Hague Must Resign Over Libyan Debacle


THE latest NATO war crime, the bombing of the Libyan TV station, killing three technicians, was a repeat of a similar war crime, also carried out by NATO in Belgrade during the Kosovo war.

Saturday’s murderous attack was said, by a NATO official, to be part of the NATO mandate from the UN Security Council to defend Libyan civilians who came under military attack.

The absolute cynicism of this line, especially when Libyan civilian technicians were killed and wounded, brings out very clearly the truth of the situation. NATO has become destabilised and hysterical after Gadaffi’s successful mobilisation of the masses, and is now so desperate, it is willing to kill as many Libyan civilians as it takes to blot out Libyan TV, to try and dig themselves out of the huge hole of their own making.

In fact, Libyan TV never even went off the air. However, the Libyan masses have now got the message. This is that NATO is frightened of their mobilisation and their power, and is now lurching from one crisis to another, as Gadaffi urges the masses ‘Forward’.

At the same time, Hague’s government of Libya, which existed only in his head, is now revealed to be a motley gang of counter-revolutionaries, mercenaries and Islamists who hate each other as much as they hate Gadaffi.

The now dead rebel commander, Yunis, one of Hague’s ‘democrats’, had his throat cut, was shot twice and burnt in a fire before he was dumped on a Benghazi rubbish dump by a rival gang of ‘democrats’.

This is the Benghazi democracy that Hague is now sponsoring. The world has now seen them at work, but it has not seen the Foreign Secretary explaining himself on this matter and resigning.

In fact, Hague pledged that the Benghazi gangs are to have an ambassador at Westminster, and also that ‘Britain will transfer about $147m in frozen assets to the NTC and that it will extend a $143m loan based on frozen Libyan funds.’

Hague is seeking to pillage the Libyan government’s funds in the UK, and is counting his chickens well before they are hatched by offering a $143m loan to the Benghazi ‘democrats’.

It is now perfectly clear that the Libyan imperialist adventure is coming apart at the seams, as the Afghan intervention has already done.

These two imperialist wars are however continuing, with the costs being paid by the most savage cuts ever seen in the Welfare State, and the NHS.

In fact, the UK has spent more than £18 billion on the Afghan war, with the five-year conflict in Helmand officially estimated to have cost about £4 billion a year, according to Ministry of Defence figures published in a Commons defence committee report.

But the panel of MPs accused the MoD of hiding the true cost of the war by refusing to disclose millions of unseen expenses.

The report added that the bombing campaign in Libya is projected at £260 million if it lasts six months, significantly higher than forecasts made by George Osborne, the Chancellor, in March.

When the first attacks on Colonel Gaddafi’s forces commenced four months ago, the Chancellor claimed that the cost to Britain would be in the order of tens of millions of pounds, not hundreds of millions.

In order to continue with its imperialist wars, the MoD is planning to sack 7,000 of its civilian workers – in addition to the 25,000 already facing the axe following the strategic defence and security review.

It is also imposing £9,000 annual fees on students and seeking to slash all benefits.

The working class is to suffer, along with its children, so that the UK ruling class can try and restore its position in the world through massacre and bloodthirsty violence in Libya.

Workers in the UK have had enough of this barbaric coalition. The TUC must be made to take action to stop the barbaric wars in Libya and Afghanistan.

In fact, Hague, one of the main sponsors of the criminal gangs in Benghazi, must be made to resign, and Cameron must be made to follow him.

The working class does not support these wars. Now the time has come for the trade unions to take action to stop them.