Tag: worker
Canadian School Workers To Strike Against 5-Year Pay Freeze
CANADIAN Union of Public Employees (CUPE) school worker members in the City of Nanaimo’s Ladysmith school district, British Columbia, have voted overwhelmingly in favour...
Palestinian Workers Slam Checkpoint ‘Humiliation’
Around 4,000 Palestinian workers from Hebron face an arduous journey every day as they try to cross into Israel via the Tarqumiya checkpoint. The luckiest...
Irish Unions Faced With ‘Draconian Anti-Union Legislation!
THE Irish trade union leaders are currently deciding whether to accept state control of their public sector trade unions, including control over wages,...
‘Qatar is acting like a 21st century slave state’, delegates attending the UEFA Congress in London heard. The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)...
Miliband’s Labour saves Cameron government
ON MONDAY evening, Labour Party leader Miliband completely betrayed the interests of the working class, the youth and the majority of the middle class...
Northern Rail Strike Vote Against Casualisation
RMT members at Northern Rail have voted for strike action against sackings and casualisation.’ In a statement the RMT said: ‘Northern Rail management have run...
Strikes & Suicides Continue At The Foxconn Factory
FOXCONN'S promise of facilitating a democratic trade union is only for their marketing image, says a research team based in several universities in the...
DEATH TOLL PASSES 1,100 – in the Rana Plaza disaster
THE death toll from the collapse of the Dhaka building housing garment factories that workers were ordered back into, despite warnings, reached over 1,121...
May Day – Trade Unionists Demand A General Strike!
UP TO 10,000 workers trade unionists, students and youth were on the London May Day march from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square on Wednesday. There...
USW ready for ExxonMobil strike or lock-out
A lockout or strike is set to occur June 15 at ExxonMobil’s Baytown, Texas, refinery, chemical plant and laboratory if company management continues...
Ealing marchers call for occupation and a general strike! –‘Drastic times...
‘DEFEND Ealing Hospital – Occupy Now!’ rang out in a crescendo as the Ealing leg of the march against four hospital closures stopped outside...
Miliband Lashes Out At The Unions
ON Wednesday night the Labour leader, Ed Miliband, launched a scathing attack on the leader of the largest trade union, Unite, denouncing him for...
TUC must call indefinite general strike to bring down coalition now!
TODAY’S meeting of the TUC general council must get off the fence and call for an immediate all-out, indefinite general strike to bring down...
US Working Class At The Crossroads – Break With The Democrats...
EVERYWHERE, from the motor car industry to the mines of Appalacia, the US working class is struggling for its jobs and its trade union...
OVER two hundred workers, trade unionists and youth attended the News Line-North East London Council of Action Special Conference to defend our hospitals and...
THE Department of Health has published an 80-page response to the Francis report into the failings at Mid Staffs Hospital. This is called ‘Patients...
Impotent Osborne Lashes Out At The Workers
TORY chancellor George Osborne started his budget speech last Wednesday with a confession that British capitalism is totally impotent in the face of the...
Petrol Prices Rocketing!
SOARING fuel and domestic energy prices led to the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation rate rising from 2.7% to 2.8% in February, the Office...
Unite will support strikes, work-ins and occupations to defend NHS –...
OVER 5,000 trade unionists, youth and families from across north London marched on Saturday from Highbury and Islington Station to the Whittington Hospital, Archway,...
Prince Charles visiting Saudi Arabia where 17 people have been executed...
CONCERNS about human rights in Saudi Arabia were raised in a briefing by Amnesty International and released ahead of Monday’s visit to the feudal...
Cosatu Will Defend Collective Bargaining Agreements!
THE Cosatu trade union federation has issued a special statement on the attack being launched in South Africa on free collective bargaining. ‘THE Congress of...
Murdoch-Farage Out To Get Cameron
FORMER Surrey Police officer Alan Tierney, 40, yesterday admitted selling information to the Sun newspaper. Tierney pleaded guilty at the Old Bailey to two offences...
Stop the routine strip searching of children in English and Welsh...
