North Korea successfully tests H-Bomb to be loaded onto an ICBM!


NORTH Korea has successfully tested an H-bomb, a nuclear weapon that it will now be able to load onto an Inter-Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), able to target the USA.

It has made perfectly clear that its sixth nuclear test was a ‘perfect success’, and that it had tested a hydrogen bomb – a device many times more powerful than an atomic bomb. South Korean officials said the latest test took place in Kilju County, where the North’s Punggye-ri nuclear test site is situated. The ‘artificial quake’ was 9.8 times more powerful than the tremor from the North’s fifth test, the state weather agency stated.

There is no doubt that North Korea is 100 per cent correct to develop its own nuclear defence capacity, that is an ICBM armed with an H-bomb that with some additional development will be able to strike the US, should the US seek to strike North Korea.

North Korea is perfectly correct to develop its own means of self defence and not to rely on Russia or China to defend it. The basic truth is while the Chinese and Russian Stalinist bureaucracies do not want to see US, South Korean and Japanese armies facing it whether on the Yalu River border with China or on the Russian border south east of Vladivostok, they are quite capable of selling the Korean people out if the USA makes an offer that they deem it impossible to refuse.

The North Koreans are determined to have the power to defend themselves while treasuring the alliance with Russia, and China. The North Koreans are difficult to frighten since they saw it all, from mass bombings, gassing and mass murder in the 1950-1953 war against the US and the UK, when US pilots complained that they had run out of targets to destroy.

North Korea has also seen how the US-UK axis launched a war to destroy Iraq in 2003 knowing full well that the propaganda that the war was launched with, that Iraq had wmds was a pack of lies.

The two bastions of freedom, the US and UK, slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and then went on through NATO to do the same in Libya, before turning on Syria. Through this naked imperialist aggression in north Africa and the Middle East they managed to create and nourish movements like ISIS and the Nusra Front. The North Koreans are determined not to stake their existence on Russia and China, since the bureaucracies did not lift a finger to save Iraq and Libya.

Their defence is now in their own hands, however many threats that Trump, the Japanese government and the South Korean regime make. However, they cannot get rid of the threat by overthrowing the imperialist powers. The essence of the situation is that the fate of the Arab peoples and the fate of the Korean people rest on capitalism now well into its imperialist stage being disarmed and overthrown by the international working class through the victory of the world socialist revolution.

That this task cannot be achieved by purely military means is as well known as Doctor Strangelove’s ‘mutually assured destruction’. It can only be done through the victory of the world-wide socialist revolution which began in Russia 100 years ago and was then continued in China, North Korea and Vietnam.

Today, global capitalism is floundering in oceans of debt after being hooked on the heroin of quantitative easing. In the US, the UK and throughout the EU there are already semblances of civil war as the old order breaks apart. In France, the modern version of Napoleon III is poised to take on the massively strong working class and has admitted that Thatcher is his model.

This year is the 100th anniversary year of the Russian Revolution that started what Lenin called the ‘World October’. We must build up the Fourth International to lead the world socialist revolution to its victory. This is the only way to really support the working class of Russia, China and North Korea. We urge all workers and youth to attend our Russian Revolution Centenary Rally on November 12th at Camden Town Hall.