UK has not offered to take in a single Syrian refugee!


THE fact that the UK ruling coalition is involved up to its neck in organising the war in Syria, and is also keeping it going, is well known. It has permitted hundreds of Islamists to go from the UK to fight the Assad regime and still insists that it is in favour of regime change – that is, the carnage continuing.

Only a ‘no’ vote in the UK House of Commons stopped Cameron and Hague sending British troops into Syria as part of an Anglo-American invasion force.

That vote, in fact, reinforced the opposition of the US public to the war and prevented Obama from going to war. He had to call in President Putin to try and rescue him with a diplomatic solution, amounting to an effort to negotiate the removal of President Assad.

Following the US-UK-Saudi-Qatari-Turkish-backed invasion of Syria by tens of thousands of Islamists, the country has been ruined, hundreds of thousands of people are now refugees, hungry and cold in camps all over the Middle East, while in Syria the slaughter of the innocents continues at the hands of NATO’s allies.

In fact, the Islamist and Al-Qaeda militants have turned on each other.

A report by the Syrian ‘opposition’ National Council for Truth, Justice and Reconciliation website stated yesterday that: ‘The ISIL ( The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) has control of the offices of Liwa Suqur al-Sham and Liwa Ahfad al-Rasul. It also seized large weapons caches belonging to the so-called Free Syrian Army (FSA). These caches contained weapons and ammunition provided by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the US through Turkey.

‘These developments prompted Abu-Abd-al-Malik, the head of the Shari’ah Committee of Ahrar al-Sham, to take the harshest and most violent position against the ISIL since the beasts and hyenas of the two herds began to devour each other.’

Britain’s allies the ‘beasts and hyenas’ have begun to devour each other at the expense of the Syrian people. The butchers have fallen out, but the UK-US organisers are still intact and are completely immune to the fate of the Syrian people, who are being butchered by the Islamists.

The UK ruling class which loves to pose as ‘caring’ does not give a damn for the Syrian people.

This is rammed home by the fact that the cynical British bourgeoisie has not offered to accept a single Syrian exile into Britain!

‘European leaders should be ashamed by the paltry numbers of refugees from Syria they are prepared to resettle’, human rights group Amnesty says.

Only 10 member states have offered to take in refugees and even then only 12,000, it complains. The UK and Italy have offered no places at all, it adds!

The UN estimates almost 2.3 million Syrians have fled to neighbouring countries since March 2011.

Not one has been able to flee to the UK. There are 838,000 in Lebanon, 567,000 in Jordan, 540,000 in Turkey, 207,000 in Iraq, 129,000 in Egypt, with 6.5 million others displaced inside Syria.

Hague and Cameron weep crocodile tears for the Syrian people whose plight they have engineered, while not offering to resettle a single Syrian in the UK.

Meanwhile, the UN has found that chemical weapons were ‘probably used’ at five out of seven sites in Syria, UN investigators say in a report.

In two cases the weapons affected soldiers, and in a third, soldiers and civilians, the report says.

The study has not determined whether the government or rebels had used the weapons.

We are asked to believe that the Syrian government, which has decommissioned all of its chemical weapons, is gassing its own soldiers.

It is obvious that the UK Coalition’s Islamist allies are still using chemical weapons, while the US and UK governments are patting themselves on the back that they have disarmed Syria of wmds.

It is time that this dirty imperialist war on Syria is stopped. UK workers know that their enemy is at home, and that the same government that is destroying Syria is seeking to smash their NHS and Welfare State.

UK workers must demand that their trade unions stand up for the Syrian people, and act to put a stop to the imperialist slaughter.

The trade unions must tell the Cameron government to stop the war and recognise the Assad government or else they will call industrial action to bring it down.