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Forward to a national strike and a national demonstration on July...

DAY one of the London CWU’s three-day strike action was a massive success, after the move by the Royal Mail and the government...

Massive London Postal Strike Action

PICKETS were out in force at Stoke Newington N16 Delivery Office in Hackney on Wednesday, day one of the London postal workers three day...

STRIKE! – Royal Mail Court bid fails

THE Royal Mail bid to get the three-day London CWU postal strikes declared illegal failed yesterday late afternoon. The London reps meeting taking place in...

BA workers reject wage cuts! Renationalise BA Now!

A MASS meeting of more than 3,000 British Airways cabin crew workers yesterday threw out by a massive majority the airline’s plans to slash...

‘NO EDUCATION CUTS’ – demand Tower Hamlets strikers

TOWER Hamlets College staff and students will demonstrate tomorrow, Tuesday July 7, outside the Board of Governors meeting, demanding: ‘No education cuts!’ The east London...

Workers Kept In Dark Over Mandelson Visit

Business Secretary Peter Mandelson is due at the GM Luton plant, Gate 2, at 9.30am this morning. He has been invited by the local Unite...

CWU must organise national industrial action ballot!

BEING able to force the Brown-Mandelson government to ‘shelve’ the bill for the part-privatisation of the Royal Mail proves that the working class is...

BA Talks Breakdown!

British Airways has asked ACAS to mediate after failing to get the unions to agree to plans to cut thousands of jobs and freeze...

Smash Royal Mail privatisation, defend the NHS, bring down the Brown...

WORKERS at Lindsey power station, the Royal Mail and doctors have shown their strength in rejecting and fighting attacks on their jobs, their wages...

Trades unions must take action to end NHS privatisation

‘END this ludicrous, divisive and expensive experiment of the market in healthcare in England.’ This was the call from Dr Hamish Meldrum, the Chairman of...

Occupy GM plants to defend jobs! Nationalise the car industry!

GENERAL MOTORS European operations, which include Opel plants in Germany, the Ellesmere Port Vauxhall car plant and Luton’s IBC van plant in Britain, have...

Only BA renationalisation can defend wages and jobs – Part Two

BRITISH Airways workers are faced with taking strike action to defeat the management onslaught on their jobs, terms and conditions. BA boss Walsh has issued...

LINDSEY VICTORY! – all 647 sacked men to return to work‘It’s...

‘It’s a good deal,’ sacked Lindsey oil refinery worker Dave Pritchard told News Line yesterday. He was responding to the agreement reached on Thursday night...

Bankrupt Britain is heading for revolution!

THE OECD has warned that the British capitalist economy is the sick man of the capitalist world and is currently experiencing a record fall...

‘The Whole Country Should Be Brought Out!’ – Say Sacked Lindsey...

Talks with contractors on Tuesday afternoon and evening, aimed at ending the bitter dispute over the sacking of 647 workers at Lindsey oil refinery,...

‘THIS DISPUTE IS OFFICIAL!’ – GMBs Kenny tells 2000 workers

‘FROM the moment Total and their contractors dismissed our members at Lindsey, this became an official dispute.’ So said GMB General Secretary Paul Kenny, addressing...

Answer the Lindsey provocation with a general strike!

THE provocative sacking of over 650 workers at the Lindsey Oil Refinery – who walked out to demand that a recently negotiated trade union...

World Crisis Splits Iran’s Islamic Revolution

AT least 10 people were killed in the latest clashes to shake Tehran, state television said on Sunday, as Iranian leaders took aim at...

London Postal Workers Action

News Line covered a number of CWU postal worker picket lines in the early hours of last Friday morning at the start of...

Class struggle sharpens – Organise general strike!

900 construction workers were sacked at the Lindsey Oil Refinery, north Lincolnshire yesterday in what the GMB General Secretary Paul Kenny called ‘a case...


‘No more cuts! Sack Adam Crozier!’ shouted angry postal workers outside Royal Mail’s London headquarters yesterday, as 10,000 members of the Communication Workers Union...

Tens Of Thousands March For Mousavi

TENS of thousands of supporters of defeated Iranian presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi staged a ‘silent’ protest rally in Tehran on Wednesday against the...

