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Great Reception For Ys March In Stockport

YOUTH from Stockport College cheered as the YS March for Jobs and Free State Education set off on its latest leg from Stockport to...

‘SHOCKING VIOLENCE’ – against firefighters

THREE members of the Fire Brigades Union were hit and hurt by speeding vehicles driven by strikebreakers on Monday. A statement by the FBU said...

Take strike action to support the firefighters and trade unionism

THE use of police dogs to ‘protect’ scabs at a south London fire station during yesterday’s one day strike by London FBU members shows...

Marchers Win Big Support

THE Young Socialists March for Jobs and Free State Education spent yesterday in Stockport, campaigning, recruiting and selling tickets for the Greet the March...

Support The Firefighters!

Firefighters in south east London confronted Assetco scabs outside Old Kent Road fire station, determined to defeat the strike breakers and the London Fire...

Young Socialists Launch Their March For Jobs And Free State...

The Young Socialists on Saturday launched its March for Jobs and Free State Education from Manchester to London. Bus workers came to welcome the young...

Royal Mail’s Privatisation Bill includes the end of the daily delivery

THE Coalition’s Business Secretary, Cable, told MPs last week in the House of Commons that the Bill to privatise the Royal Mail ‘will maintain...

March For Jobs!

THE Young Socialists March for Jobs and Free State Education had its first leg from Manchester to Stockport yesterday. After a great march through Manchester...

Expropriate the landlords, build millions of council homes

WHEN the Tory Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, starts accusing his coalition government of ‘Kosovo-style social cleansing’ in the capital over the plans to...

‘Our resolve is as strong as ever’

‘OUR resolve is as strong as ever,’ said TGWU union rep Derrick Campbell, as five new days of strike action by Hackney CT Plus...

Fire Talks Breakdown!

‘The strikes on November 1st and November 5th will go ahead,’ Fire Brigades Union (FBU) London Region Official Paul Embery told News Line yesterday. He...

Take strike action to support FBU!

THE London Firefighters one day strike last Saturday has drawn a swift response from the capitalist state, via their mouthpieces in the bourgeois press. Commenting...

FBU Steps Up Action!

FBU General Secretary Matt Wrack has announced further London-wide strike action. The strike, which will take place from 10.00am on November 5th to 9.00am on...

‘WE NEED A GENERAL STRIKE’ says CWU Eastern Region Secretary

‘THIS conflict could be resolved very easily. Lift the sackings and we can all go back to work,’ declared Fire Brigades Union (FBU) general...

London FBU Walk Out

London’s 5,600 firefighters go on strike at 10am this morning, and will stay out until 6pm, after the London Fire Brigade sent them all...

All out behind the firefighters

Today, the London FBU are staging the first of two eight hour strikes against the plans to sack the entire workforce of over 5,000...

Organise a general strike to kick out the Tory-LibDem regime

EVERYONE has had the chance to work out what the Tory-Liberal Democrat coalition government’s Comprehensive Spending Review means, with £81bn in cuts hitting jobs...

‘the Tuc Must Call More Action’

THOUSANDS of workers and students marched to Downing Street on Wednesday evening, in angry protest against the savage assault on jobs, public services and...

Fight Tory class war programme – bring down the Coalition!

OSBORNE began his spending review speech yesterday by saying that: ‘Today’s the day when Britain steps back from the brink’. In fact, his speech represented...


THERE was an angry and determined mood among the 10,000 trade unionists and youth who travelled from all over the country on Tuesday to...

Make It ‘Doomsday’ For The Coalition Not For Council Housing

THE ‘social housing’ budget in England is to be slashed by more than 50 per cent. Up to 90 per cent of the market rent...

10,000 Lobby Against The Cuts!

UP TO 10,000 workers and youth supported the TUC lobby of Parliament yesterday. Many told News Line that they want trade union action to put...

One day FBU strikes must pave the way for a general...

LAST Friday the Fire Brigades Union (FBU) announced that it would kick off its defence of jobs and conditions with two days of strike...

