Tag: unison
Junior doctors determined to beat the Tories!
TENS OF THOUSANDS of junior doctors struck yesterday and many told News Line just how determined they were to stop the imposed contracts and...
Tory Party tearing itself apart – Now finish it off!
THE spectacle of the Tory party tearing itself apart over the EU referendum will most certainly gladden the hearts of workers across the country. Last...
60,000 March Against Trident
‘WELFARE not warfare’ chanted protesters from all over the UK on a 60,000-strong Stop Trident march from Marble Arch to a rally in Trafalgar...
Ealing Hospital mass picket
‘STRIKE action is the only way forward. How can we drive our buses safely if there is no A&E at Ealing hospital?’ bus driver...
Sixth Form Colleges Fighting Pay Freeze!
LECTURERS, librarians, technicians, cleaners and caretakers in Unison and the UCU union walked out on strike in Sixth Form Colleges around the country yesterday,...
Colleges strike today
THOUSANDS of furious staff walked out of Further Education colleges across England from 7.00am this morning in a one-day strike to oppose a proposed...
A&E patients told ‘go home!’
MANY http://www.wrp.org.uk/admin.php?op=adminStorypatients who had been waiting seven-hours in the A&E department at Edmonton’s North Middlesex Hospital were told on Friday night to go home...
NHS Executives back away from imposition – Unions must take strike...
HEALTH Secretary Hunt’s contract imposition has already begun to hit the rocks with 10 of the 20 NHS executives who signed the Dalton letter...
Junior Doctors Will Not Accept Imposition!
‘JUNIOR doctors cannot and will not accept a contract that is bad for the future of patient care, the profession and the NHS as...
Junior doctors’ strike escalates
‘WE ARE not striking for cash, we are not striking for our personal careers, we are striking for the long-term sustainability of the NHS...
Surge in privatisation threatens NHS – warn health unions
‘A SURGE in privatisation is threatening free NHS treatment,’ unions say. With contracts worth £5.5bn going to private firms, health sector unions warn of a...
Nationalise the Pharmaceutical Industry
AT last week’s World Economic Forum in Davos, 100 pharmaceutical companies and private health care companies issued a statement demanding that governments around the...
Nurses will defend Bursaries! – they condemn doctors’ strike suspension
STUDENT nurses demanded action to defend their bursaries at a Unison student nursing summit held at the union’s headquarters in Euston, central London, yesterday. Sophia...
MASSIVE JUNIOR DOCTORS ACTION! – shakes the Tories to their core
MASS picket lines packed with enthusiastic doctors and supporters were the rule in every part of the country yesterday on the first day of...
Trade unionists to join junior doctors picket lines
TRADE unionists are flocking to the junior doctors picket lines this morning. Matt Wrack, general secretary at the Fire Brigades Union, said: ‘Our people...
Trade Unions Must Take Action Alongside The Junior Doctors!
TODAY’S strike by junior doctors has the support of 100% of workers across the country. They are not fooled by all the Tory propaganda that...
Nurses Urge All Out With The Junior Doctors! Adding ‘It’s...
‘NURSES should come on a half day strike with the junior doctors,’ Jenny a student occupational therapist told a mass rally opposite Downing Street...
‘We are ready to take action – Don’t come back with...
‘WE are ready to strike, don’t come back with some half-baked deal,’ junior doctors urged their leaders at a 100-strong BMA London Regional Committee...
Defend the Fire Service, the Ambulance Service and the Welfare State!...
THE general secretary of the Fire Brigades Union (FBU), Matt Wrack, has warned that proposals from Home Secretary Theresa May, to bring fire and...
Junior doctors & nurses fight for their rights
‘FOR students like me from a working class background, removing the bursary for nurses will mean that they cannot continue their studies,’ student nurse...
Cambridgeshire privatised care collapses! – service back to NHS
THE PRIVATE company UnitingCare has collapsed after only eight months and pulled out of running care for the elderly in Cambridgeshire. The company won an...
‘Don’t cut bursaries’ demand 500 nurses
‘DON’T cut bursaries!’ and ‘Jeremy Hunt, Shame on You!’ shouted a crowd of around 500 student nurses and supporters, both Unison and RCN members,...
TUC’s weak response to Osborne’s attacks in his Autumn Statement!
