Revolution Throughout Europe!
WITH the EU’s bankers and bosses spurring him on, Greece’s ‘socialist’ leader, Papandreou, has vowed to tackle the country’s economic crisis and impose the...
No education cuts Restore free state education
CHANCELLOR Darling has announced that £600m will be ‘saved’ by 2012/13 from across ‘higher education, science and research budgets, including student support’, meaning...
Darling’s plan to make workers pay for crisis
CHANCELLOR Darling made his pre-budget speech to the House of Commons yesterday afternoon in the form of a Labour general election manifesto. His line was...
Abolish student fees restore free state education
THE Labour-supporting leaders of the National Union of Students (NUS) have been forced into a position where they have had to call for ‘heads...
Demagogue Brown ‘names and shames’ the public sector
THE PCS trade union yesterday accused the bankers’ Prime Minister, Gordon Brown of ‘beginning a bidding war on who can cut the most.’ The...
Greece on the brink of revolutionary explosion
YESTERDAY, there were major clashes on the streets of Athens as 6,000 riot police clashed with tens of thousands of workers and youth who...
Occupy Corus! No Sackings! Renationalise Now!
THERE were oceans of tears yesterday for the 1,700 workers who are to be sacked when Corus mothballs the greater part of its plant...
Sack the RBS bankers! Workers management of the nationalised banks!
CITY Minister Lord Myners yesterday said shareholders should take action to stop million pound bonuses after Royal Bank of Scotland directors threatened to resign...
Obama recognises the limits of US power
PRESIDENT Obama yesterday gave the go-ahead for a massive attack on the Afghan people in which tens of thousands of men, women and children...
Morgan Stanley having sleepless nights over the UK
THE Morgan Stanley bank is worried that the world crisis is going to shatter the already bankrupt UK economy, causing a flight of capital...
British banks hit by Dubai collapse
AFTER the Abu Dhabi stockmarket experienced a record one-day fall of 8.3 per cent, and Dubai’s Financial Market Index fell 7.3 per cent yesterday,...
Obama set to expand the Afghan war
PRESIDENT Obama is set to throw tonnes of petrol onto the Afghan flames. After months of strategic and tactical discussions with his military and political...
Dubai dashes bourgeois hopes – world revolution is the answer!
DUBAI’S ‘debt repayment’ postponement for six months has brought renewed havoc to European, Asian and North American stock markets. They have all been reminded that...
Rice Raised The Issue Of Saddam Immediately After The Twin Towers Were Attacked
SUCH WAS the fawning support, given by Tony Blair to President George Bush, that Christopher Meyer, the ex-UK ambassador to the United States, was...
Saab goes bust as GM’s Opel-Vauxhall crisis deepens
GM’S crisis has deepened with the collapse of its deal to sell Saab, and as the EU states do battle over whose plants are...
King rocks MPs with £61.6bn secret emergency loan revelation
THE Bank of England governor, Mervyn King, has dropped a bombshell in a letter to the House of Commons Treasury Committee. He revealed...
NHS to be butchered to pay the bankers’ debts
LARGE-scale hospital cuts and closures are now being organised for immediately after the next general election. These cuts have been dictated by the current enormously...
Labour can only offer youth police state repression
THE Labour government is bringing in additional legislation under which children as young as 14 years old will be banned from wearing hoods or...
Iran Has The Right To Nuclear Power
THE Chairman of Iran’s Expediency Council, Ali Akbar Rafsanjani, made it very clear last Wednesday what Iran’s position is on its right to develop...
Public Sector Disaster F0R British Capitalism
THE UK’s public sector net deficit for October reached £11.4bn and is the highest monthly deficit since records began. The national debt at...
GM’s Reilly insists no decision made on which plants are to close
GENERAL Motors’ head of operations in Europe, Nick Reilly, has a history – he was in charge of the operation that shut down Vauxhall...
It’s bags of gold for the Taleban, but wage cuts for the workers!
ALL the ‘we will win the war in Afghanistan’ propaganda has now been dumped as the political leaders of imperialism have begun to grasp...
