Labour terrorism against the unemployed


UNEMPLOYED council and housing association tenants must be made to sign a new tenancy agreement under which they will agree to have their skill levels checked, and to actively seek work, with the penalty for not doing so to be eviction from their council homes.

This is Labour terrorism at work on behalf of the bosses against the unemployed and their families.

To sign such a contract with capitalism going into a slump, and the country already flooded with cheap labourers from eastern Europe, would be the latest way to commit suicide. You will be putting your fate into the hands of bosses’ agents, like government Housing Minister Flint, who are determined to force you into low low, or even no pay jobs, or put you on the streets.

The Labour government now believes, that under the conditions of capitalist crisis, all sections of the working class must be severely disciplined, and punished until they are ready to work for any sum that the boss is willing to offer.

Their plan for youth is that from 14 upwards they are to be used as free slave labour for the bosses, disguised as ‘work experience’.

16-18 year olds are to be conscripted into ‘apprenticeships’ at cheap labour, anti-trade union companies, such as McDonalds, where as Premier Brown has spelt out, they will not be getting the minimum wage, since if they did, they would be ‘pricing themselves out of a job’. The employers obviously want to make a hefty profit out of them.

The 16-18 year olds are to be cheap forced labour.

In this brave new workhouse world single parents are to be forced into work, once their children are able to go to school, or else lose their benefit.

The bulk of the disabled and those on Incapacity Benefit, over 1.9 million people, are said by Labour ministers to be malingerers.

The Labour remedy is to bring in private companies and private doctors who will be paid a bounty for every one of the disabled they declare to be fit to work, and are taken off benefit.

This is the Labour leadership, full of hatred for the working class, and determined that if it takes the destruction of the Welfare State to save capitalism in crisis, then that is what will be done.

Contrast this with the Labour leaderships’ attitude to the failed bankers and the bosses whose failed system is now crashing.

At every meeting with the employers, Premier Brown practically swoons as he pledges 100 per cent loyalty and a 100 per cent service to the bosses, whose system is now breaking apart and threatening billions of workers world wide with slumps and wars.

He has poured 50 billion into the coffers of the failed Northern Rock bankers and assured the rest of the crew that the Bank of England will give billions in aid to them secretly in the future.

Meanwhile, while the poor are being looted and attacked as being wasters, Labour and Tory MPs are living like kings on their parliamentary salaries and expenses.

Even those that have been employing family members who seem to have done no work, but were paid tens of thousands of pounds, have the cheek to suggest an MP’s pay should be increased to £100,000 a year!

There is clearly one law for the rich and quite another for the poor.

In fact every worker wants a job, on a wage that he can keep his family on. In the 30 years after the Second World War unemployment was absolutely minimal, since capitalism was expanding.

It was under Thatcher that unemployment rocketed to three million as she set out to deindustrialise Britain, from which the economy never recovered.

Today capitalism is heading for a massive slump, and wants to pauperise the working class as a way of attempting to get out of it. The Browns and the Flints are bosses’ agents.

The central issue is that if capitalism cannot provide a decent life for the working class, and can only continue to exist by wiping out all of the gains of the working class, it will have to be overthrown by the working class, to make way for a socialist reorganisation of society, via a socialist revolution.