As occupation founders oil workers come to the fore
A BRITISH soldier has been killed in southern Iraq, bringing the number of British troops who have died in Iraq to 150, with thousands...
Call Strike Action Across Public Sector Against Brown’s Wage Cutting Policy
ON Tuesday the GMB annual conference decided that a sub-inflation cap on pay negotiations is completely unacceptable to GMB public service members. The...
To defend the NHS, bring down the Brown government and bring in a workers...
TODAY’S Senior Consultants BMA conference is due to hear a warning from Doctor Jonathan Fielden to Premier-elect Gordon Brown that he...
The TUC and the public sector must support the postal workers’ struggle
WITH the result of the CWU Royal Mail industrial action ballot due on Thursday, the bosses are getting ready for action, while the position...
Brown Going Further Than Blair & Reid On ‘Security’
PREMIER to be, Brown, yesterday told the world, five days before the outgoing Home Secretary Reid is to introduce his counter terrorism measures...
Unison Leaders Vote For Another Blairite Government
FOR the whole period that Labour Left MP John McDonnell was seeking to get the backing of the 40 plus MPs that would have...
Sinn Fein Takes Its Seat On Six Counties Policing Board
DAITHI McKay, Martina Anderson and Alex Maskey of Sinn Fein have just taken their seats on the Policing Board of the PSNI, the...
Get out of Iraq – British troops get a last warning
THE raid on Iraq’s Finance Ministry compound on Tuesday, by a column of up to 50 heavily armed police officers, in pick-up vehicles, which...
Repeal all racist immigration laws
SHOCK, HORROR, the BBC has just found out that between 26 and 35 per cent of all of the migrants that are encouraged to...
Iran proposes ‘trilateral mechanism’ to coordinate on security in Iraq
THE first bilateral talks between the US and Iran since 1980 took place yesterday and were described by the leader of the US delegation...
Ukraine On The Brink Of Civil War
THE sacking of the Ukrainian prosecutor-general, Svyatoslav Piskun by President Yushchenko has brought the Ukraine to the brink of a civil war...
US Attention Focuses On China
AT THIS moment all eyes are turned to China. The US government, and worried US trade union leaders are currently talking to the Chinese...
The Chagos Islanders Must Be Returned To Their Homes
YESTERDAY the Court of Appeal ruled that the Blair government had carried out an Abuse of Power when it overruled the assurance given by...
Hodge, Blears and Blair say foreigners to the back of the queue
LABOUR Industry Minister Margaret Hodge has won the support of Hazel Blears (Chairman of the Labour Party and a candidate for the deputy leadership...
Junior doctors revolution forces BMA leader to resign
THE BMA chairman, James Johnson has quit, forced out of office by the uprising of the junior doctors, who were not prepared to see...
Police chief rejects Orwellian Britain
THE deputy chief constable of Hampshire Ian Readhead said yesterday that Britain could become a surveillance society with cameras on every street corner. As...
Tensions rise in the Baltics and the Balkans!
LAST WEEK the US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice visited Moscow to meet with the Russian president Vladimir Putin. She insisted that although Russia...
Israel attacks Gaza and Abbas cancels visit
YESTERDAY an Israeli aircraft bombed a building of the Hamas-run Executive Force in Gaza, killing at least one person and injuring about 45 others....
Unions & party members kept out of Labour leadership election
TWO of the largest trade unions affiliated to the Labour Party, unions that pay millions into its funds, said they were ‘looking to the...
Private equity group to ‘cut and slash’ Chrysler
DAIMLERCHRYSLER is selling a 80.1 per cent share in its crisis-hit American Chrysler division to the private equity group Cerberus for $7.4bn. President George...
US forced to talk with Iran and Russia
PRESIDENT BUSH’S officials confirmed yesterday that Iran had agreed to hold talks with the US on Iraq. The Iranian communique said: ‘Following consultations between...
US death toll rockets in Iraq
FIVE more American troops were killed and three were captured near Mahmoudiya, 20 miles south of Baghdad, in a pre-dawn attack on Saturday. The...