London’s Postal Workers Out Tomorrow

More than ten thousand postal workers in all areas of deliveries, collections and processing across London will take industrial action for 24 hours starting...

Defend every job, occupy to stop closures, and nationalise the major...

YESTERDAY the Office for National Statistics produced figures showing the record breaking numbers of unemployed and the record breaking growth of unemployment. UK unemployment...

Stalinist Bureaucracy Fears Russian Workers Political Revolution

Workers of Ship-Repair Yard 178 in Vladivostok began a strike on June 3rd 2009, demanding their pay. The workers have not had any money...

CWU nationwide industrial action deadline on July 2

THE CWU Conference last Wednesday backed two emergency motions from the postal executive calling on the government to remove the threat of privatisation, facilitate...

Met Lecturers And Students Protest

Staff and students at London Metropolitan University will protest from 4.00pm on Monday in their ongoing fight to save over 550 jobs. Members of the...

Nationalise Gm Now!

‘GM workers in Luton should intensify their calls for a mass meeting to demand an immediate occupation,’ ex-Vauxhall convenor Arthur Lynn told News Line...

Unite opposed to nationalising GM Luton

‘AN occupation now is the way forward for GM Luton and Vauxhall Ellesmere Port to defend jobs. A mass meeting at GM Luton is...

Defend the NHS budget Drive out the privateers Nationalise the drug...

THE voice of the NHS managers spoke up yesterday. The NHS Confederation reported ‘The health service in England won’t survive unchanged’. This is doublespeak, for...

OCCUPY GM LUTON NOW! – to defend all workers’ jobs

WORKERS attending for the Monday night shift at the General Motors van plant in Luton were shocked to be informed that all production would...

Defend jobs, wages and basic rights – forward to a workers...

JOBS are now going in a huge avalanche. The Lloyds Banking Group, where the government has the major stake, is set to begin a...

Nationalise LDV and GM Vauxhall – no Royal Mail privatisation!

WITH even more right-wing forces seeking to bring down the Brown government from the right, trade unions now have an opportunity to show their...


A THOUSAND youth and workers marched through Enfield town centre on Saturday, shouting: ‘Stop the Closure! Defend Chase Farm!’ They were led by the North-East...

No to a return of the Tories. Bring down Brown from...

BROWN has survived the resignations of Hutton, Purnell, Smith, Flint, Blears, Hoon and others, and remains Prime Minister for the moment. The next test comes...

Labour Reshuffles Amidst The Resignations

JOHN Hutton, the fourth Labour Cabinet minister to quit in the past week, has left his post and will also quit as an MP,...

Labour rats flee their sinking ship

COMMUNITIES Secretary Hazel Blears has resigned from the cabinet, on the eve of the local government and EU elections, delivering a major blow to...

Cwu ‘yes’ To Strike Action

POSTAL workers in London have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action in an attempt to protect jobs and services from arbitrary cuts. Martin Walsh,...

Workers Must Occupy Gm Luton And Ellesmere Port And Demand Their...

NEXT MONDAY June 1 GM will seek Section 11 Bankruptcy, cutting off GM Europe with less cash than is required to see the week...

Defend North Korea against imperialist threats

THE government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) announced yesterday that it would ‘no longer be bound’ by the armistice that...

Irish government ‘must prioritise services to children and families’

IMPACT trade union’s civil service conference has passed an emergency motion on the report of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse –...

Only a socialist revolution can win the Tamils’ right to self-determination

THE News Line salutes the heroic self-sacrifice of the Tamil Tigers and the Tamil people as a whole. They have fought and are fighting not...


Over 600 lecturers, college staff and their supporters marched through north London on Saturday in defence of education.Over 600 lecturers, college staff and their...

Not a very British revolution – just another attempt at a...

THAT an ex-SAS officer from the 1970s, with current military-police commissioner connections through his succession of security businesses, as well as ‘strong connections to...

Nationalise Gm Vauxhall

Business Secretary Mandelson told the BBC yesterday that there will be ‘painful change’ resulting from the takeover of GM Europe. He said that whichever of...