Tag: strike
Take action to defend jobs. Occupy and organise a general strike!
FACED with the crash of the pound and the enormous 182,000 leap in the number of unemployed in the three months to October, the...
‘WE WILL DEFEND OUR MAIL CENTRES’ – say Milton Keynes marchers
OVER 300 postal workers, their families and supporters defiantly marched in defence of their jobs from the Milton Keynes Mail Centre and on to...
HAMAS SLAMS ABBAS ‘INCITEMENT’ –during Arafat anniversary speech
PALESTINIAN President Mahmud Abbas’ comments during a memorial ceremony for the late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat were slammed as an ‘attempt at incitement’ by...
Nationalise car industry and the banks to defend all jobs
GLOBAL action to save the motor industry from crisis, and above all to stave off bankruptcy at General Motors, has been urged by Unite...
HUGE US UNEMPLOYMENT RISE – as Obama meets his advisors
US president-elect Barack Obama discussed the financial crisis and other big problems with world leaders yesterday. He spoke by telephone with the...
A NINETY-children-to-a-class City Academy, where three-hour lessons are the norm, has been roundly condemned by leading anti-academy campaigner and NUT and ATL Executive member...
Johnson’s new attack to break up the NHS
LABOUR’S Health Secretary Alan Johnson announced plans yesterday to allow well-off patients to make so-called ‘co-payments’ for drugs and extra treatments, while still receiving...
Defend every job, bring down the Brown government, forward to socialism
LLOYDS stated yesterday that its takeover of HBOS would save it at least £1.5bn a year, more than it had been expecting, which all...
Renault Workers Battle For Their Jobs
Forty-six Renault workers from the sackings-hit Sandouville plant were before a court in Le Havre last Thursday, October 30. They were taken to court by...
Oligarchs Go Bust As World Crisis Hits Home
Russia’s super-rich oligarchs, who made their fortunes by stealing or purchasing for a pittance chunks of the Soviet nationalised and planned economy under the...
Internally Displaced Persons’ Lives In Danger
TAMILNET reports that the Sri Lanka Army (SLA) in Vavuniyaa has held back for weeks a vehicle bringing 52 oxygen cylinders from Colombo to...
The Bank Of England Drops Its Debt Bombshell
THE world’s banks have now lost £1.8 trillion the Bank of England has reported in its Financial Stability Report. This is as a result of...
Up to 700 Crewe postal workers, their families and supporters braved the rain on Saturday for a march and rally in the town in...
British Capitalism At The Centre Of The Capitalist Crisis
THE worldwide capitalist crisis drove the pound down on Friday into an unprecedented collapse. The pound slumped 9.6 US cents to $1.52 at...
The Trade Unions Must Defend Every Job!
THE London and New York stock markets were in free fall yesterday, losing hundreds of points, with tens of billions of dollars and pounds...
Stark Portrait Of Revolutionary Resistance To British Imperialism In Ireland
Hunger Directed by Steve McQueen Starring Michael Fassbender, Stuart Graham and Liam Cunningham Specially reviewed at the London Film Festival and on general release later this month ‘HUNGER’...
Greek Trotskyists Call For Indefinite General Strike
THE Greek working class delivered a most powerful notice to all concerned last Tuesday with a militant 24-hour general strike called by the GSEE...
Labour is going to bring a co-payment system into the NHS
AS the economic crisis deepens, the drive to privatise the NHS is being stepped up on a number of fronts. One is the growing...
GREEK GENERAL STRIKE – Tuesday October 21st
Tuesday’s 24-hour general strike called by the GSEE (Greek TUC) against the government’s policies takes place in an explosive period. The world economic collapse has...
Crs Riot Police Attack Weather Service Workers
CRS riot police were used against striking Meteo-France weather service workers who were picketing and blockading the organisation’s Toulouse site at 22.30 on...
Civil Servants Vote To Strike Against 2 Per Cent Pay Cap
Hundreds of thousands of civil servants, members of the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS), have voted overwhelmingly for strike action over pay. A PCS...
US Steps Up Missile Attacks On Pakistan
WITH the world’s attention focussed on the capitalist crisis, the US military have unleashed a series of massive attacks on the Afghan and Pakistani...
