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Daily editorials from the newspaper

OECD says UK rates must rise to 3.5 per cent in 2011

THE OECD said yesterday that state indebtedness, and rapidly growing inflation is threatening to bring down the entire banking system. Its secretary general, Angel Gurria,...

Crisis deepens as shares crash worldwide!

THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has raised its concerns about Spain’s economy, saying ‘far-reaching’ reforms are needed to ensure its recovery. It said the country...

Tory-Lib Dem Butchers Outline The Task Ahead

TORY CHANCELLOR Osborne provided an outline of his £6.2bn of spending cuts for 2010-11 yesterday, with Lib Dem Chief Secretary to the Treasury Laws...

Queen’s Speech leaked as axe set to fall on public sector and business grants!

THE leaking of the Queen’s budget speech is unprecedented, and is an expression of the depth of the split and the cynicism in the...

Unite votes for speed-up and savage cuts at GM Vauxhall

THE Vauxhall-Opel GM bosses statement put out yesterday claimed as its subject: ‘Vauxhall and Opel employees dive into their pockets to support the company...

Capitalist state steps back from the brink!

BRITISH Airways cabin crew cheered and danced and celebrated yesterday morning. They sang ‘We are the Champions’ after their strength forced a panel...

Cbi Tells Tories – Impose Two Year Wage Freeze And Privatise!

THE CBI BOSSES organisation yesterday called for an immediate freeze in the public sector pay bill for two years and a ‘re-engineering’ (destruction) ‘of...

Tuc General Council Must Meet To Defend Right To Strike!

COMMENTING on yesterday’s decision in the High Court banning the BA cabin crew strikes, TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said: ‘This is a desperately...

Defend the right to strike with a general strike to bring down the Tory...

YESTERDAY the RMT rail workers trade union warned that an all-out assault on workers’ rights was taking place as BA used the Network Rail...

Renegade Field joins Cameron – while Milibands search for a ‘new opportunism’

FRANK Field, the notorious Labour party right winger has joined the Tory coalition and is to be its ‘Poverty Tsar’, no doubt bringing back...

Tories plan to govern without the support of the people or of parliament

IN RECENT days, especially after the Tories recognised that they would not have an overall parliamentary majority, we have heard many words about the...

Tories-Lib Dems want more than £20bn of NHS cuts by 2014

THE new Tory Secretary of State for Health Lansley was appointed on Wednesday and has immediately put on record that he will...

Tories-Lib Dems declare war on the working class

The unemployment rate for the three months to March 2010 was 8.0 per cent, up 0.2 per cent on the quarter, the Office for...

Red Cross confirms that the Afghan ‘Black Hole’ does exist

THE Red Cross has confirmed that the US airbase at Bagram does contain a prison within a prison, complete with a torture chamber, that...

Euro zone high stakes gamble with 1 trillion euros on the table

Euro-zone leaders have taken the desperate measure of risking all on one throw of the dice, after advancing an almost $1 trillion package...

Revolutionary crisis shaking regimes all over Europe

GERMAN Chancellor Merkel and French President Sarkozy on Saturday decreed that the preservation of the euro required a 70bn euro currency reserve fund and...

UK capitalism running out of time as Cameron demands strong government

AS THE failure of the Tory attempt to become the government emerged on Thursday night and in the early hours of Friday, it combined...

Greek Crisis To Explode All Over Europe!

AS 100,000 workers marched through Athens on May Day, and tens of thousands marched through large numbers of Greek towns and villages, it...

Vote Wrp – Keep The Tories Out– Forward To The Socialist Revolution

100,000 trade unionists and youth marched in Athens yesterday against the EU-IMF savage cuts programme being carried out by the Papandreou ‘socialist’ government. Today millions...

The US with 5,113 deployed nuclear bombs, and Israel with 200, is ‘threatened by...

THE US told the world on Monday that it has 5,113 nuclear war heads operationally deployed. This arsenal is supplemented by the warheads...

Vote WRP, restore free state education, and abolish student fees

AN official review into government funding of universities led by Lord Browne, the former chief executive of BP, will not be published until after...

