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Tag: unemployment

Dale Farm Community Standing Firm And Defiant!

DESPITE conditions at Dale Farm being really harsh now, following Basildon Council’s brutal multi-million pound attempted eviction which began on October 19th, the community...

More anti-union laws, no rights at work, the elderly being abused...

THE Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) has said the danger for the UK from the economic crisis, particularly the crisis in the...

US on brink of bankruptcy – forward to socialist revolution

The once mighty US economy is set to take another irrevocable step to bankruptcy tomorrow with the news that the ‘super’ congressional committee charged...

Forced Labour Challenged!

Public Interest Lawyers (PIL) have begun a legal action challenging the coalition government’s ‘Mandatory Work Scheme’ which it argues amounts to unlawful forced labour....

One million youth unemployed – Capitalism has got to go!

THE three months to September to 2.62 million, as youth unemployment rose above a million. Yet not one trade union leader called for action...

‘THROW COALITION OUT!’ – YS leader says angry workers will rise...

JOSHUA Ogunleye, National Secretary of the Young Socialists, told News Line yesterday: ‘The huge rise in youth unemployment to over the one million mark...

Britannia sinking beneath the waves of the capitalist crisis!

THE bourgeois media is currently working overtime publicising the ‘bad news’ about the British capitalist economy. Everybody now knows that youth unemployment (the 16-24 age...

Cameron’s ‘Chain Gangs’ For The Unemployed

THE PCS civil servants trade union yesterday rightly condemned the coalition government’s plans to force the long-term unemployed, and unemployed youth, to do manual...


The Israeli army and intelligence agencies’ websites were offline on Sunday, two days after hacker group Anonymous warned it would ‘strike back’ in retaliation...

Cabinet discussing reign of terror over workers

BIG BUSINESS should be given the right to dismiss unproductive workers without explanation or warning, declares a leaked report to the coalition government by...

500,000 march in Athens!

HALF a million Greek workers, students and youth marched through Athens on Wednesday. This was as part of a two-day general strike against a government...

Ex-Visteon workers join Chase Farm mass picket!

EX-VISTEON workers who successfully occupied their factory after being sacked, joined the picket of Chase Farm hospital on Tuesday reinforcing the call for occupation...

Inflation Leap Slashes Wages & Pensions

‘DAVID Cameron and George Osborne’s political cowardice means they are presiding over an economic catastrophe’ said Unite leader Len McCluskey yesterday, commenting on the...

Unions must take action to defend jobs, wages and pensions from...

THE rate of Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation in the UK in September, rose to 5.2% from 4.5% the month before. A huge leap in...

Ernst And Young Calls To Lower Interest Rates!

WITH interest rates at their lowest ever at 0.5%, the UK economy is at a dangerous junction, warns the Ernst and Young Item Club. Its...

Coalition building a landlords’ paradise – bring back Council Housing! Now!

THE Coalition government is busily building a paradise for the landlords, the latest Shelter Rent Report shows. In this paradise, private tenants, who can no...

Record unemployment, record poverty and misery – socialist revolution the only...

THE number of young people out of work has reached a record high of almost one million, according to the latest unemployment figures. ...

‘Sack The Coalition!’

UNEMPLOYMENT rose by 114,000 between June and August to 2.57 million, a 17-year high, according to official figures. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said...

250,000 Public Sector Sackings Since Election

UNISON, the UK’s largest public sector union, on Monday welcomed a report from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) calling on the...

US workers and youth begin mobilising for revolution!

THE Communications Workers of America Executive Board has endorsed the youth-led Occupy Wall Street Movement. Occupy Wall Street youth campaigners have joined...

Merkel’s Short-Lived Victory

ON Thursday, the German Parliament (Bundestag) voted by 523 to 85 to increase the funds available to the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) from...

Miliband will do everything that is necessary to defend capitalism

YESTERDAY the main trade union leaders were full of praise for Miliband’s conference speech. This was no doubt an expression of relief that he...

Miliband Won’t Reverse Tory Policies!

