Hamas urges workers of the world to march on the first anniversary of the Al Aqsa Flood Battle in a ‘Flood towards liberation!’


THE Hamas revolutionary leadership yesterday called for organising mass marches and broad solidarity events in all cities and capitals of the world on the first anniversary of the Al-Aqsa Flood Battle, which falls on October 7.

In a press statement on Tuesday, Hamas specified the days of mobilisation to start from Friday to Monday announcing that events will be held under the slogan ‘A Flood towards Liberation’.

The Movement said the events aim to express the rejection of the US-backed Zionist aggression against the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples.

The ‘Al-Aqsa Flood’ is an operation launched on October 7, 2023, by the Palestinian resistance in the Gaza Strip against the Israeli occupation settlements and army barracks surrounding the Strip. It included storming Israeli sites, airports, and military fortifications.

Since October 7, the Israeli occupation army has been waging a war of genocide on Gaza, resulting in more than 137 thousand martyrs and wounded, most of whom are women and children, in addition to 10 thousand missing under the rubble and on the roads, and massive destruction of the infrastructure.

The Hamas Movement said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a clear threat to international peace and security by insisting on continuing and expanding the aggression against the peoples of the region.

It added that: ‘Netanyahu should have been arrested and held accountable as a war criminal, rather than opening the doors of the United Nations to a criminal terrorist who threatens regional and international peace and security.’

It concluded that Netanyahu’s speech on Monday presents ‘a clear threat to international peace and security by confirming his determination to continue expanding aggression against the peoples of the region and continuing his brutal crimes, based on a criminal American policy that provides political and military cover for these crimes,’ the statement reads.

Israeli troops crossed the border into southern Lebanon on Tuesday in what they described as ‘limited, localised and targeted ground raids’ after approval was given to a ground invasion by US imperialism.

Bolstered by the unswerving support of the US, and its pledge of military support to keep Israel from defeat, Netanyahu gave a speech on Monday night boasting: ‘There is nowhere in the Middle East Israel cannot reach.’

Israeli bombs and missiles have already rained down on Syria, Iraq and Yemen, and now the Zionist regime, bloated by its claimed success in bombing residential buildings killing women and children in Lebanon after the genocide committed in Gaza, is boasting the entire Middle East is ‘within its sights’.

All this warlike boasting however cannot disguise the fact that Israel has significantly failed to crush the resistance of the Palestinians in Gaza or the occupied territories, and that its latest ground invasion of Lebanon is fraught with danger.

The history of previous military invasions by Zionist forces have resulted in Israel being forced into humiliating retreat.

In Hezbollah, they face a formidable resistance force better equipped and trained than in these previous invasions, and they have failed to destroy the Hamas fighters in Gaza, despite nearly a year-long murderous campaign. Above all, what is rapidly emerging is a force that is far stronger than the Zionist state and its imperialist masters.

In Spain on Friday, over 200 trade unions and NGOs (non-governmental organisations) carried out a 24 hour general strike under the banner ‘Against the genocide and occupation in Palestine’ – the first general strike in any European country in support of Palestine.

Now is the time for workers in the UK, in Spain and across the world to call an indefinite general strike from October 10 to bring down their capitalist governments and go forward to workers’ governments and socialism.

The urgent task today is to build the revolutionary parties of the International Committee of the Fourth International in every country to provide the revolutionary leadership necessary to take the mass spontaneous movement of workers and youth forward to the victory of the World Socialist Revolution, and the abolition of the capitalist system.

There is no time to lose. ‘Workers of the World unite, you have a world to win and nothing to lose but your chains!’