Young Socialists march to TUC Congress!

Young Socialists lobbied the TUC at its congress last year. This year they are going to demand that the TUC takes action to bring down the coalition
Young Socialists lobbied the TUC at its congress last year. This year they are going to demand that the TUC takes action to bring down the coalition

THE YOUNG Socialists March for Jobs from London to Liverpool starts today outside the TUC HQ, Great Russell Street, near Tottenham Court Road, and the YS are calling for everyone to join the march.

It will take two and a half weeks and is marching on the TUC Congress in Liverpool, with a mass lobby of the conference on Sunday September 7.

The marchers are demanding the TUC name the date for the general strike.

Jonty Leff YS national organiser said: ‘Over a million youth are unemployed, millions of others are on zero hours contracts and more still are working for free on slave labour job centre schemes where they are not paid a single penny.

‘We are calling on all youth, students and workers to join the Young Socialists March for Jobs today and march with us from London to Liverpool, to take the TUC Congress by storm and demand a general strike is called immediately.

‘A general strike will bring this hated Tory coalition government down, which is the only way to secure a future for young people.

‘The unions must take action to defend youth! This government is attacking the working class and young people on all fronts.

‘They are hell bent on privatising the NHS, with all four major District General Hospitals in West London earmarked for closure – two in the next month!

‘This would leave the people of west London with no health facilities at all!

‘The NHS must be defended by all means necessary and that means occupying any hospital or department threatened with closure.’