Labour government rotting from within – time for a general strike to bring it down


THE SHOCK resignation of MP Rosie Duffield from the Labour Party has revealed the bankruptcy of the Keir Starmer regime that is literally rotting from within.

She will now sit as an independent MP.

Duffield is by no means one of the ‘usual suspects’, not regarded as any kind of left-wing Corbyn supporter.

This made her furious letter of resignation, published by The Times on Saturday, all the more damaging to Starmer’s leadership.

In her letter, Duffield rages at the leadership of the party who accepted gifts from the multi-millionaire donor Lord Alli, saying it had left her ‘so ashamed of what you (Starmer) and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party’.

Starmer has accepted more than £30,000 of clothes, glasses and accommodation from Alli.

She accused Starmer of presiding over ‘sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice’ that was ‘off the scale’ and that Starmer was unfit for office after ‘inexplicably’ accepting designer suits while simultaneously carrying out ‘cruel and unnecessary’ policies.

Duffield wrote: ‘Someone with far above average wealth choosing to keep the Conservatives’ two-child limit to benefit payments which entrenches children in poverty, while inexplicably accepting expensive personal gifts of designer suits and glasses costing more than most of these people can grasp – this is entirely undeserving of holding the title of Labour Prime Minister.’

She continued to lambast Starmer for forcing Labour MPs to vote against the motion in the House of Commons to overturn the decision to scrap the Winter Fuel Allowance to pensioners, making ‘many older people iller and colder while you and your favourite colleagues enjoy free family trips to events most people would have to save hard for – why are you not showing even the slightest bit of embarrassment?’

Starmer is certainly not embarrassed, on the contrary he proclaims loudly that under his leadership it is ‘the country first and party second’.

What is tearing the Labour government apart is that workers are only too clear that this means putting the interests of the bosses and bankers first with workers, pensioners and children living in poverty, not even worth considering.

Starmer showed his contempt for them when at the Labour Party conference he forced the motion proposed by five trade unions demanding the pensioners fuel allowance be restored be removed from discussion and vote during the session on economic policy and shunted to the last 20 minutes on the last day.

This was a time when Starmer was safely out of the country attending a meeting of the UN in New York where he could act the part of international ‘statesman’ – as far removed from the poverty and suffering of workers and their children as possible.

Despite these manoeuvres, the motion was passed overwhelmingly by delegates, only to be dismissed as an irrelevance by Starmer.

Starmer and his ‘entitled’ circle believe they now have licence to carry on with all the sleaze and corruption that the Tories revelled in before they completely collapsed and were swept aside on a tide of anger from workers. One member of Labour’s National Executive Committee told the Telegraph paper that the ‘scramble for freebies’ was ‘pretty embarrassing’.

It is more than just embarrassing – the Labour government after just three months has come unstuck on the home front, defeated at the Labour Party conference and now suffering an MP walking out in disgust at the corruption at its heart.

In her resignation letter, Duffield declares Starmer ‘unfit’ to lead the Labour Party, implying he should be removed from the leadership.

The issue is not just removing Starmer but to bring down this Labour government that he leads, and which is dedicated entirely to carrying out a war to the finish to make the working class pay for the economic crisis of a British capitalist system drowning in debt and careering over the cliff of bankruptcy.

The only solution is for workers to demand the TUC stop just criticising and take action by organising a general strike to bring down Starmer’s government and go forward to a workers government and socialism.

Socialist Revolution is the only way forward – join the WRP and Young Socialists to build up the leadership required for its victory.

THE SHOCK resignation of MP Rosie Duffield from the Labour Party has revealed the bankruptcy of the Keir Starmer regime that is literally rotting from within.

She will now sit as an independent MP.

Duffield is by no means one of the ‘usual suspects’, not regarded as any kind of left-wing Corbyn supporter.

This made her furious letter of resignation, published by The Times on Saturday, all the more damaging to Starmer’s leadership.

In her letter, Duffield rages at the leadership of the party who accepted gifts from the multi-millionaire donor Lord Alli, saying it had left her ‘so ashamed of what you (Starmer) and your inner circle have done to tarnish and humiliate our once proud party’.

Starmer has accepted more than £100,000 of clothes, glasses and accommodation from Alli.

She accused Starmer of presiding over ‘sleaze, nepotism and apparent avarice’ that was ‘off the scale’ and that Starmer was unfit for office after ‘inexplicably’ accepting designer suits while simultaneously carrying out ‘cruel and unnecessary’ policies.

Duffield wrote: ‘Someone with far above average wealth choosing to keep the Conservatives’ two-child limit to benefit payments which entrenches children in poverty, while inexplicably accepting expensive personal gifts of designer suits and glasses costing more than most of these people can grasp – this is entirely undeserving of holding the title of Labour Prime Minister.’

She continued to lambast Starmer for forcing Labour MPs to vote against the motion in the House of Commons to overturn the decision to scrap the Winter Fuel Allowance to pensioners, making ‘many older people iller and colder while you and your favourite colleagues enjoy free family trips to events most people would have to save hard for – why are you not showing even the slightest bit of embarrassment?’

Starmer is certainly not embarrassed, on the contrary he proclaims loudly that under his leadership it is ‘the country first and party second’.

What is tearing the Labour government apart is that workers are only too clear that this means putting the interests of the bosses and bankers first with workers, pensioners and children living in poverty, not even worth considering.

Starmer showed his contempt for them when at the Labour Party conference he forced the motion proposed by five trade unions demanding the pensioners fuel allowance be restored be removed from discussion and vote during the session on economic policy and shunted to the last 20 minutes on the last day.

This was a time when Starmer was safely out of the country attending a meeting of the UN in New York where he could act the part of international ‘statesman’ – as far removed from the poverty and suffering of workers and their children as possible.

Despite these manoeuvres, the motion was passed overwhelmingly by delegates, only to be dismissed as an irrelevance by Starmer.

Starmer and his ‘entitled’ circle believe they now have licence to carry on with all the sleaze and corruption that the Tories revelled in before they completely collapsed and were swept aside on a tide of anger from workers. One member of Labour’s National Executive Committee told the Telegraph paper that the ‘scramble for freebies’ was ‘pretty embarrassing’.

It is more than just embarrassing – the Labour government after just three months has come unstuck on the home front, defeated at the Labour Party conference and now suffering an MP walking out in disgust at the corruption at its heart.

In her resignation letter, Duffield declares Starmer ‘unfit’ to lead the Labour Party, implying he should be removed from the leadership.

The issue is not just removing Starmer but to bring down this Labour government that he leads, and which is dedicated entirely to carrying out a war to the finish to make the working class pay for the economic crisis of a British capitalist system drowning in debt and careering over the cliff of bankruptcy.

The only solution is for workers to demand the TUC stop just criticising and take action by organising a general strike to bring down Starmer’s government and go forward to a workers government and socialism.

Socialist Revolution is the only way forward – join the WRP and Young Socialists to build up the leadership required for its victory.