed his calls for collective punishment against all Palestinians in the occupied West Bank yesterday...

Lobby the TUC Congress on September 9th – demand it calls a...

THE mass of the UK workers support the heroic national liberation struggle of the Palestinian people for their state of Palestine, and the enormous...

Capitalism’s world economy is heading for a catastrophe – the only way out is...

‘THE US is staring at a possible hard landing while Europe is struggling and China is sinking!’ This is the message from the Daily Telegraph’s...

Starmer promises the working class ‘pain’ – workers will respond with a socialist revolution!

PM STARMER told an invited audience yesterday morning in the Downing Street Rose Garden: ‘I promised this government would serve people like you.’ He told...

UN Chief ‘deeply concerned’ over Israel assault on occupied West Bank!

IN a statement issued on Wednesday, the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres said he was ‘deeply concerned’ about the Israeli regime’s all-out military...

Join lobby of TUC to demand it calls strike action to end the Zionist...

Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted with fury yesterday following the announcement on Monday that the Labour government was suspending some arms sales to...

Respond To The Grenfell Tower Inferno With A Socialist Revolution!

IMMEDIATELY after the damning report on the Grenfell Tower fire that killed 72 people was published the House of Commons was packed with MPs...

TUC Congress must call a general strike to support the State of Palestine

WHILE welcoming the limited ‘humanitarian pause’ in the Gaza war to allow the polio vaccination of young Gazan children by the World Health Organisation...

A mass demonstration against Israel’s genocidal war on Gaza has been called for October...

A just-issued Coalition statement from the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament states that: ‘In October, we will mark a year since the start of Israel’s...

Lobby the trade union leaders to insist TUC calls a general strike to stop...

ANY Israeli attempt to displace Palestinians from the occupied West Bank to Jordan will be considered a ‘declaration of war’, Jordan’s Foreign Minister Ayman...

Politically bankrupt Starmer will seek to force the working class to pay for the...

LABOUR leader Keir Starmer’s speech at the TUC Congress yesterday spelt out precisely to delegates that this Labour government is determined to inflict all the pain...

TUC leader is silent on PM Starmer ending Winter Fuel Allowance

UNITE general secretary Sharon Graham has accused Labour of ‘pickpocketing pensioners’ telling Labour leader Keir Starmer to ‘accept it’s an error’ to push ahead...

With capitalism in crisis, and the NHS being knifed by Starmer – UK needs...

THE immediate ending of the pensioners’ Winter Fuel Allowance was necessary to prevent an economic collapse and a run on the banks, declared Lucy...

Lammy, Labour’s Foreign Secretary, Is Whipping Up War Fever Against Russia!

THE UK’s Foreign Secretary David Lammy, and Antony Blinken, the US Secretary of State have both been very busy whipping up a ‘war fever’...