Blair’s police state demonising Muslims


ABU Bakr, the 27 year old English teacher, and one of the nine Muslim men arrested by the police, and put under the media floodlights, as part of a group allegedly planning to behead a serving British Muslim soldier, was released without charge on Wednesday.

He said of Britain, ‘It’s a police state for Muslims.

‘It’s not a police state for everybody else because these terror laws are designed specifically for Muslims and that’s quite an open fact.’

Without doubt the state’s new and draconian anti-terror laws are being directed at Muslims who have been targeted as the enemy within, in the same way as the Irish and Anglo-Irish population was targeted, and in many cases put away for many years, in horrific frame-ups during the period of the British counter-insurgency operations in the north of Ireland.

Remember the Birmingham Six, the Maguire family, the Guildford Four etc, etc. They were all jailed for very many years, and were eventually released as victims of ‘miscarriages of justice’.

In fact they were victims of the British capitalist state and its drive to demonise Irish people as part of its war in the north of Ireland.

The Muslim population is now beginning to get the same treatment.

Abu Bakr said that he was held for a week and questioned for just four hours, without the alleged plot to behead a British soldier being mentioned.

However, out on the streets, the media was churning out, for 24 hours a day, this lurid story, which was in fact provided to the media by the state.

Liberty, the human rights organisation, using the Freedom of Information Act has asked the Home Office to reveal any briefings by the Home Secretary’s political advisers to the media concerning the beheading plot.

So, while this was never an issue put to Abu Bakr by the police, this lurid tale dominated the streets, putting the Muslim community under extreme pressure, and in danger of being attacked by whipped up bands of right wing hooligans.

In fact, an anti-Muslim fury is being created by the state, in order to allow it to bring in even more draconian attacks on basic rights, namely that the state should be able to hold suspects for up to 90 days without having to charge them.

Also, the racist frenzy that is whipped up has another purpose. It helps to take the minds of millions of people off of the crisis of the Labour government and the demands that are now being made every day that it should resign.

Abu Bakr has been freed, without an apology from the police or an apology to the Muslim community, and Abu Izzadeen was arrested yesterday to take his place charged with being under suspicion of encouraging terrorism.

Izzadeen is well known for being just a loudmouth who shouts out the truth as he sees it.

Already the Home Office sources are briefing that his arrest is in connection with the West Midlands events.

He, along with his wilder statements are now to be used to whip up even more feeling against the Muslim people, by a government that will use every dirty trick to bring in more extremist laws and stay in office.

However, British workers should not just assume that it is the Muslim population that is the target.

In fact the whole of the working class is the target.

Blair has targeted the Welfare State for destruction, He demonises Muslims and he demonises working class youth and working class ‘problem families’. His ilk want to ‘reorder the world’, including destroying the Welfare State at home.

They are trying to split the working class with their anti-Muslim hysteria in order to destroy all of the gains that the British working class has made.

British workers must defend the Muslim community from attack. This can only be done by organising the British socialist revolution that will end capitalism and imperialism, see British troops withdrawn from the Middle East and socialism established in Britain.