French unions must call general strike to smash Macron’s murderous police forces!


FRANCE’S President Emmanuel Macron, after his panicky early return to France from an EU summit, has now been forced to postpone a planned state visit to Germany.

He remains at home to lead his special state forces to try to crush the resistance of French workers and youth after the police murder of French teenager Nahel M.

His various police forces are crystal clear about what they have to do, as they have publicly stated that they are at ‘war with vermin’, referring to the millions of youth and workers who have risen up to fight France’s murderous special police forces.

These special forces are determined to kill many more workers and youth in order to maintain the French ruling class in power.

Their aim is to use the current crisis to smash all of the basic gains of the French working class.

Last week’s nationwide mass protests alongside nighttime mass uprisings by workers and youth across the country started on Tuesday after 17-year-old Nahel M was shot dead on June 29th by police at a traffic stop in Nanterre, the Paris suburb where he lived.

The French ruling class has already deployed 45,000 police and several hundred armoured vehicles to quell the developing youth and workers revolution across the country over the police murder of a teenager for a traffic violation. They have already arrested nearly 1,000 protesters.

Over the past nights, angry workers targeted shops and town halls in various locations nationwide, despite the interior ministry sending out 45,000 members of the police and a mass of armoured vehicles to quell the protests.

They killed a boy for nothing!’ said Sami Benboudaoud, 20, who on Friday night was standing not far from a burning truck that blocked Pablo Picasso’s main avenue in Nanterre. ‘For years, we’ve been saying that the police are mistreating us, killing us. But nobody is listening. Maybe with some riots, they’ll start listening.’

On Friday, Macron urged parents to keep teenagers at home and proposed restrictions on social media to quell rioting spreading across France.

The issue of the hour is that the French ruling class is determined to destroy all of the basic gains of French workers as the only way for the ruling class to survive the massive worldwide capitalist crisis that has brought every capitalist country to the brink of economic disaster and civil war.

The French ruling class wants to destroy the trade unions and the working class youth who are the most revolutionary section of the working class.

They must not be allowed to do this.

This means that the various French trade union confederations must immediately call indefinite general strikes to stop the entire country and to bring down the Macron regime.

A workers’ government will disband his savage police forces, smash the capitalist state and bring in a socialist planned economy.

Workers in the EU must support the French workers and organise mass strike actions to support them by bringing down the EU and replacing it with the Socialist United States of Europe.

The British workers must take special notice of the ruthless way the French ruling class is attacking the working class youth. British youth in particular have also experienced police attacks and support the French youth entirely!

British imperialism is bankrupt, it has already used its war in the Ukraine to OK a massive inflation that has created mass hunger and poverty in the UK. They are bringing in laws that will make strikes and demonstrations illegal. The Tories aim to do a Macron to the British working class.

The French and British workers and youth are in the same trench!

British workers must demand that the TUC calls a mass political strike to support the French workers and that they recall the TUC Congress to call a general strike to smash the British Tory government to create the conditions for a UK workers government and a Socialist United States of Europe.

This is the way forward. Now is the time to build sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International throughout Europe to organise the victory of the European Socialist Revolution.