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Labour terrorism against the unemployed

UNEMPLOYED council and housing association tenants must be made to sign a new tenancy agreement under which they will agree to have their skill...

Furious Parents Fight Plans To Close After-School Clubs And Play Centres

FURIOUS parents and staff belonging to Unison public sector union have forced Crawley Borough Council (CBC) to issue letters to parents to deny it...

Labour’s Banker Kicks The Disabled!

INVESTMENT banker David Freud is the adviser behind Prime Minister Brown’s plans to slash the benefits of the sick and the disabled. This is at...

HAIN QUITS! – after police called in

Work and Pensions Secretary and Welsh Secretary Peter Hain yesterday quit the Cabinet after his late declaration of £103,000 of donations to his Labour...

Hain resigns after police are called in!

PETER HAIN – the former Young Liberal radical, and then leader, in the 1970s of the Anti-Apartheid campaign and then the Anti-Nazi League –...

Step Up The Struggle To Keep Chase Farm Open!

TUESDAY’S mass picket of Chase Farm Hospital heard that the decision to close the hospital’s A&E, Maternity and Paediatric Departments has been ‘put on...

Nationalise the PFI parasites!

EVERY year the Labour government is handing over £40bn to the consortia of financiers, property developers and construction giants in payments for Private Finance...

Build The Wrp In 2008!

THE TUC general secretary, Brendan Barber, in his New Year’s message said that his two fears for 2008 were the dangers of a banking...

The NHS must be free and available to all at the...

RECENTLY there have been a few years of increased government spending on the NHS, after many years of chronic underspending. Most of the new...

Brown Threatens Universal Entitlement To NHS Care

PREMIER Brown’s plans for the NHS to refuse to treat patients whose lifestyles are judged to be responsible for their illnesses...

Blair Conversion Seals His Counter-Revolutionary Role

TONY BLAIR, his hands still dripping with the blood of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, and with financial scandals swirling all round...

Britain Has Been, Is, And Will Continue Talking With The Taleban

PRIME Minister Brown told MPs in the House of Commons yesterday that British forces are ‘winning the battle against the insurgency’ in Afghanistan. Using...

New imperialist war being prepared in the Balkans!

NATO yesterday confirmed that it will maintain its troop contingent in Kosovo to deter the violence that will follow the expected collapse of talks...

Bankers Are Caught Like Rats In A Trap

FACED with loud and strident demands to slash its lending rate, to try and avoid a housing crash and a depression by crashing the...

Ruling Class Targets The Political Levy

THERE has been a frenzied hue and cry raging for weeks now over the minor mistakes of Labour cabinet ministers over relatively minor...


THIS is the period of world revolution. That was the message delivered to the News Line Anniversary Rally attended by 200 youth and workers in...

Ruling class discarding faithful servant Brown

THE deepening crisis of the world capitalist system is causing alarm in the ruling class in Britain, causing them to revaluate their perspectives. The bile...

MAJORITY DEMAND – Keep Chase Farm Hospital open!

The hugely expensive ‘consultation process’ meant to rubber stamp the closure of Chase Farm Hospital in Enfield has backfired, after the majority of returnees...

Labour believes that the elderly must be made to pay

IT has emerged that it is a question of principle for the Labour government that elderly people who are now living in nursing and...


THE Australian trade unions have welcomed the victory of the Labour Party in the general election, but doubts are growing over whether the new...

Capitalist crisis deepens – socialist revolution the answer

JUSTICE Secretary, Jack Straw, yesterday dismissed Tory claims that Labour is facing its own Black Wednesday, over Northern Rock and the missing data discs...

Discontented generals enter into politics

THE formation of the United Kingdom National Defence Association (UKNDA) led by ex-chiefs of the general staff and politicians such as David Owen is...

KICK OUT THE PRIVATEERS! say NHS Together marchers

FIFTEEN thousand health workers and trade unionists from schools, local councils and other public services – as well as local residents fighting hospital closures...

