Saturday’s Palestine march must be the start of a general strike to establish the State of Palestine!


THE march in London this Saturday in support of Palestine and to end the complicity of the Labour government in Zionist genocide must be turned into day-one of a general strike to bring down Labour and establish the State of Palestine.

This is the immediate historic task confronting the working class today – the only force on the planet with the power and ability to smash imperialism and go forward to the Palestinian state and world socialism.

Imperialist wars, in fact, expose the completely barbaric nature of capitalism in its final imperialist stage.

Imperialist wars have only one aim, to re-order the entire world in a last ditch attempt by the bankrupt world capitalist system to escape its economic collapse by lashing out militarily to re-assert its domination on the world and all its resources, including its peoples.

Nowhere has the barbaric nature of world capitalism, in its final stage of the imperialist death agony, been more exposed than in Gaza and the occupied territories of Palestine.

Imperialism’s Israeli attack dog in the oil-rich Middle East has been given free rein and all the money and bombs it demands to destroy the resistance of Palestinians to the Zionist occupation.

This has failed completely and after 15 months of the most savage military war that has killed at least 46,707, including nearly 18,000 children, the Zionist regime has not achieved the aim of destroying Hamas and driving Palestinians out of the Gaza Strip.

As one Israeli general told the press, every Hamas fighter killed, is immediately replaced by others determined to carry on the struggle against the oppressors.

Palestinians are refusing to be driven from their land, despite all the orders to flee – orders accompanied by indiscriminate bombing of hospitals, schools and makeshift tent shelters.

Israel is losing the war, while at the same time the working class and youth across America, Britain and Europe are rising up, demanding their governments end their support for genocide. This has accelerated the crisis for the US and its allies.

In an attempt to control the situation, the US has forced a ceasefire deal on Israeli prime minster Benjamin Netanyahu. This three-stage deal promises the gradual withdrawal of Israeli occupation forces from Gaza and the staged release of Palestinian prisoners and Israelis held captive by Hamas.

There is no doubt that Israel would assuredly claim the right to intervene militarily in Gaza anytime it wished, under the pretext of ‘national security’ and would be supported by the US and its allies.

Indeed, the commitment of Israel to any ‘peace’ was demonstrated by an intensification of bombings immediately after Netanyahu announced he would sign the agreement. Over 83 Palestinian were killed in the 24 hours before the Israeli war cabinet was due to sign the deal on Thursday morning.

In fact, Netanyahu cancelled this meeting on the unfounded claim that Hamas was trying to introduce new terms – something Hamas completely denied.

Whatever the outcome of this ‘peace deal’, it is clear that there will be no end to the war by imperialism to militarily dominate the Middle East, while at the same time engaging in wars, military and economic against its enemies across the world.

Gripped by a massive global economic crisis and being strangled by unrepayable national debt, the once mighty US under soon-to-be-installed president Donald Trump has pledged a war against friend and foe alike in order to maintain American supremacy.

In fact, in its death agony, imperialism will not leave the scene of history quietly. It will lash out with wars on the people of the world and a class war to impose its crisis onto the backs of workers at home.

Only the working class has the power to put an end to this war on two fronts.

The real obstacle is the reformist leaders of the trade unions who are tied completely to the capitalist system and act as its main social prop, attempting at every turn to divert workers from the central issue of putting an end to capitalism.

Now is the time to build up the WRP and Young Socialists to provide the leadership prepared to organise the working class in a general strike to bring down Labour and bring in a workers government and socialism.

Join the WRP and YS – make Saturday’s march the start of an indefinite general strike to put British capitalism out of its misery with the victory of the British socialist revolution. Now is the time to build sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International worldwide to lead the world socialist revolution to its victory!