Tag: unison
‘We won’t let Chase Farm close’
ENFIELD residents told News Line yesterday: we won’t let Chase Farm close! Stuart Hasler, a young Enfield resident, who joined in the campaigning and gave...
Brown Speeding Up The Privatisation Programme
THE reaction of the Brown government to the eruption of the capitalist crisis has been to champion the interests of the banks, pledging to...
PRIVATISATION DRIVE – being stepped up by Brown
‘It is appalling that this Labour government is now more obsessed with selling off our public services to put profits in the pockets of...
NHS PAYMENTS! – warning from UNISON
UNISON, the UK’s largest public sector union, yesterday raised concerns over the consequences of introducing individual budgets outlined in yesterday’s ‘Primary and Community Care’...
NHS – CLOSE AND PRIVATISE SAYS CBI – as government welcomes...
Public sector union UNISON yesterday rejected a call from the Confederation of British Industries (CBI) for ‘failing’ hospitals to be closed and replaced...
Unison Vote For Sustained Strike Action
UNISON’s local government members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have voted by 55% to 45% for a programme of sustained strike action over...
Teachers Will Fight Schools Closures
The National Union of Teachers (NUT) declared yesterday that the Brown government’s threat to close 638 schools for not reaching arbitrary targets ‘will be...
Brown to rescue banks by slashing wages and jobs!
CHANCELLOR Darling has followed up his appearance before the bankers at the Mansion House on Wednesday night, where he pledged that wage rises would...
THE UNISON National Delegate Conference in Bournemouth yesterday voted for a campaign to bring about a change to UK and EU governments’ policies towards...
At least twice as many people die from fatal injuries at work than are victims of homicide, a new report from the Centre for...
INFLATION RIPS! – unions slam calls for pay ‘restraint’
Soaring food and energy prices could push the government’s preferred consumer price index (CPI) inflation above 4% this year, the governor of the Bank...
FIGHT PAY CUTS! – call from public service rally
GIVE us a date for strike action and we’ll do it, the leader of the Prison Officers Association (POA) – whose members are banned...
UNISON leaders buy a little time for Brown
THE UNISON leaders who originally accepted the three year sub-inflation pay deal for NHS workers, along with the RCN, without going to ballot, yesterday...
‘WE will not let this government privatise the NHS,’ declared British Medical Association Consultants Committee Chairman Jonathan Fielden yesterday. In his keynote address to the...
Brown bringing private managers into NHS
THE announcement by the Brown government that it is going to bring private managers in to run NHS hospitals is a concrete example of...
Forward to a public sector general strike to smash Brown’s wage...
GMB members working in the NHS yesterday voted by over 96% to reject the 2008 pay offer in a consultative ballot on the government’s...
NO TWO TIER NHS! – RBS ‘conditional philanthropy’ rejected
Plans to bring one of the world’s most advanced health scanners to Edinburgh risk creating a two-tier NHS, senior health economist, Professor Allyson Pollock,...
NHS 32,000 Beds Loss!
‘My personal view is the unions should be up in arms over the number of beds lost in the NHS,’ East Surrey UNISON official...
workers, trade unionists and local people are marching through Enfield on Saturday 26th July against the closure of Chase Farm Hospital, the announcement of...
CIVIL SERVANTS STRIKE LOOMS! – London lecturers out on June 9
Delegates at this year’s Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) national conference yesterday voted overwhelmingly for a strike ballot of 280,000 members working across...
GET READY TO OCCUPY CHASE FARM! – march on July 26th
‘WE ARE calling on everyone to march with us through Enfield on Saturday, July 26th. Workers of Enfield won’t allow this government to close...
Brown Savages Sick And Poor
Prime minister Brown signalled more attacks on workers, the sick, unemployed and disabled people in his speech to MPs yesterday, outlining the government’s draft...
the Brown government’s health insurance and ‘age-tax’ plans announced on Monday were condemned as privatisation and ‘a punishment for growing old’ yesterday. ‘Health insurance means...