THE one per cent economic crisis levy on the wages of every worker in the Irish Budget was described as ‘a crude instrument that...
Union leaders in Brown’s top pocket
The Consumer Prices Index (CPI) measure leapt from 4.7% in August to 5.2% in December, with the Retail Prices Index (RPI), which includes the...
No sackings, or wage ‘holidays’ for bankrupt banks and councils
YESTERDAY the Brown government was emphasising that it had no interest in running the three banks that it was ‘part-nationalising’ (rescuing) with £37bn of...
Northern Ireland – Massive NHS Cuts On The Agenda
MORE THAN 700 nursing posts are under threat in Northern Ireland as part of wider plans to cut almost 2,500 health service jobs over...
‘SORT OUT OUR WAGES!’ – demand London busworkers
Over 6,000 bus drivers were out on a 24 hour strike yesterday to protest at the huge pay disparity between the eighteen London bus...
Busworkers Demand Fair Pay And Fair Treatment
BUS drivers across London and Crawley, working for First Bus, Metroline and Metrobus, are staging a 24-hour strike today, demanding a fair pay rise...
SCHOOL exams in Zimbabwe should be cancelled because strike action by teachers has left pupils unprepared, a teaching union said on Tuesday. ‘For the record,...
ISRAEL IS PREPARING MILITARY STRIKE – insists French Foreign Minister Kouchner
FRENCH Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner dismisses the idea that even one nuclear bomb makes the Iranians immune to attack, he told Ha’aretz in an...
Brown’s National Economic Council ‘war cabinet’ will be making war on...
‘WE have agreed to make a solemn engagement as heads of state and government to support banking and financial institutions faced with the crisis,’...
Brown, Cameron & Clegg unite to rescue bankrupt capitalism
THE manufacturing sector of the British economy shrank last month at the fastest rate for 17 years, that is since 1992, according to figures...
Renault Workers March Against Thousands Of Sackings
Angry, striking carworkers from Sandouville (Seine-Maritime) Renault plant demonstrated in the streets of Le Havre on Thursday, September 25. The French motor manufacturing giant recently...
Stop Ark Take Over Of State Schools
ANTI-ACADEMY protestors demonstrated yesterday afternoon outside the central London headquarters of ARK (Absolute Return for Kids), which is involved in the building of 12...
Royal Mail Moves To Slash Pensions And Mail Centres
Communication Workers Union members are angry that Royal Mail Group has taken Executive Action to replace postal workers’ final salary scheme with an inferior...
Royal Mail Engineers – Three Days Of Strike Action
‘They are trying to destroy our home life with no discussion. It’s back to the bad old days – at the beck and call...
The Brown government is for the bankers and the bosses!
THOUSANDS of trade unionists will be marching in Manchester today to the Labour Party conference to protest at the ‘breadline wages’ that public sector...
Brown and Darling give the nod to 40,000 sackings!
ONCE AGAIN the Labour Party leadership of Brown and Darling have shown where their class allegiance lies – and at great cost to the...
TWO thousand more jobs will go in Renault plants Europe-wide and 900 of them will be in France; the automobile manufacturer will announce the...
There Will Be No Labour Leadership Election Says Tony Woodley
TONY Woodley, the Unite joint general secretary, has stepped into the row over the demand for a Labour Party leadership debate and a leadership...
Nationalise the energy companies to end fuel poverty
PM Brown has rejected out of hand the trade union demand for a Windfall Tax on the oil, gas and energy companies, that are...
BUS DRIVERS STRIKE! – for £30,000 a year & 38-hour week
METROBUS and First Centrewest Buses stopped throughout London yesterday. Metrobus is out for 24 hours while First Centrewest Buses are stopped for 48...
Terror Laws Used Against Unions
TUC Delegates passed Motion Seven on EU Attacks on Trade Union Rights yesterday, which the TUC General Council supported with reservations. The Fire...
THE number of civilian deaths admitted to by US and NATO forces as a result of airstrikes in Afghanistan is just the tip...
THE TUC Congress in Brighton was divided yesterday over an amendment to Composite Motion 15: Public Sector Pay, which called on the General Council...