Tag: wales
BLOCKADES IN A WEEK! – road hauliers give Brown 7 days...
ANGRY road hauliers yesterday spelled out exactly what they will do when the government tries to ignore their huge protest convoys against soaring fuel...
KEEP OUR POST OFFICE OPEN! – demand angry Borough residents
MEMBERS of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) have been joined by over 50 angry pensioners and other local residents in a demonstration against the...
Free first class medical care and accommodation for the sick and...
ONCE again PM Gordon Brown and the Labour Party have revealed that while they rushed to handing over £150 billion to the bankers, they...
Working class turns on the Blair-Brown gang
LABOUR suffered a net loss of 331 seats in local elections in England and Wales on 1 May. It also lost out to Tory...
Cut Fuel Duty Now! Demand Hauliers
HAULIERS hit by record fuel prices and taxes converged on Westminster in their lorries on Tuesday, to demand an immediate rebate to save them...
‘I think, good on the striking workers at Grangemouth,’ said Simon Gough, from A E Gough and Sons in mid-Wales, as more than 100...
Junior Doctors To Act Over 20% Pay Cut
Angry delegates at the British Medical Association (BMA) Junior Doctors Conference in central London on Saturday voted for action to restore free accommodation for...
‘COMPENSATE LOW PAID NOW’ – Prentis warns Brown
‘The abolition of the 10p tax rate has dealt a body blow to millions of low paid workers,’ UNISON General Secretary, Dave Prentis said...
MILITARY OUT OF SCHOOLS! – says the NUT conference
THE National Union of Teachers Conference in Manchester yesterday voted overwhelmingly to oppose military recruitment activities in schools. Motion 48 on War, accused the Ministry...
N.U.T. TEACHERS VOTE FOR STRIKE ACTION – over pay, conditions and...
DELEGATES at the National Union of Teachers (NUT) annual conference in Manchester have called for action over pay, privatisation and teachers’ workload. During...
NORTHERN ROCK JOBS SHOCK! – Unite pleges to fight compulsory redundancies
The Unite trade union yesterday told Northern Rock that they will oppose any plans for compulsory redundancies at the publicly owned bank. Following the announcement...
TONY HALL 12th November 1936 – 21st February 2008
WE are very sad to have to announce the death from lung cancer of Tony Hall, a very good friend of the News Line,...
Sri Lanka Tea Workers Arrested
Thirty four civilians were taken into custody in a cordon and search operation conducted by the government security forces at Gampaha town from Saturday...
FBU anger mounting – strike action on the way!
FIREFIGHTERS risk their lives every time they are called out. They never know what they are going to have to tackle, and often do...
Police to be ‘reformed’ along RUC lines
SIR Ronald Flanagan, the Chief Inspector of Constabulary in England and Wales, and the senior police adviser to the Home Secretary, will publish a...
Further Education Unions Demand 6 Per Cent
The six trade unions – ACM, ATL, GMB, UCU, UNISON and UNITE – representing 250,000 further education staff yesterday submitted a pay claim for...
HAIN QUITS! – after police called in
Work and Pensions Secretary and Welsh Secretary Peter Hain yesterday quit the Cabinet after his late declaration of £103,000 of donations to his Labour...
Hain resigns after police are called in!
PETER HAIN – the former Young Liberal radical, and then leader, in the 1970s of the Anti-Apartheid campaign and then the Anti-Nazi League –...
Millions denied NHS dental care under Labour
IT IS estimated that 7.4 million people in England and Wales have not been to a National Health Service dentist since April 2006, because...
The Prison Officers Association (POA) yesterday expressed anger and disappointment after MPs in the House of Commons voted by 481 to 46 to back...
General strike to defend the NHS
AMBULANCE crews in south-east Wales are staging a four-week, unofficial overtime ban to highlight how much the ambulance service now relies on their willingness...
2,000 Out In Newham Unison Strike
Two thousand members of Newham UNISON held a one-day strike yesterday in defence of their sacked Branch Chair, Michael Gavan. Gavan told News Line: ‘I...
DON’T SHORT CHANGE WORKERS! – UNISON warns council chiefs
Public sector union UNISON has warned councils in England not to short change workers when they plan their budgets for 2008. ‘Our members won’t settle...