85 Million Brits By 2081!

IN the recent period the government, the Bank of England and the employers have been glorying in the fact that the enlargement of the...

Shares crashing as oil nears $100 a barrel

THE US dollar is reeling against the euro. The US sub-mortgage crisis is deepening, with housing starts down by 10 per cent in September, while...

NHS 2007: Pull your own teeth out!

EVERY day Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his Health Secretary Alan Johnson churn out propaganda about ‘improving’ the National Health Service (NHS) and people’s...

‘WE WON’T LET YOU SELL OUR JOBS’ – civil servants tell...

OVER 200 civil servants gave a standing ovation to colleague Sheila Coote at a lunchtime rally in Westminster last Friday, as she vowed to...

Brown To Support US Air Strikes On Iran

YESTERDAY the bourgeois media reported that Britain’s Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, who came to office pledging that the UK would cease to be Bush’s...

Snap General Election Farce!

LABOUR Prime Minister Brown, a cautious and bumbling, conservative politician, is due to decide this weekend whether to take a big gamble and call...

NHS privatisation in London could ‘cost lives’

THE government’s Healthcare Commission published a report yesterday which called for National Health Service (NHS) hospital trusts to ‘do more to ensure they consistently...

Brown cuts workers’ pay to underwrite the bankers

YESTERDAY was an historic day, with Prime Minister Brown pledging to bail out the banks. At the TUC Congress, Labour Party leader Brown told...

‘Let them go bust’ says Bank of England chief

THE governor of the Bank of England, Mervyn King, in a letter to the House of Commons Treasury select committee has warned that efforts...

‘We Can’t Allow Another Gate Gourmet To Happen’

Delegates to the TUC Congress in Brighton on Monday afternoon demanded a campaign to restore the right to take solidarity strike action. This followed prime...

BROWN PLAYS CHINA CARD – as delegates warn they will strike...

GORDON Brown gave his first speech as prime minister to the TUC Congress in Brighton yesterday. He told delegates: ‘All of us must prepare for...

Brown lambasts Tube strikers and public sector workers

PRIME Minister Gordon Brown mounted an outspoken attack on members of the RMT railworkers’ union on strike at the London Underground bankrupt maintenance company...

Bosses Come First Says Brown

Prime Minister Gordon Brown attacked the RMT trade union yesterday, saying whatever its reason, the Tube strike is ‘unjustifiable’. Answering questions at his second monthy...

Brown justifies anti-union action and pay cuts

PRIME Minister Gordon Brown insisted yesterday that meagre pay rises, that are phased in and amount to a pay cut, will be imposed by...

A Plague Of Locusts

ONCE again the spotlight has been put on the private equity locusts. This time a Financial Times investigation has shown how TPG, CVS and...

UNIONS MUST TAKE BROWN ON – says News Line-All Trades Unions...

All the public sector trade unions must unite for action to bring down the Brown government and replace it with a workers government and...

Workers of the world unite in the struggle for socialism!

THE UK authorities issued National Insurance numbers to 713,000 overseas workers in the year to April 2007. The WRP and the News Line are pleased...

Flood Disaster = Britain’s New Orleans

WE all saw the Katrina disaster, and what it did to New Orleans, destroying whole areas of the city and making them uninhabitable to...

Labour Struggles – T0Ries Collapse!

ALL talk of a Brown ‘electoral bounce’ is sheer drivel or plain self deception after Labour got the votes of just 45 per cent...

More ‘breadline poor’ after 10 years of Labour governments

The gap between the rich and poor has widened in recent years and is greater than at any time in the past 40 years,...

Scrap the Public Private Partnership on the tube

METRONET, the Public-Private-Partnership (PPP) within London Underground, has collapsed financially after years of failure to provide services required by the capital’s transport system. It...

TAKE ON ANTI-UNION LAWS – Rob Williams tells TGWU conference

THE leadership of the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU) was shaken at the union’s biennial delegate conference in Brighton yesterday, when a substantial...