Arrogant Crisis-Ridden Imperialists Threaten Russia!


THE President of the crisis-ridden EU Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso yesterday told the BBC that the inclusion of Russia in any future meeting of the leading industrial nations is uncertain.

Barroso said the ‘democratic’ G7 club ‘does not accept today the Russia of Vladimir Putin.’

What a grand declaration from a grand bankrupt! Back in the real world the EU and the G7 are gripped by an enormous economic and political crisis. Revolution is developing in Greece and in a number of other EU states, as their established political leaderships crumble, and their economies and banking system staggers from crisis to crisis. Meanwhile the Japanese economy is deep into slump.

In fact it is Russia, which has just established the Eurasian Union, and a strategic economic relationship with China, that does not need the G7.

As well, a number of the states of the G7 have economies that depend on the supply of Russian gas and access to its oil resources, and could not do without either!

The G7 is essentially a ‘paper tiger’ as the huge success of Assad’s Syrian elections prove – he defied the great powers, and has won the support of many workers in the US and the UK.

The EU and G7 bankrupts are simply trying to disguise the weakness of their position by projecting their classic imperialist traits, arrogance and bullying. They can see that their grip on the planet is slipping badly, and are convinced that nothing will be right until they have got their hands on the wealth of the planet and have crushed the trade unions at home.

They’ re trying to make up for their current weakness by taking advantage of the outlook of the Russian Stalinist leadership. It desperately wants to be accepted by the capitalist world and insists in terming its 100% enemies as ‘partners’ and ‘colleagues’, whatever dirty tricks they pull.

In 2003 they allowed the US and UK to destroy Iraq. In 2011 they voted in the UN Security Council to allow the imperialists to intervene in Libya and now they have said that they will not intervene in the Ukraine.

It is the politics of ‘peaceful coexistance’ with ‘partners’ who despise the concept, and carry out spying, oppression and war on a massive scale, that are giving the imperialists the notion that, despite the weakness of their position, provided they proceed energetically and determinedly, they may well be able to get away with murder.

The reality is that on the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings, the G7 gang are organising a war drive against Russia and China, which if allowed to reach the point of explosion will lead to a disaster that will make the Second World War seem like childsplay.

The imperialist statesmen of the G7 are marching to the tune of the capitalist crisis. Its laws of development are driving them into more and more risky political and military adventures, fortified by the idea that it will not meet any serious opposition provided it presses ahead.

The current Ukrainian crisis is one of imperialism’s own making. It was the EU and the US that backed two ‘Orange revolutions’ which imposed governments that were dedicated to destroying the Ukrainian workers state and putting the Ukraine at the disposal of the EU and the US.

When these parliamentary counter-revolutions did not do the job, the US and the EU organised a coup by fascist militias and the current civil war against the workers and children in the East of the country, bombing and rocketing them from the air and machine-gunning them on the ground.

Their victory in the Ukraine would see the counter revolution being spread to Belarus and to Russia with Moscow in NATO’s sights!

In this critical situation, where the imperialists are seeking to destroy the Donbas using mercenaries, it is vital that the imperialists are stopped.

Russia must arm the workers of the East and intervene as it did in Georgia, this time to drive the oligarchs such as Poroshenko out of the country and into exile in London, Washington or Moscow.

Now is the time to act decisively while the imperialist powers are weakened and gripped by their economic and political crisis.

Workers in the West will understand the reason for such an intervention. In fact, millions of workers are now more than ever convinced that their real enemy is at home and is made up of the British, US and EU ruling classes.