Tuc Supports Strikes By Writers Guild Of America
British trade unionists on Wednesday demonstrated their support for America’s striking screenwriters as part of an international day of solidarity called by the Writers...
UNISON, the major UK health union, yesterday blamed the government for the crisis over dirty ambulances and issued a call ‘for urgent action to...
More and more repression in Brown’s Queen’s Speech
THE Queen’s Speech yesterday outlined yet more attacks in the coming parliament on workers and youth in Britain by the Brown government, alongside a...
WE WILL FIGHT WAGE CUTS IN 2008 say NHS unions –...
THE overstretched and undervalued NHS workforce will not accept another below-inflation pay deal next year, trade unions representing over one million health workers have...
Housing crash on the way!
THE latest Bank of England figures show that the number of new mortgages being given to house buyers has fallen by 20 per cent...
‘LIVES AT RISK’ – from fire service cuts
‘What angers me is they call this a risk reduction plan, when it is obvious it will cause more risk,’ Fire Brigades Union (FBU)...
Responding to the latest Push survey of students’ cost of living, Wes Streeting, NUS Vice President (Education), said on Thursday: ‘This survey shows how...
GP reforms ‘intended to facilitate’ privateers
Government ‘reforms’ to primary care have shifted professional control away from general practitioners and financial control away from government, argue senior doctors in this...
ILLEGAL STRIKE! – POA takes Labour by surprise
Prison Officers Association (POA) members defied the government yesterday and walked out for the first illegal strike against Labour over public sector...
‘I’M EXCITED BUT CAUTIOUS!’ –sister of Omar Deghayes tells News Line
‘I’m excited but cautious,’ Amani Deghayes, the sister of Libyan-born Guantánamo detainee Omar Deghayes, told News Line yesterday. She was responding to news that UK...
Tuc Appeals To The Government For Jobs, Wages And Basic Rights
The TUC preliminary agenda covers the mounting concerns of workers over jobs, wages and conditions, public services and basic rights. The agenda opens...
NURSES ANGRY! – ready for industrial action
ROYAL College of Nursing members in England will be asked next Monday if they favour a ballot for strike action to force the government...
Chase Farm Will Not Close!
THE North East London Council of Action yesterday held a successful picket against the closure of Chase Farm Hospital A&E, maternity and paediatric departments. Hundreds...
‘Last Ditch Talks’ Over NHS Pay
Health unions yesterday warned the government that if it fails to improve on its pay-cutting offer they will proceed with strike ballots. UNISON said: ‘New...
TAKE ON ANTI-UNION LAWS – Rob Williams tells TGWU conference
THE leadership of the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) was shaken at the union’s biennial delegate conference in Brighton yesterday, when a substantial...
‘Nationalise Land Rover & Jaguar’ – call at TGWU Conference
THE Transport and General Workers Union Biennial Delegate Conference in Brighton yesterday heard a call for the nationalisation of Jaguar and Land Rover to...
THE British Medical Association (BMA) leadership had a plan for the 2007 Annual Representative Meeting (ARM) in Torquay last week. They wanted to push through...
‘A RECIPE FOR PRIVATISATION’ – BMA rep slams NHS ‘board of...
The BMA leadership was defeated yesterday when the association’s Annual Representative Meeting overwhelmingly carried Motion 65 against the purchaser-provider split in the NHS. This split...
UNISON delegates determined to organise coordinated industrial action
DELEGATES at the UNISON National Delegate Conference in Brighton on Thursday forced a debate on Friday on coordinated action over soon-to-be prime minister Brown’s...
Australian Unions Fight For Workers’ Rights
The UNI Communicators Forum, attended by union communicators from across the globe, has received a report on Australia’s unions’ battle for the rights of...
ANGER over the junior doctors training debacle saw hospital consultants on Wednesday demand the ‘immediate resignation’ of NHS Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Liam Donaldson. The...
UK sanctions torture, police shootings and deaths in custody – Amnesty...
In its Annual Report 2007, covering events of 2006, Amnesty International (AI) is scathing about the UK. It says: ‘The government continued to erode fundamental...