BRING DOWN COALITION! –to defend jobs, benefits, the NHS & rights

‘The coalition has got it wrong. By only having a strategy for cuts, it has no plans for growth and recovery.’ So warned Unison general...

France Is Rising Up!

FRANCE is fast approaching a revolutionary upheaval. In Paris the social crisis increases as the school youth begin to hit the streets in often impromptu...

Tories savage poor but grovel to Clinton and US

THE bankers coalition has set the scene for next Wednesday’s cuts announcements in true Bullingham Club style, by declaring that ‘welfare cheats’ equal muggers,...

London FBU Strike Actions!

London firefighters have voted overwhelmingly for strike action in a dispute over changes to shift patterns, and have decided to begin their campaign with...

Hackney Bus Workers Want Decent Pay!

BUS workers were in high spirits yesterday on the second Friday out of four consecutive Fridays of strike action over low pay and management...

Death while under ‘restraint’

THE death of a 46-year-old family man being deported from Heathrow has thrown the spotlight on the entire racist immigration policy and its private...

FBU condemns AssetCo’s ‘provocative manoeuvre’

‘AssetCo have taken 27 fire engines off station,’ London FBU official Ian Leahair told News Line. The private company AssetCo was awarded a 5-year...

Maternity and A&E departments being cut and closed

‘More than 30 maternity and A&E units have been shut down, downgraded or threatened with closure since May’s general election, despite the government’s promise...

Workers do Battle All Over Europe!

GREEK riot police fired tear gas and beat Ministry of Culture workers yesterday morning after the workers had occupied the Acropolis in Athens demanding...

Union leaders are shocked by jobless figures!

Trade union leaders have been shocked by the latest jobless figures which saw a leap in part-time working and female and youth unemployment. Commenting on...

France – 3 Million Take Action

Three and a half million took to the streets across France in the biggest anti-pensions law mobilisation yet on Tuesday, October 12 in 244...

Defend the Royal Mail – Form a public sector alliance –...

FOLLOWING the publication of the coalition’s Postal Services Bill, Billy Hayes, CWU general secretary, said: ‘The government has wasted no time in flogging...

DEFEND ROYAL MAIL – action needed not words

Postal workers called for action to defend their jobs and Royal Mail as a public service in response to yesterday’s publication of the...

‘THE FINAL NAIL IN THE COFFIN!’ Coalition’s unlimited fees plan condemned

Student, lecturers and university staff unions yesterday angrily condemned former BP boss Lord Browne’s recommendation that universities in England should be able to charge...

Reject ‘unlimited fees’, restore free state education

LORD BROWNE’S Review was published yesterday, recommending unlimited tuition fees for university, with ‘the market’ setting the level. The coalition’s Business, Innovation and Skills Secretary,...


AFGHAN President Hamid Karzai confirmed that his administration has been holding unofficial talks with the Taleban ‘for quite some time’. ‘We have been talking to...

Met chief demands police be beyond the law

IT emerged yesterday that the commissioner of the Metropolitan police, Sir Paul Stephenson, has been lobbying the Tory home secretary for changes in the...

BA strike ballot cancelled – BASSA website is blacked out

UNITE has cancelled its strike ballot of BA cabin crew stating that a new deal is now on the table, and the dispute could...

Cable To Double Student Debt!

Business and Universities Secretary Cable has confirmed his intention to lift the cap on tuition fees, as recommended in the Browne Review. Lifting the cap...

‘LOW PAY NO WAY’ say CT pickets

Shouts of ‘Low Pay, No Way!’ rang out at a 50-strong, lively picket of busworkers outside CT Plus garage in Hackney in east London...

‘We Will Continue Our Struggle’ Say Greek Workers

TENS of thousands of public sector workers demonstrated in all the Greek major cities last Thursday as part of a 24-hour national strike called...

Currency War Prelude To Shooting War!

LEADERS of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank came out yesterday with dire warnings about the emerging ‘currency war’. Speaking on the eve...