CHILDREN are routinely strip-searched in child prisons and secure children’s homes in England and Wales despite the government’s pledge to stop, says Carolyne...
Irish Trade Unions Split Over Croke Park
THE Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation and the Civil, Public and Services Union have decided they will urge members to reject the Croke Park...
Coalition Crisis Deepening By The Hour
WHATEVER the outcome of yesterday’s by-election in Eastleigh, it spells disaster for the Tory-led coalition government. Should the LibDems scrape a win over the Tories...
Travel Safe Action
‘TRANSPORT for London – do the right thing!’ shouted striking London Overground Travel Safe security workers lobbying TfL head office in Victoria yesterday. ‘What do...
Gmb & Unite Defend National Agreements
FULL-scale nhs privatisation under Section 75 of the Health & Social Care Act and cuts to terms and conditions of NHS Staff pose real...
IRISH Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) Chief Economist Paul Sweeney has told a high level global economic summit involving the IMF, World Bank and...
A police-Fire Service merger is a Tory plan to destroy FBU...
THE news that has emerged that the Tory police and crime commissioner for Northamptonshire, Adam Simmonds, has been in secret talks for twelve weeks...
‘This Occupation Is Hugely Inspiring To Staff’ Says Sussex Professor
Over 500 students, lecturers and other academic staff, and privatisation-threatened support workers, held a vibrant march and rally on Tuesday afternoon, in support of...
100,000 march through Dublin
OVER 100,000 workers in their unions, with students and youth marched on Saturday through the centre of Dublin, furious at the 64 billion euros...
‘CHASE FARM Hospital is occupied,’ Bill Rogers, Secretary of the North East London Council of Action, told News Line, speaking inside the hospital at...
‘AS I HAVE said from the beginning, the best way for this strike to end is with Local 1181, Mayor Bloomberg and the city’s...
Ontario ‘Rally for Rights and Democracy’
ONTARIO trade unionists and their families rallied in Toronto on Saturday to demand good jobs, public services, workers’ rights and the recall of the...
KENYA STRIKE WAVE – Lecturers, Council Workers and Nurses fight for...
AN attempt to stop a strike by lecturers in public universities continuing in Kenya failed on Monday, after a university employers organisation failed...
Bangladesh garment workers and ship breakers demand safety at work and...
GARMENT workers on Monday (January 14) marched in Dhaka city demanding assurances for a safe workplace and trade union rights in ...
Cost of living soars – but CPI inflation rate stays the...
Consumer Price Index (CPI) inflation remained at 2.7% in December, according to figures released yesterday, despite electricity, gas and food prices soaring, and wages...
Defend Our NHS
NHS London has allocated £115 million to organise the closure of A&E and maternity services at Chase Farm Hospital, Enfield. Emergencies are to be directed...
Fight Honda Sackings
THE Unite union yesterday called Honda’s decision to cut 800 jobs at its Swindon plant a ‘hammer blow’ to UK manufacturing and the local...
Occupy To Keep Lewisham Hospital Open!
THE picket called each Wednesday by the South East London Council of Action, to prepare to defend Lewisham hospital with an occupation to keep...
BRING DOWN COALITION IN 2013 – victory to World Socialist Revolution
2013 Manifesto – STATEMENT BY THE NEWS LINE EDITORIAL BOARD THE News Line editorial board sends its revolutionary greetings for the year 2013 to the...
Police fire rubber bullets and teargas at Savar workers
At least 50 people were injured as garment workers clashed with police in Savar on the main road between Dhaka and Aricha in Bangladesh...
15,000 MARCH THROUGH LEWISHAM! – determined to stop the closure of...
LEWISHAM reverberated, last Saturday to a 15,000 strong demonstration of opposition to the closure of the Accident and Emergency, and Maternity Services at Lewisham...
Capitalism kills
Thousands of Bangladeshi workers erupted onto the streets of the capital Dhaka yesterday in fury at the fire on Saturday at a garment factory...
A MASS demonstration of around 25,000 people from all over Britain and other countries marched in support of Palestine from Downing Street through central...