Defend NHS With Occupations!
THE government yesterday sought to head off an eruption of demonstrations and occupations against the closure of wards, A&Es, and maternity, children’s and...
POLICE TERROR RAID CONDEMNED – Derbyshire witch-hunt for illegals
Border and Immigration Agency mass raids to round up alleged illegal immigrants were yesterday condemned as a publicity-seeking ‘cynical approach by government’ by GMB...
We are gathering to ‘remember the dead and fight for the living’, RMT leader Pat Sikorski said at the rally at City Hall on...
After April 24: Defeat pay cuts with an extended general strike!
TENS of thousands of teachers, college lecturers and civil servants are striking today against government-imposed pay cuts. As a result of the action by the...
‘COMPENSATE LOW PAID NOW’ – Prentis warns Brown
‘The abolition of the 10p tax rate has dealt a body blow to millions of low paid workers,’ UNISON General Secretary, Dave Prentis said...
UNISON TO BALLOT – over 3-year NHS wage-cutting deal
DELEGATES at the UNISON Health Conference in Manchester yesterday voted to ballot over the government’s staged three-year pay deal. The UNISON leaders had previously accepted...
Massive Food Price Rises Driving Forward World Revolution
FOOD riots and major strike actions are erupting all over the capitalist world, driven forward by a doubling of food prices in many countries,...
No To Three Years Of NHS Wage Cutting
NURSES and other NHS workers have been offered a three-year pay deal worth 8% by the government. NHS trade union leaders who are prepared...
Labour Offers Nurses Three Years Of Wage Cutting
The Royal College of Midwives (RCM) yesterday rejected an 8% over three years pay-cutting NHS Pay Review Body offer, which is backed by the...
Mortgage Crisis Grips!
UNISON yesterday called on the government to build more council houses as First Direct became the first major bank to stop lending to house...
Indefinite united strike action needed by public sector workers
MEMBERS of the 270,000-strong National Union of Teachers (NUT), Britain’s largest teaching union are to take strike action on April 24 over pay. They...
Large-Scale Screening Will Hit Sick
Doctors’ leaders yesterday warned that the government’s proposed screening programme for all those over 40 years of age lacked scientific evidence and could lead...
NORTHERN ROCK JOBS SHOCK! – Unite pleges to fight compulsory redundancies
The Unite trade union yesterday told Northern Rock that they will oppose any plans for compulsory redundancies at the publicly owned bank. Following the announcement...
Chagossians Demand Right To Return!
OVER 400 people attended the Chagos Islands Community Association rally in central London on Saturday evening, to demand the Chagossians’ right to return to...
Chagos IslandS Community Association
MEETING & FILM – Saturday March 15, 5pm @ International Student House, 229 Great Portland Street, W1 (next Great Portland St tube) speakers include: John...
Bankrupt Budget!
In his first budget, Chancellor Darling hit the working class and middle class with big hikes in alcohol, tobacco and vehicle taxes while giving...
Stop The NHS Cuts!
THE battle to stop all NHS cuts is now raging up and down the country. However, the private predators are gathering. Near Horsham last Thursday night...
AN Israeli soldier was killed and another injured on Thursday during renewed clashes with Palestinian fighters near the Kisufim military post east of Al-Qarara...
British Gas – 500% Profits Rise
‘This greed has got to be stopped and the government should step in now and levy a windfall tax on the company,’ said UNISON...
Labour Attacks Youth, Workers, Sick And Immigrants
Yesterday the government launched major attacks on workers and immigrants. Ministers announced plans to strip unemployed people of their benefits, force long term sick and...
Public sector union UNISON yesterday joined doctors in opposing government plans to replace NHS-run GP surgeries with ‘polyclinics’. ‘We are opposed to privately-run polyclinics,’ A...
Private Companies Taking Millions Out Of The NHS!
‘UNISON warned from the beginning that ISTC (Independent Sector Treatment Centre) contracts were too rigid and expensive and would destabilise local NHS hospitals’, said...