Tag: tory party
Stop Evictions! Occupy Ealing Hospital! Demands May Day March!
‘WHEN they move to close the maternity and A&E at Ealing Hospital, staff, unions and the community must occupy. A General Strike is coming,...
Bosses threaten share crash if Tories are removed from office!
AS the hysterical Tory media begin to run out of scare stories about Labour Party leader Miliband, the essence of the situation is asserting...
May Day Manifesto 2015 Organise the Revolution!
THE News Line Editorial Board sends its May Day greetings to the working people of the world at a time when the historic crisis...
Social cleansing condemned – LONDON CLEARED OF 50,000 FAMILIES
CAMPAIGNERS and housing charities yesterday condemned ‘social cleansing’ of low income families as it emerged that more than 50,000 families have been quietly moved...
Kitson And Counter-Revolution!
THIS week it emerged that retired British general Sir Frank Kitson is to be sued by the widow of a Catholic worker murdered by...
Tories getting ready to blitz NHS and Welfare State
YESTERDAY PM Cameron pledged that a Tory government will introduce a law, within 100 days of taking office, guaranteeing no rise in income tax...
Ert Workers Re-Employed!
THE Greek Vouli (parliament) approved late on Tuesday a government Bill that re-establishes ERT, the state national tv and radio network. This is a vindication...
TUC silent over the massive crisis of the EU
THE TUC’s head of European Union and International Relations Department, Owen Tudor, has recently given a lengthy interview to the internet EurActiv which specialises...
The crisis savages the workers while the rich double their...
THE total wealth of the richest 1,000 individuals and families in Britain has more than doubled in the last 10 years to £547bn, the...
Miliband ‘Rent Cap’
LABOUR Party leader Miliband yesterday pledged that the next Labour government will introduce legislation to cap rents so they cannot rise by more than...
British capitalism is breaking apart
THE one clear message that emerged from Cameron’s speech yesterday was that the political representatives of the capitalist class in Britain have given up...
Cameron beats the Nationalist drum
PM Cameron yesterday beat the nationalist drum for all he was worth in an attempt to win back the right wing vote that is...
NHS ‘savings’ from wage cuts!
SAVINGS in the NHS over the past five years have been paid for by the workforce, a pre-election health debate heard yesterday. The packed hustings...
Tories aiming for a national government
LENIN’S definition of a revolutionary situation was one in which the ruling class could not rule in the old way, and was riven with...
Miliband appeals to Tory and UKIP voters!
FOR many years the Labour Party projected itself as the champion of the working class, hence its very close ties with the trade unions,...
‘English Only Spoken Here’ Says Miliband
IN a speech on immigration in the Wirral, north-west England, on Saturday, Ed Miliband pledged a Labour government would make sure everyone in Britain...
Imf Gives Its Full Support To The Tories
AT its Spring Meeting in Washington this week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) made a direct intervention in the general election with an undisguised...
‘We’re marching to save Ealing Hospital’
‘WE ARE marching on Saturday 2nd May to defend Ealing Hospital A&E and Maternity Departments,’ Scott Dore, Workers Revolutionary Party candidate for Ealing Central...
A&E Waiting Times Crisis!
WEEKLY national figures from NHS England yesterday showed it has missed the four-hour A&E waiting time target for the 28th consecutive week. The proportion...
Nicholson warns huge debt crisis facing NHS after May 7
JUST retired NHS chief Sir David Nicholson CBE has left the NHS with a pension pot worth almost £1.9 million, after earning a basic...
Government Is Wasting Money On Free Schools – Say Teachers
TEACHING unions yesterday condemned the Tory-led coalition government’s free-school policy, as more than half a million families were discovering which primary schools their children...
‘Staff freeze’ and £22bn of cuts for NHS
THE NHS is facing a ‘substantial financial problem’ which politicians are ignoring in the election campaign, its former head, David Nicholson warned yesterday. Warning of...
The Trade Unions Slam Tory Plans To Ban Strike Action And...
THE TUC on Tuesday rubbished Cameron’s claim of good news in the economy and slammed Tory plans to outlaw strikes. It was commenting on the...