IN THE middle of the greatest ever capitalist crisis, Labour leader Miliband, while the ruling class is attacking and robbing the working class...


MOVING the Public Services composite motion at the Labour Party conference in Liverpool on Monday, Unison General Secretary, Dave Prentis said: ‘Conference, today we...

Socialist revolution the only way to resolve the crisis

THE head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Legarde, spelt out the task confronting the capitalist class of Europe last Thursday when she...

Athens transport workers launch total ‘rolling’ strike

IN mass general meetings last Tuesday the Athens transport trade unions in the Metro system, buses, trolley-buses, and trains decided on a total ‘rolling’...

The Imf Issues Warning To The UK And Europe

THE International Monetary Fund (IMF) has cut its growth forecast for Britain for the third time in nine months and warned George Osborne that...

Merkel defeated in Berlin

THE economic collapse of the eurozone continues to drive a huge political crisis for bourgeois political parties across Europe as splits on how to...

EU crisis sharpening to breaking point!

US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is attending the meeting of the EU Finance Ministers in Poland to convey the alarm of the...

Unemployment and inflation surges as Cameron threatens immigrants’ benefits

THE number of people unemployed in the UK rose by 80,000 to 2.51 million in the three months to July, official figures have shown....

Inflation carries on cutting wages, pensions and benefits

THE Office of National Statistics has given the figures on inflation rates for last month which confirm that British capitalism faces total economic collapse,...


TENS of thousands of Greek university and higher education college students from all over the country demonstrated last Saturday in the northern city of...

‘GET OFF YOUR KNEES’ YS lobby urges union leaders

A LIVELY lobby of over 50 Young Socialists and supporters, chanting ‘Youth demand a future, youth demand jobs’ demonstrated outside the TUC Congress yesterday...

Joint strike action agreed – at the TUC Congress

THE TUC Congress yesterday instructed the TUC General Council to support and coordinate joint strike action against attacks on jobs, pensions, pay and public...

US ‘job creation’ will come from Medicaid and Medicare cuts

LAST Thursday night US President Barak Obama addressed a joint session of the US Congress where he outlined his new initiative that would, he...

Mass Sackings In Greece!

HUNDREDS of thousands of Greek workers, students and unemployed are expected to take part in rallies and demonstrations in Athens and Salonica on...

Youth bear brunt of economic collapse – says Canadian Labour Congress...

THE CLC (Canadian Labour Congress) in Canada have produced a report exposing the fact that youth are bearing the brunt of the mass sackings,...

Banking Crisis Heading For The Precipice!

THE INABILITY of the US economy to recover from its jobs slump, alongside the colossal indebtedness of the EU banks – German, Italian, French...

Palestinians concerned over detainees and settler attacks

A CONCERNED Palestinian family has called on the Red Cross to obtain news of Hudhayfah Jarrar, 21, from Jenin, as Israeli occupation authorities have...

HOUSING CRISIS! Middle classes will be on the streets

HOMELESSNESS is spreading to the middle class, homelessness charity Crisis is warning, as mass sackings of public sector workers along with the government’s onslaught...

Smash The Health Bill

Public sector union Unison and the TUC have called a candle-lit vigil outside parliament at 9.30pm on September 7th, as the Health and Social...

South African textile workers fight poverty and exploitation

A march of 3,000 clothing workers organised by the Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers’ Union (SACTWU) brought the town of Newcastle to a...

From Low Wage To No Wage Economy – Tories Plan Chain...

CRISPIN Blunt, the justice minister, announced yesterday that instructions were being issued to the courts to the effect that unemployed offenders sentenced to the...

Tuc Must Act Over Cameron’s War!

ON MONDAY the bourgeois press proclaimed the rag-bag of mercenaries and brigands who make up the so-called ‘rebels’ had crushed the forces loyal to...

US unions campaign for jobs

‘ACROSS the US, at town halls, fundraisers, and forums in over 150 congressional districts, jobless Americans are uniting with workers, students, and other citizens...