Spanish Opel workers vote for strike action!
WORKERS at Opel’s factory in Zaragossa, Spain, have announced four days of strikes starting next week, after failing to reach an agreement with Magna...
Karzai Won’t Go – US-UK Adventure On The Rocks
PRESIDENT Karzai is refusing to agree to a re-run of the Afghan general election, meaning that Karzai and his master President Obama are at...
Organise general strike to defend CWU
ROYAL Mail, backed by Brown and Mandelson, are making no secret of the fact that they intend to stamp on the CWU, in order...
General Strike To Defend The Cwu! Smash The Union Busters! Defeat Privatisation!
POSTAL workers are not surprised at the leak which shows that Royal Mail management, with the support of the Brown government, intends to impose...
Mass Hospital Closures On The Way
HEALTH Minister Mike O’Brien has responded to the findings of the government-established Care Quality Commission (CQC). This has just claimed that one in eight of...
Unite leaders share out the pain among its GM members
THE Unite leaders’ policy that workers must share the pain of the capitalist crisis bore more rotten fruit on Tuesday. This was when Unite’s...
The CWU leaders are refusing to fight for their membership
THE unsolicited public display of pacifism yesterday by the CWU leadership, in the face of the most vicious daily attacks on their membership...
Brown is hungry for cash – sell off the palaces and the Duchy of...
THE Prime Minister began yesterday to sell off anything and everything that can be used to raise much needed cash, £16bn in fact, to...
Pakistani military is beseiged – but nuclear weapons are safe says Clinton
AT her press conference in London yesterday the US Secretary of State, Clinton, volunteered that the Taleban attack on the headquarters of the Pakistani...
The first step towards a government of generals
GENERAL Sir Richard Dannatt is to become Defence Minister if there is another Tory government. He will do so, not by becoming a Tory MP...
Postal workers want indefinite strike action NOW!
CWU members have voted, in a 67 per cent turnout, a much bigger turnout than in a British general election, for strike action, with...
BA CRISIS – no to sackings and wage cuts – Renationalise!
BRITISH Airways has decided to cut 1,700 jobs and introduce a two-year pay freeze for cabin crew. It also intends to discuss wage cuts...
CRISIS DEEPENING – as production and the pound fall!
UK industrial output collapsed in August, unexpectedly as far as the bourgeoisie was concerned, destroying any remaining thoughts of green shoots of recovery. Bourgeois...
Forward To The Greek Revolution!
THE PASOK socialist party and its leader, George Papandreou, won a landslide election victory on Sunday in Greece's snap general election, winning over 43...
Crisis of US economy deepens and UK follows suit!
THE US economy has seen 7.6 million jobs destroyed since the US and worldwide slump began, and then deepened, after the crash of the...
Drive Privateers Out Of The NHS!
THERE are more and more tragedies which prove that private companies, whose purpose is solely to make profits, have no place in the NHS. We...
Occupy And Nationalise UK Gm Plants Now!
BOTH Spain and the UK have refused to sign the Memorandum of Understanding that binds together the Magna-Sberbank-GM deal under which there are...
A slap on the wrist for bankers, but it’s to be war on the...
PREMIER Brown’s speech at the Labour Party conference reeked with bourgeois morality and hypocrisy. There is to be a slap on the...
Brown pledges to bring morality to the bankers!
AT yesterday’s Labour Party conference Premier Brown focused on the ‘wrong choices’ that the Tories had made over policies to deal with the...
Deeper Into The Afghan Quagmire
BRITAIN’S top general in Afghanistan has backed the call of his US commander for 40,000 more troops to be sent into the Afghan quagmire,...
Rats Starting To Quit Sinking Ship!
PRIME MINISTER Brown was yesterday under full scale attack from the bourgeois media. He faced the humiliation of appearing on the Andrew Marr...
Iran – a choreographed crisis at the G20!
Iran informed the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in a letter last Monday that it has a second uranium enrichment plant under...
Security Council Votes To Ban The Bomb – But Not Yet!
THE UN Security Council yesterday voted unanimously to oppose the spread of nuclear weapons, and that the nuclear powers on the Security Council must...