Ludicrous Cameron claims Tories are the workers’ party
CAMERON began his election manifesto speech yesterday morning by insulting the intelligence of the listeners by stating ‘We are the party of working people,...
Tory Plans Require ‘Cuts Of Tens And Tens Of Billions’ Says...
THERE was incredulity yesterday when Cameron declared the Tories are ‘the party of working people’, adding that the ‘good news in the economy’ was...
Labour Pledges More Austerity!
POLITICAL ‘role reversal’ is the phrase being bandied about by bourgeois political commentators as they scratch their heads trying to make comparisons between the...
IMF presides over historic crisis of Capitalism!
NEXT week Washington will host the spring meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank. At this gathering, the world’s economic policymakers will...
Labour will not reverse hospital closures!
THE Health Services Journal (HSJ) has just revealed that the NHS Trust Development Authority (TDA) officials are keeping confidential (that is well hidden) until...
Labour refuses to commit to stop hospital closures!
‘EALING Hospital A&E and Maternity must not close and it’s a disgrace that the Labour candidate refuses to commit to this,’ Scott Dore, Workers...
Expropriate the bosses and bankers!
YESTERDAY in Warwick, Labour leader Miliband mustered a battery of very ‘moral’ arguments about ‘fairness’, and the colonial origins of non-dom status, as if...
Bankrupt Miliband brings back Butcher Blair!
LABOUR leader Miliband’s refusal to fight for socialist policies and answer massive austerity with a campaign to replace bankrupt capitalism with socialism has seen...
Nationalise the drug companies and end agency staffing to save NHS
THE NHS is today fighting for its life, with even more savage cuts to come after the election. The Tories are actively planning to regionalise...
Crisis-Ridden Bosses And Tories Fear The Election
THE Tory Party, its media wing and the boss class as a whole are getting very worried about the election, and what is to...
Miliband talks productivity to the bosses – wants partnership with business...
LABOUR leader Ed Miliband, put on his Tory hat yesterday when he launched his party’s Business Manifesto, at business news agency Bloomberg and...
Osborne’s regime of pay freezes and wage cuts
IN his last budget speech before the general election, Tory chancellor, George Osborne, made the astounding claim that living standards will ‘grow strongly every...
Defend Manchester NHS!
OVER 400 trade unionists and supporters rallied and marched in central Manchester yesterday in opposition to the Tory ‘Devo-Manc’ plan to fragment and privatise...
Reject Devo Manc To Defend The NHS!
GREATER Manchester Association of Trades Union Councils (GMATUC ) has called a mass NHS emergency protest rally for Sunday to protest against the plan...
ELECTION MANIFESTO of Young Socialists – Workers Revolutionary Party
General Election – Thursday 7 May 2015 ALL over Europe the anti-austerity revolution is raging and on May 7 workers in the UK will deliver...
Bring Down The Tories – Forward To A Workers Government!
THE general election campaign by both Tories and Labour kicked off on Thursday night with separate television interviews of Cameron and Miliband. While Miliband was...
Cameron Touches Off Tory Leadership Dog Fight!
CAMERON is now going into the May 7th general election with a declaration that he does not intend to serve a third term, that...
NHS privateers off-shore tax haven bonanza exposed
WHILE the NHS is being brought to its knees financially through austerity cuts, with hospitals and entire health authorities facing bankruptcy, NHS privateers are...
McCluskey promises illegal action!
IN a full-page article in Thursday’s Guardian newspaper, the leader of the country’s biggest union, Len McCluskey, announced that the Unite executive had unanimously...
Austerity forever! – Osborne
TORY Chancellor Osborne yesterday delivered a Budget that continues the savage austerity war on the working class, while handing billions to big business and...
Osborne announces more austerity and refuses to guarantee the NHS
CHANCELLOR Osborne yesterday outlined ‘a Britain that is growing, creating jobs and paying its way’. He added more Walter Mitty observations such as: ‘The latest...
Schools in poorest areas starved of funds
COUNCIL-run schools in the poorest areas of the country are being starved of funds by the Tory-led coalition, which is pumping money into privately...