TRADE union leaders responded weakly, without any call to action, to Chancellor Osborne’s Autumn Statement on Wednesday, in which he announced a massive extension...
All out behind Junior Doctors strike! – demands News Line Anniversary...
ONE-HUNDRED-AND-FIFTY workers, students and youth attended the rally to mark the 46th Anniversary of the News Line and the 75th Anniversary of the Assassination...
Victory to Junior Doctors! – 98% vote for strike action
JUNIOR doctors yesterday overwhelmingly voted in favour of taking strike action to defeat the government’s intent to impose a new junior doctor contract in...
TUC and all trade unions must take action alongside the Junior...
THE junior doctors have responded magnificently to the Tory threat to dictate their contracts and to impose them from next August with a landslide...
General Council must be made to resign for refusing to fight...
YESTERDAY morning, the TUC commented on the vote in the House of Commons on the third reading of the Trade Union Bill, which is...
‘I’m Calling For A General Strike To Smash This Bill!’
‘I’M CALLING for a general strike to smash this bill,’ Bakers Union leader Ian Hodson told News Line on Monday afternoon in Westminster, where...
Scrap Trade Union Bill – 5,000 trade unionists descend on Parliament
‘A GENERAL strike is the only way to defeat the Tory Trade Union Bill,’ Colin Knowles, Unison conveyor said yesterday. He spoke to News Line...
Scottish Labour strikes a blow at UK imperialism’s war plans
SCOTTISH Labour yesterday struck a blow at the war plans of British imperialism when its Perth conference decided to call for the Trident nuclear...
‘SCRAP TRIDENT’ says Scottish Labour
THE Scottish Labour Party conference yesterday voted overwhelmingly against the renewal of the UK’s Trident nuclear missile system. After a heated debate, delegates voted by...
McDonnell writes ‘Dear John’ letter to Osborne!
THE TORY plan to cut Working and Child Tax Credits has succeeded in splitting the Tory party and creating divisions even in the Tory...
Tories launch war on ‘all extremism’
‘IT is no good simply talking about violent extremism, we need to confront all extremism, we need to recognise that the poison of extremism...
Stop privatising Barnet!
BARNET Unison members were in determined mood yesterday as they began their 24-hour strike against privatisation of all Barnet Council services. The dispute involves social...
Ealing Conference: Full support for Junior Doctors
ONE-HUNDRED-AND-FIFTY workers and youth attended the West London Council of Action/All Trades Unions Alliance Conference on Sunday, which was called to save Ealing Hospital...
UK Trade Unions Condemn Bahrain’s ‘Systematic Abuse’ Of Human Rights!
BAHRAIN’s ‘widespread and systematic’ abuse of human rights has been condemned by the entire trade union movement in the UK in launching a new...
Hands Off Addenbrooke’s – Stop The Savage NHS Cuts By Bringing...
THE prestigious and world famous NHS Addenbrooke’s Hospital has been placed into special measures. UNISON General Secretary Dave Prentis commented yesterday: ‘This is a shocking...
TUC calls for end to poverty-level pensions
THE TUC Congress in Brighton ended on Wednesday with a call on the TUC General Council to campaign for a state pension above the...
Public sector decimated by Tory austerity agenda says TUC
TUC delegates at their annual Congress in Brighton on Tuesday voted unanimously to defend public services and pay. Composite Motion 06 Campaigning for public services...
TUC calls to renationalise the railways and transport
THE TUC Congress in Brighton on Monday passed motions calling for the public ownership of transport services, action on the housing crisis and...
‘Refugees–let them in!’ – 100,000-strong march through central London
MORE than 100,000 people marched through central London from Hyde Park to Parliament Square on the REFUGEES WELCOME HERE! march on Saturday. The march was...
Carers must be paid travel time, rules EU
IN A LANDMARK judgement the European Court of Justice has ruled that care workers in the UK must be paid for their travel...
Households face catastrophe as debt crisis sets to explode
IT IS becoming clear that the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, is very scared about the effects of the expected rise...
Social Care in ruins after £4.6bn cuts over 5 years
THE Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, Andrea Sutcliffe, has warned that huge cuts in funding in recent years have left the social care...
Tory counter-revolution must be defeated!
THE Tories yesterday announced that as part of the autumn anti-trade union legislation they will be stopping public sector workers automatically paying subscriptions to...