Crisis Deepening – Revolution Not Recovery Is On The Agenda
THE CBI bosses organisation yesterday foresaw a ‘recovery’ from the capitalist crisis, but was forced by circumstances beyond its control to admit that, at...
GM-Magna workers unite! Occupy and nationalise to save jobs!
GM WORKERS are rising up all over Europe against the GM-Magna deal, under which plants in Spain and the UK and Belgium are to...
Pre-empt savage cuts with a general strike!
LIB DEM leader Nick Clegg has reiterated his original claim there will need to be ‘savage’ spending cuts. Clegg put forward the same...
Russia Considering ‘Partnership’ With The US
US DEFENCE Secretary Robert Gates on Sunday insisted that the US change of mind over basing tracking radar and anti-missile missiles in Poland and...
Afghanistan – A Graveyard For Imperialist Adventurers
THE debacle of the rigged Afghan elections, held under the guns of the NATO forces in Afghanistan, is just a reflection of an even...
Boycott All Israeli Goods – Forward To The Palestinian State!
THE TUC CONGRESS yesterday managed to avoid an open split over the issue of Palestine, by allowing two motions to be debated, voted on,...
The meeting where the ‘N’ word could not be mentioned!
THERE were no questions allowed at the Unite TUC fringe meeting in Liverpool on Tuesday evening evening, so determined was the Woodley-Simpson leadership that...
Brown’s Working Together means everybody paying the bill for the bankers
GORDON BROWN’S speech yesterday, at the TUC, was a very poor effort from a politician and a party that have no intention of defending...
Support the firefighters and the postal workers
FIRE chiefs in Warwickshire are planning to close seven fire stations and axe a third of fire appliances with the loss of one hundred...
Bring down Brown-Mandelson regime – forward to a workers’ government
YESTERDAY afternoon the PM’s office was leaking the speech that Brown is due to give to the TUC Congress on Tuesday. It stressed that if...
TUC leaders meet PM Brown at Chequers
THE Prime Minister met 15 trade union leaders at Chequers yesterday. This was an event in itself, since all the earlier Blair-Brown governments had...
Magna to sack 10,000 – Woodley congratulates Mandelson and Brown
THE Unite trade union leadership has reacted to the news that GM has handed over GM Europe to Magna, in a deal bankrolled by...
320 children were slaughtered by Israel in Gaza War
ISRAEL’S military onslaught on Gaza, where it not only used massive bombs and missiles but banned cluster bombs and white phosphorus weapons, killed 1,387...
Darling Outlines Cuts For All – Except The Bankers And Bosses
THE price of gold has touched $1,000 an ounce for the first time in six months, more than three times greater than what it...
Iran wants to talk – US–UK want to impose sanctions
THE Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has declared that he is ready to talk to President Obama and other leaders and have a ‘fair, logical’...
London Midland drivers fight wage cut
LONDON MIDLAND drivers have refused to work voluntary overtime on Sundays after the company cut their pay for the day to single time. The rail...
Unions must pull the plug on the BNP!
THE BNP, a fascist movement, is to be promoted by the BBC with an invitation about to be sent to it to appear on...
Sri Lanka Tea Workers Battle For £2 A Day
SRI LANKAN tea workers, some 400,000 strong, are mainly Tamil women workers, who work for around £1 a day and live, along with their...
Sack the privateers and their patron Brown not NHS staff
THE first thing about the McKinsey and Company report was that it was commissioned by the Brown government, at a great cost, and was...
Sack Woodley and Simpson over Royal Mail strikebreaking
TODAY the Communication Workers Union (CWU) London Divisional Committee has called a demonstration at the Unite union’s head office in Holborn, central London. ...
Long Live The Libyan Revolution
THE forty-year-old Libyan revolution is being celebrated with enthusiasm this week by the Libyan masses in Tripoli. The revolution, led by Colonel Gadaffi, put an...
Tamil And Sinhalese Workers Must Unite To End Rajapakse Dictatorship
THE Rajapakse dictatorship in Sri Lanka, which is backed with British finance and arms, and British big business investment, is continuing with its dictatorship...