Brown’s ‘government of all the talents’ is a national government
GORDON Brown yesterday launched his campaign to take over the job of Tony Blair as Labour Prime Minister. He spoke about his ‘new ideas and...
Now send Brown packing – forward to a workers government!
Blair stood down yesterday, driven out of power by the Iraqi insurgency and the British workers’ determination to defend their welfare state. The disorientated...
Imperialist ‘surge’ in Iraq and Afghanistan = mass slaughter
SIX Iraqi primary schoolchildren have been slaughtered by a US helicopter spraying al-Nedawat village with machine gun fire and hitting a primary school, in...
Defending the NHS means sacking the BMA leadership
THE BMA leadership yesterday came out in favour of NHS rationing. It also supported the NHS having a written constitution, and being run by...
Reid goes into opposition to a Brown government
IT MUST be a grave crisis indeed when Reid the Home Secretary – who only a week ago was posing as carrying the entire...
Keep out the Tories – bring down the Blair-Brown government! Forward to socialism!
LABOUR was routed in Thursday’s regional and council elections losing by late yesterday afternoon 454 councillors and eight councils in England, while it lost...
General Rose supports the Iraqis right to fight occupiers
GENERAL Rose, who was the commander of the UN forces in Bosnia, has just publicly supported the right of the Iraqi insurgents to fight...
Trade union bureaucrats put two fingers up to May Day
TRUE to form, the voice of the trade union bureaucracy, the Stalinist Morning Star counted tens of thousands of marchers on the TUC’s May...
War crimes are OK, as long as they are British!
CORPORAL Donald Payne has just got a minor one year sentence for a war crime after pleading guilty to inhumane treatment of civilian detainees...
A billionaires’ paradise – the UK under Blair and Brown
IN the last 12 months the working class and the vast majority of the middle class have desperately struggled under a huge and...
All Out On May 1!
PRIME Minister Tony Blair and Chancellor Gordon Brown have declared war on the public services and their staff, with closures, cuts, redundancies and pay...
Bush and Congress head-to-head
THE House of Representatives in the United States voted by 218 votes to 208 on Wednesday for a Bill to end the US occupation...
Reid is talking liberty but is planning repression
HOME Secretary Reid yesterday spoke about the importance of liberty – a new subject for a Home Secretary who preaches the ‘war against terror’,...
YELTSIN – the hero of western capitalism, a corrupt and criminal Stalinist
THE bourgeois media and bourgeois political leaders have made it perfectly clear in the last few days that Boris Yeltsin, the...
British economy skating on thin ice
BA is currently approaching a number of private equity companies about forming a consortium to bid for Iberia airlines. Iberia said last month...
General Strike On May 1 ‘Public Service Day’
THE PCS civil servants trade union has confirmed that up to 270,000 civil servants will be stopping work on May 1 against the Blair-Brown...
Time to take action against the venture capitalists
A BIDDING war between warring groups of venture capitalist locusts has broken out over who is to asset strip Boots. Yesterday morning, the...
Baghdad bombings blow to Bush!
MORE than 200 people were killed in Baghdad on Wednesday in five bombings. This is the highest number of deaths in a single day...
Strike to support nurses and defend the NHS!
THE anger of nurses working in the National Health Service (NHS) at having a pay cut imposed upon them this year, by the government...
Trade unions must break with Blair and Brown to keep the Tories out
THE right wing of the Labour Party was shaken to its core yesterday after Monday’s meeting of the General Council of the Scottish...
Iraqi puppet government splits after Maliki refuses to order US withdrawal
THE political bloc of anti-occupation Shia cleric, Moqtada al-Sadr, yesterday quit the Iraqi puppet government with its six ministers quitting the cabinet. They walked out...
Berezovskiy calls for the violent overthrow of Putin
FOR some time the Blair government has been bringing in draconian anti-terrorist legislation, such as the Terrorism Act 2000. It has been boldly ‘identifying’ terrorism...
Build millions of council houses to solve housing crisis
PUBLIC sector workers such as firefighters, teachers, and nurses, cannot afford to buy homes in seven out of 10 UK towns, because of the...