Tag: unemployment
Benefits Cap Hits Poorest
THE Benefits Cap came into force nationally yesterday, setting poor families and the unemployed as its main target, capping the total amount of benefits...
Portuguese economic and political crisis reaches explosion point!
PORTUGAL’S borrowing costs have jumped to over 7%, meaning that it will shortly have to seek another IMF-EU bailout, by offering even more cuts...
Banks tremble at the thought of the end of...
THE pound fell below $1.49 against the dollar on Friday, close to a three-year low. Sterling traded as low as $1.4858 at one point. The...
Send ex-Goldman Sachs Carney packing
YESTERDAY the new head of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, officially took up the reins from the outgoing Sir Mervyn King. Carney, formerly head...
Greek government’s aim – to gag TV workers
ON June 11, the Greek coalition government took the unprecedented decision to close the national TV station in Athens and sack the workforce of...
Union leaders denounce Osborne’s spending review – but call no action...
CHANCELLOR Osborne’s vicious £11.5 billion Spending Review attacks on pay, public services and benefits, were immediately condemned by trade union and TUC leaders representing...
Balls Agrees With The Tories!
THE Labour shadow chancellor, Ed Balls, engaged in a nauseating charade on Wednesday of verbally attacking his Tory opposite number whilst at the same...
Miliband Praises Attlee But Plans To Bury The Welfare State
MlLIBAND, Balls and co are like circus performers on the highest of high wires, being buffeted by a huge economic gale that is pauperising...
Brazil and Bernanke give banks the shivers!
IT REALLY doesn’t take very much to send the international capitalist money markets into a state of panic, as the US Federal Reserve chairman,...
‘A Victory at ERT’ – workers determined to bring down Samaras
THE leaders of the eleven TV, Radio and newspaper media trade unions issued a ‘Victory at ERT’ (Greek State TV and Radio network) statement...
Ert Occupation Is A Centre For The Greek Revolution!
TENS of thousands of Greek workers and youth are congregating every day and every night at the occupied ERT (State TV and Radio) building...
Amcu Ready To Serve 48-Hour Strike Notice On Lonmin!
LONMIN Plc (LMI) is waiting to be served with a strike notice by the Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union (AMCU) if the...
The Spark That Started A Revolution!
OVER a million Greeks stopped work yesterday in a general strike while tens of thousands of Greek workers, unemployed and youth rallied in front...
Greece In Revolution!
TENS of thousands of Greek workers, youth and unemployed took part in a general strike rally yesterday in front of the occupied ERT (Greek...
Over A Million Pensioners Are Now Working
THE petty 5,000 fall in the number of the unemployed (that is the number of workless who are calculated to be looking for...
Miliband turns Tory!
IN A savage attack on workers, youth and disabled people, Labour party leader Ed Miliband yesterday indicated that if Labour wins the next election...
Running Scared Of Youth And Revolution!
THE German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble warned a Paris conference of French, German and Italian leaders on Tuesday that youth unemployment of almost 25%...
EU IS SET TO SLUMP – OECD recommends Quantitative Easing
Europe’s economic crisis ‘could evolve into stagnation, with negative implications for the global economy’, the OECD warned yesterday. The 34-nation Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-operation...
Boom-time for bailiffs
APART from the bankers and speculators, there is another group looking to make huge profits at the expense of the human misery being created...
RBS ‘brutal sackings’ condemned – while ‘Turning point’ want to sack...
THE Unite trade union has condemned RBS for ‘brutal and irresponsible’ behaviour by announcing 1,400 job cuts just one day after figures were released...
South African socialist revolution underway!
THOUSANDS of mine workers have downed tools at South Africa’s Marikana Lonmin mine after an AMCU union leader, Mawethu Steven, was shot dead at...
Smash the Bedroom Tax with a general strike!
A GRANDMOTHER, who because of the Bedroom Tax, had to pay an extra £20 a week, has thrown herself in front of a...
Build the Fourth International all over the EU – Forward with...
