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‘This Is A Fight We Cannot Afford To Lose’

Postal workers yesterday called for public sector unions to come out on strike with them on the eve of the second of two 48-hour...

Gm ‘Tentative Contract’ Threat To Wages And Jobs

Manufacturing jobs and the United Autoworkers Union (UAW) are at risk together from two-tier wages in the GM ‘Tentative Contract’, warn rank-and-file UAW workers...

Take the PCS civil servants up on ‘full support’ offer

LAST THURSDAY at 2pm as the postal workers came out on their 48-hour strike, the PCS civil service union sent a special message to...

PCS Offers ‘full Support’ To Royal Mail Strikers!

THE PCS General Secretary and National President sent a message of solidarity to striking CWU members in the Royal Mail yesterday. Their message, to CWU...

Bush Vetoes Child Healthcare Extension

US President George W Bush on Wednesday vetoed a bill to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Programme (SCHIP), after it was passed with...

Snap General Election Farce!

LABOUR Prime Minister Brown, a cautious and bumbling, conservative politician, is due to decide this weekend whether to take a big gamble and call...

‘WE WILL WIN’ – insist striking CWU members

‘We’re fighting for our jobs, terms and conditions, pensions, the future of the union and the future of the business,’ Communication Workers Union (CWU)...

De Menezes murder not a crime says state

THE current farce that is being played out, of trying a police death squad under the health and safety laws, is not only a...

Call Off The Talks!

‘Our union executive should immediately call off the talks with Royal Mail until the threats of redundancy, total flexibility, and attacks on our pension...

Cwu Offers Wage Cuts!

THE Communication Workers Union has said it is prepared to ‘settle around inflation’ for the next two years. Given that ‘around’ means less, and that...

Pentagon launches Africa command centre

AS PAY negotiations between the American car giants General Motors (GM) and Ford, and the United Auto Workers (UAW) have reached a critical point,...

All unions must take action to support the postal workers!

POSTAL workers, members of the Communication Workers Union (CWU) are on strike today in north-east and south-east London against Royal Mail’s plans to axe...


FIVE thousand Royal Mail workers in north, east and south-east London are striking today, after voting overwhelmingly in ballots to fight ‘executive actions’ by...

NHS privatisation in London could ‘cost lives’

THE government’s Healthcare Commission published a report yesterday which called for National Health Service (NHS) hospital trusts to ‘do more to ensure they consistently...

STAY AWAY FROM BUSH CONFERENCE – Hamas urges Arab states

The democratically elected Hamas government has called on Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries on Wednesday to stay away from a US-sponsored Middle East...

Brown’s foreign policy shaped by defeats in Iraq & Afghanistan

FOREIGN Secretary David Miliband, the ‘rising star’ in the government, was given the task of presenting Prime Minister Gordon Brown’s foreign policy strategy at...

NHS Rationing ‘Widespread’

Rationing of NHS treatments is becoming more widespread, a survey of GPs and hospital doctors for ‘Doctor’ and ‘Hospital Doctor’ magazines has found. Of the...

Gm Workers Walk Out Across America

A MASS strike at General Motors plants across the United States began on Monday morning as 80,000 car workers walked out at 11 am...

GM strikers are fighting for all US workers

ABOUT 73,000 carworkers, members of the 600,000-strong United Automobile Workers (UAW) trade union, went on indefinite strike at 11am on Monday at General Motors’...

Unite workers to go forward to socialism

THE two wings of the bourgeoisie are now going at it hammer and tongs to both exploit and abuse workers from the new EU...

Cwu Resumes Strikes!

THE Communic-ation Workers Union announced yesterday that there will be further strike action in response to Royal Mail’s draconian and destructive proposals...

Israel Declares The Gaza Strip A ‘Hostile Entity’

HAMAS has condemned the latest Zionist decision on Wednesday to declare the Gaza Strip a ‘hostile entity’ and to cut off vital fuel and...

Royal Mail – The Way Forward To Victory

THE announcement by the CWU of a programme of two 48-hour national strikes across all sections of Royal Mail, along with a programme of...

