MAJORITY DEMAND – Keep Chase Farm Hospital open!


The hugely expensive ‘consultation process’ meant to rubber stamp the closure of Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield has backfired, after the majority of returnees ignored the ‘two official options’ and wrote in ‘Keep Chase Farm Hospital Open!’

However, the Strategic Health Authority still plans to proceed with the closure of the much-needed hospital. This is due to be announced on December 11.

More than 50 per cent of those who responded refused to choose either ‘option’ on the questionnaire, but instead wrote their own letters demanding that the hospital remains open as a fully-functioning District General Hospital.

Out of 13,000 respondents, 6,636 rejected the two ‘options’ on the questionnaire, which both involved the destruction of the north London hospital as a District General Hospital.

However, health bosses are pushing ahead with their plans to downgrade Chase Farm and are planning to recommend Option 1, which will see the hospital in the Ridgeway, Enfield, lose its A&E, Maternity and children’s services.

The Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Clinical Strategy Project Boardroom is to recommend Option 1 to a meeting on 11 December.

The Board claims that the 4,384 people who opted for Option 1 represents a majority of the 13,000 residents from three boroughs who took part in the consultation conducted by Professor Rifat Atun at Imperial College.

The Strategic Health Authority claims that approximately one million forms went out, but even the local Tory MP has written that only a quarter of his constituents received the questionnaire.

Bill Rogers, Secretary of the North East London Council of Action, which for the last year has fought against the cuts and closures at Chase Farm, North Middlesex and Whipps Cross Hospitals, spoke to News Line yesterday.

He said: ‘The consultation which was carried out on the future of Chase Farm Hospital was a sham from start to finish.

‘The Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Clinical Strategy Project Board met to discuss the results of the sham consultation and have recommended that Option 1 be taken forward, which means the closure of the A&E, Maternity and childrens’ services; in fact it means the closure of the entire hospital.

‘This is from the response of 4,384 people in the consultation which covers an area which I would estimate is over three-quarters of a million people.

‘The way forward to defend Chase Farm is to occupy the hospital with the support of the local community and the trade unions.

‘I urge people to come to the Council of Action meeting next Tuesday, 4 December at 7.30pm at 399 Tottenham High Road, and join our mass picket on the following Tuesday, the 11th December, the day of decision for Chase Farm.’