THE Greek Statistics Authority (ELSTAT) has announced that unemployment reached 27% last February, while youth unemployment (15-24 years old) reached 64.2%, from 54.1% in...
TORIES PLAY RACE CARD – as Queen’s Speech lashes workers
VICIOUS attacks on workers, especially immigrant workers, were at the centre of the Tory-LibDem Coalition’s Queen’s Speech delivered at the State...
Portland Dockers Fight Lockout
A bitter labour dispute on Northwest docks escalated on Saturday as Columbia Grain Inc. locked out Portland longshore workers, accusing them of obstructing exports...
Abolish the mountains of debt with revolution!
THE world capitalist crisis is turning the UK into a country composed of a relative handful of the very, very rich, a middle and...
EU in crisis – forward with the European socialist revolution
The crisis of European capitalism is so severe that it has driven the bourgeoisie to tear at each other’s throats in a frenzy of...
May Day – Trade Unionists Demand A General Strike!
UP TO 10,000 workers trade unionists, students and youth were on the London May Day march from Clerkenwell Green to Trafalgar Square on Wednesday. There...
PUT AN END TO CAPITALISM! – Only way to defend jobs,...
THE News Line Editorial Board sends its revolutionary greetings on this 2013 May Day to the workers and the oppressed nations fighting imperialism throughout...
USW ready for ExxonMobil strike or lock-out
A lockout or strike is set to occur June 15 at ExxonMobil’s Baytown, Texas, refinery, chemical plant and laboratory if company management continues...
Universal Credit = war on benefits
YESTERDAY the Tory-led coalition launched its ‘pathfinder’ trial of the new Universal Credit System at a job centre in Ashton-under-Lyne, Manchester. From here the government...
‘CALL A GENERAL STRIKE’ – lobby urges TUC General Council
OVER 200 Young Socialists and trade unionists lobbied the General Council of the TUC on Wednesday morning as it assembled to discuss the calling...
TUC must call indefinite general strike to bring down coalition now!
TODAY’S meeting of the TUC general council must get off the fence and call for an immediate all-out, indefinite general strike to bring down...
Fitch strips UK of triple-A rating
LAST Friday, Fitch ratings agency became the second of the world’s three big credit agencies to strip Britain of its top notch triple-A credit...
70,000 jobless rise!
YOUTH unemployment has risen by another 20,000 to very nearly one million, according to figures issued by the Office for National Statistics yesterday. The number...
WORKERS in England’s Northern region are up to £4,264 worse off per year since the Tory-led coalition came to power. The Northern TUC 10-Point Plan...
Greek Seafarers Call 24-Hour Strike
The Federation of Greek Seafarers Trades Union PNO have called a 24-hour strike for 16 April on all ferries, passenger and cargo ships, against...
LEADER of the Coalition of the Radical Left (SYRIZA) Alexis Tsipras has warned that the Troika ‘maybe wants to abolish democracy’. Speaking at a railway...
Defend Welfare, Defend The NHS, Defend All Benefits, Bring Down Coalition
TORY leader Cameron has backed Chancellor George Osborne after he suggested a link between the Mick Philpott case and the Welfare State. The prime...
BIG BUSINESS FRAUD BOOMING! – as workers fight for their rights
WHERE crime ends and business starts and vice versa has always been seen as a blurred grey area which always remains, whatever the scandals...
Imf Orders More Irish ‘Repossessions’
THE International Monetary Fund has delivered a brutal assessment of Ireland’s economic situation, complaining of a lack of progress by banks, and dangers of...
Call A General Strike Now!
THE demand for a general strike to bring down the government has been driven by the working class onto the immediate agenda of the...
‘We are a hideously unequal society’ says NUT leader Christine Blower
‘IN a country like ours, how can it be that one in five children lives in poverty? How can it be that one in three...
American dream turns to nightmare!
HUNDREDS of US cities are going bust, either destroyed by the banking and property collapse or by the crisis of the major US industries. The...
Bank of Cyprus occupied!
Thousands of Bank of Cyprus employees remained in occupation of the bank’s Nicosia headquarters in defence of their jobs yesterday, after hearing that the...