Arab League sells out the Palestinians yet again

THE Arab League, the organisation of the Arab bourgeoisie, last Saturday gave its backing to the indirect Palestinian-Israeli peace talks being pushed by President...

British Army Handed 300 Over To Afghan Torturers

AFTER the killing and torture of Baha Mousa in Iraq was supplemented by a court martial that refused to convict those responsible for his...

Abbas Ready For Talks And A Deal With Netanyahu!

PALESTINIAN Authority President, Mahmud Abbas on Monday declared his willingness to work with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, adding that he hoped to get...

Smash the capitalist state – the only way to get justice for Blair Peach!

THE Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) today released the report of Commander Cass into the events surrounding the death of Blair Peach in Southall, west...

German bourgeoisie demands bigger Greek cuts

THE crisis of the European Union sharpened yesterday when the German Finance Minister warned the Greek bourgeoisie that it would not get access to...

Form public sector alliance to defend the NHS – Forward to a workers government!

THE just published survey of the NHS, carried out for the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) trade union, found that 90 per cent of...

Keep Tories Out – Forward To Socialism!

THE UK capitalist economy is staggering along the bottom with a three month ‘growth’ to show, from January to March, of 0.2 per cent. The...

Greece Can’t Pay – Workers Won’t Pay!

ACCORDING to Eurostat, the EU’s statistics office, Greece has a much bigger budget deficit than that reported by the Greek government last year....

Unemployment and inflation rising, as British capitalism crumbles!

THE number of people unemployed in the UK rose by 43,000 to 2.5 million during the three months to February, the highest figure since...

Workers hit by inflation leap and huge jobs crisis

THE UK Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation rate rose sharply to 3.4% in March from 3% the month before, official figures show. The Retail...

Bankrupt airlines need to be nationalised!

YESTERDAY BALPA, the pilots’ union, sounded the alarm at the crisis of the major airlines. This has been immeasurably sharpened by the eruption and continuing...

Watch out! The bank robbers are still at large!

‘MORE and more leverage in the system. The whole building is about to collapse anytime now. . . Only potential survivor, the fabulous Fab....

US Unemployment Rises Along With Repossessions!

THE number of US workers signing up for unemployment benefits and leaving non-farming payrolls has risen sharply for the second consecutive week. The US Labour...

Yates Demands A Heavily Armed Paramilitary Police Force!

BRITAIN’S top counter-terrorism officer, Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner Yates, has demanded that paramilitary police forces be established in the UK, and insists that they...

Brown Remains The Bankers’ Man!

GORDON Brown was putting on a show of humbleness last night when he admitted on TV that he was not perfect but had made...

Smash Imperialism To Get Rid Of Nuclear Weapons!

WORLD leaders at the Washington summit on nuclear security have heard the direst warnings yet from President Obama of the danger of nuclear...

Labour manifesto – a recipe for selling off the NHS and the Welfare State!

THEY say that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, and Gordon Brown proved the point yesterday when he began his forward to...

Build the WRP!

AT SATURDAY’S march to defend the Welfare State, workers from across the country were clear that action will have to be taken to defend...

Defend the Welfare State! Keep the Tories out! Forward to a workers government!

THOUSANDS of workers, students and youth will be marching today to defend the ‘Welfare State’ from the attacks of the current Labour government, and...

Political Revolution In Kyrgyzstan

THE Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, spoke by phone Thursday with the new interim leader in Kyrgyzstan whose ‘peoples government’ has been placed in...

Karzai talks with the Taleban as US policy comes unstuck

THE situation in Afghanistan has gone from bad to worse as far as the imperialist powers and their plans for the region are concerned. Last...

Vote WRP, forward to the socialist revolution!

PM Brown yesterday announced that the general election will be held on 6 May and told voters Labour will take the ‘big decisions’ that...

4.5m on the housing waiting list!

THE National Housing Federation (NHF) complains that the government has missed its home-building target for the last seven years and that the housing crisis...

Smash The Anti-Union Laws!

THE RMT has called off its Network Rail strike action of signal workers after the judiciary declared it to be illegal, using the ruling...