CBI demands pay cuts in the private and public sectors
The CBI and ‘recruitment experts’ Harvey Nash revealed yesterday that half of all employers are planning to freeze pay altogether, and that only 4%...
Brown’s worthless apology for imperialist child trafficking
FOR centuries British capitalism has sought to export its surplus populations and its trouble makers to the rest of the world. Rebellious trade unionists such...
Labour holds seat – Tories just beat BNP and are as popular as swine...
THE working class saw the Tories, and the Scottish Tories of the SNP, off in Thursday’s by-election in Glasgow North East. On...
Forward to a workers and small farmers government in Sri Lanka
AFTER an exhausting, genocidal war, hugely costly in lives and resources, and in the face of a working class movement that is now demanding...
Terrified British Ruling Class Spies On The Workers
THE ruling class’s national DNA data base has on it a sample of the DNA of every person in the UK who is arrested,...
Gold Shooting Upwards As The Dollar Plunges!
THE price of gold hit a record of 1,111.20 dollars an ounce in trading in London on Monday, as the dollar weakened after a...
Abolish Fees, Restore Grants And Free State Education For All
A REVIEW of university student fees in England has been launched by Business Secretary Mandelson. The object of the review is to increase, perhaps...
Afghan war not worth fighting, say British workers
SIR Jock Stirrup, the British army commander, has admitted that the great majority of the British people are opposed to the imperialist war in...
Royal Mail getting ready for New Year war!
BRENDAN Barber has won another battle honour from the employers. His first was at Gate Gourmet, which publicly congratulated him on its website for the...
The Bank Prints More Money While M&s Insists That The UK Is Skint
THE Bank of England yesterday maintained its interest rate at 0.5 per cent and decided to step up its money printing programme to give...
GM BOMBSHELL – Magna out & GM Europe heads for ‘restructuring in earnest’
GM, now owned by the US government, has dropped a bombshell by turning down its deal with Magna and the Russian state-owned Sberbank, at...
Stop The Afghan War – The Enemy Is At Home
DEMOCRATIC presidents and prime ministers such as Obama and Brown have rushed into the Afghan breach to rubber-stamp their stooge Karzai as the president...
Clinton, Netanyahu make a bloc on settlements
PALESTINE Authority President Mahmud Abbas has been completely undermined by the latest declaration of US Secretary of State Clinton. In it she supported the Israeli...
Afghan election re-run collapses – US, UK completely discredited!
AFGHANISTAN’S re-run election will be held on November 7th as scheduled, said the Afghan Electoral Commission yesterday. It is to have just one candidate,...
CWU must spread the action to the entire public sector
THE reality of the situation facing postal workers is that after two series of mass strike actions during which they have shown they are...
US Transferring The War Into Pakistan
THE Chief of the Taleban movement in Pakistan Hakimullah Mehsud yesterday blamed the US firm Blackwater, that had an army of mercenaries operating in...
Councils to be given more police state powers!
HOME SECRETARY Alan Johnson is introducing new police state powers for councils next week. These will not be discussed in the House of Commons...
US Ex-Soldier Diplomat Resigns In Protest At Afghan War
WHILE President Obama remains undecided and continues to dither about what the US strategy should be in Afghanistan, his diplomats are making their...
Stand up to the bullying bosses with a general strike
THE ‘New Local Government Network’ was warning yesterday of a ‘tsunami of a public sector recession’ after the next general election when the just...
No to a Barber sell-out – It’s trade union action that’s required!
THE TUC announced on Saturday that ‘Royal Mail and the CWU have in recent days been in contact with the TUC over the current...
SLUMP DEEPENS – only one way out – REVOLUTION!
THE bourgeois propaganda machine was all set yesterday to spin an expected 0.04 per cent increase in GDP into a ‘the slump is over’...
With capitalism in crisis the BBC gives a hand up to the BNP
THE News Line is opposed to the BNP or any fascist party being given time to spread its propaganda in any of the media...
Overthrow the rule of the bankers – forward to socialism
THE horrific future under capitalism for workers and youth is being revealed on a daily basis, as the price of the government’s £1.3 trillion...