Fatah Denies Request To Postpone Conference

A FATAH spokesperson denied on Sunday that the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) intends to ask Washington to postpone the US-sponsored conference on the Palestinian-Israeli...


THREE veteran leaders of the UAW have sent an open letter to Ron Gettelfinger and the UAW leadership expressing their concern that the leadership...

Brown cuts workers’ pay to underwrite the bankers

YESTERDAY was an historic day, with Prime Minister Brown pledging to bail out the banks. At the TUC Congress, Labour Party leader Brown told...

UNISON, TGWU, and GMB leaders all support Brown’s staged pay cuts!

ANYONE who was wondering why, at the TUC Congress, when union leaders were moving resolutions calling for coordinated industrial action against the Brown government’s...

Take Strike Action Against Royal Mail’s Draconian Plans!

Central to the Royal Mail ‘Pay Offer and Modernisation Agreement 2007/09’ are the sections on ‘flexible working’. These put the workforce at the minute-to-minute disposal...

NAME STRIKE DATES! – demand CWU branches and members

Postal workers across the country are up in arms demanding their union, the CWU, proceeds to immediately name strike dates after Royal...

‘THE WHOLE COUNTRY IS CASUALISED’ – Woodley admits TUC responsibility

Delegates voted unanimously for Composite 3: ‘Agency Workers’ at the TUC Congress yesterday calling for ‘legislation to outlaw discrimination against agency workers’. It called on...

Build the WRP to deal with the TUC right wing

AT the Trades Union Congress in Brighton this week, delegates have given a relatively timid expression of the determination of millions of workers to...

Greek Crisis General Election Next Sunday

VOTING takes place this Sunday in Greece for the snap general election the current right-wing government of the New Democracy party called to avoid...

ROYAL MAIL TO IMPOSE CHANGES – CWU to carry on talking

THE Communication Workers Union yesterday announced new strikes before the end of September, if no agreement is reached with Royal Mail, who intend to...

‘We Can’t Allow Another Gate Gourmet To Happen’

Delegates to the TUC Congress in Brighton on Monday afternoon demanded a campaign to restore the right to take solidarity strike action. This followed prime...

Royal Mail declares war but CWU carries on talking

ROYAL Mail has announced that it has brought the ‘period of calm’ in the Royal Mail to an end, and that it will be...

Delegates At Tuc Congress Support Gate Gourmet Workers

DELEGATES attending the TUC Congress in Brighton yesterday spoke out strongly in support of the Gate Gourmet sacked workers, and the postal workers. This was...

BROWN PLAYS CHINA CARD – as delegates warn they will strike...

GORDON Brown gave his first speech as prime minister to the TUC Congress in Brighton yesterday. He told delegates: ‘All of us must prepare for...

REINSTATE OUR STRIKES! – CWU members tell leaders

THE Communication Workers Union (CWU) sent out a letter to its branches yesterday, declaring that Royal Mail was prepared to impose ‘change’ on the...

Call national strike action to defeat Royal Mail and Brown

AFTER weeks of secret talks, which were extended by a further week and were conducted behind the backs of the CWU membership, the Royal...

‘COORDINATE STRIKE ACTION’ – says PCS leader Serwotka

‘WE are now about to move to ballot 270,000 members for industrial action, unless the government withdraws its threat of compulsory redundancies.’ This is what...

Answer Brown’s attacks with a general strike

THE rapidly deepening debt crisis of the capitalist system is leading to a financial collapse and a slump of historic proportions as the bankers’...

Oecd Issues Slump Warning

US economic growth will slow sharply in the second half of the year and the risk of it going into a full-scale slump cannot...

Brown lambasts Tube strikers and public sector workers

PRIME Minister Gordon Brown mounted an outspoken attack on members of the RMT railworkers’ union on strike at the London Underground bankrupt maintenance company...

‘GET RID OF THE PRIVATEERS’ – say Tube strikers

‘Privatisation has been a disaster, we want the complete renationalisation of the railway network in Britain,’ RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said yesterday. Crow was...

Bosses Come First Says Brown

Prime Minister Gordon Brown attacked the RMT trade union yesterday, saying whatever its reason, the Tube strike is ‘unjustifiable’. Answering questions at his second monthy...