Tag: strike
500,000 March Against The Coalition Attacks
OVER half a million trade unionists and youth from every town and city in Britain joined Saturday’s TUC march against the savage spending cuts....
UCU slams Manchester Met Uni – after security staff forcibly evict...
MANCHESTER Metropolitan University (MMU) is under fire after its security forcibly evicted staff members from picket lines across the university’s buildings on Thursday...
Message to marchers – bring down coalition to give workers and...
TODAY’S march called by the TUC is a massive demonstration of the anger and hatred felt by the working class, whole sections of the...
Bring Down The Coalition!
Today’s massive London march against the coalition government will be the biggest since the two million-strong march against the Iraq war under the Blair...
500 universities & colleges strike! – to defend pensions and fight...
MEMBERS of the University and College Union (UCU) at around 500 colleges and universities across the UK took strike action yesterday against changes to...
‘AS we send this press release, Palestinian civilians across the occupied territories, including East Jerusalem, are encountering extremely violent waves of state-sponsored oppression along...
Coalition plans to punish and freeze the elderly
IT was the German anti-Nazi activist, Pastor Martin Niemöller, who said: ‘In Germany they first came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up...
ACTION OVER PENSIONS – BMA Consultants Conference decides to ballot
HOSPITAL doctors at the BMA Consultants Conference yesterday voted with just three against to ‘ballot the consultant membership regarding all forms of industrial action’...
MASSIVE UCU ACTION! – in defence of pensions
TONY Brown, University and College Union (UCU) president at University College London (UCL), told News Line on the Gower Street picket line yesterday morning:...
No Plan B – kick the coalition out!
The Trades Union Congress (TUC) has gone through its ritual presentation of an ‘alternative’ budget in advance of the coalition government’s budget to be...
Stop the war with a general strike to bring down coalition
ANGLO-US-FRENCH forces have killed over 100 Libyans and wounded hundreds more in their opening onslaught of cruise missiles, launched from the sea, and bombs...
Imperialists declare war on Libya – by permission of the...
THE vote by the United Nations security council to impose and police a no-fly zone over Libya is a declaration of war by imperialism...
Abolition of EMA ‘will lead to a devastating drop in young...
NINETY-THREE per cent of college principals are concerned that the abolition of the education maintenance allowance (EMA) will lead to a devastating drop in...
Record Jobless Rise!
UK unemployment has risen by 27,000 in the three months to the end of January to 2.53 million, the highest figure since 1994. The Office...
Tens Of Thousands Of Palestinian Youth Rally For Unity
The biggest gathering was in Gaza City, where officials from the Hamas-run interior ministry said vast crowds had packed into the city’s Square of...
Revolution and counter-revolution in Bahrain and Libya
THE US State Department urged US citizens on Tuesday not to travel to Bahrain and suggested Americans there should leave at once due ...
DOCTORS at the British Medical Association Special Representative Meeting yesterday morning voted unanimously to oppose the government’s Health and Social Care Bill, and demand...
Public sector union Unison on Tuesday published a dossier of cuts hitting social work departments, warning that, together with existing shortages, cuts will put...
Arab League – accomplices of imperialism
The leaders of the 22 member Arab League meeting on Saturday came out decisively on the side of imperialism when they issued a call...
Liverpool Hope University Lecturers Fight Job Cuts
LECTURERS who are members of UCU at Liverpool Hope University have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action in their ongoing row with the...
Defend the NHS! No privatisation! Smash the health bill!
NEXT Tuesday the doctors’ trade union, the BMA, meets in London for an extraordinary Special Representative Meeting (SRM). 350 representatives of its 140,000 members,...
The Great Pensions Robbery!
RMT General Secretary Bob Crow warned yesterday that the Hutton Review will be ‘the spark that lights the blue touch paper of co-ordinated strike action’. Crow...
Greek Hunger Strikers Victory
The 287 immigrant workers in Athens and Salonica ended their 44-day hunger strike last Wednesday evening with jubilations. The immigrant workers, most of them of...
Coalition Prepares Summer War Over Pensions
THE PCS is discussing co-ordinated strike action with other unions to fight the Tory-LibDem onslaught on the pensions of millions of health, local council,...
Hutton provocation will result in ‘summer pensions war’
TODAY’S publication of the Hutton Report on public sector pensions will be like a red rag to a bull as far as the membership...
Pension Strikes At 63 Universities
‘Well over a million students at 63 UK universities will be hit with strike action this month unless a dispute over changes to staff...
New Irish coalition agrees to water and housing taxes
THE Irish coalition has been officially formed between two right-wing parties in the Republic, Fine Gael and the Labour Party, and will be unveiled...
Greek Government Assists In War Plans Against Libya
THE Greek prime minister Yiorghos Papandreou met with his government’s Defence and Foreign Ministers last Thursday to discuss Libya following talks last Wednesday...
Tories aim to drive NHS back to 1930s – bring the...
Dr Mark Porter, chairman of the British Medical Association (BMA) Hospital Consultants Committee, in an interview with the Guardian newspaper, has spelt out clearly...
Build sections of the International Committee of the 4th International in...
Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International IN THE first months of this year, north Africa has seen the eruption of colossal revolutionary...
Coalition Crushed In Barnsley!
THURSDAY’S by-election in Barnsley Central constituency didn’t just humiliate the LibDems, it drove a stake through the heart of the Tories’ coalition partner and...
9-1 Vote For Po Strike
Post Office workers have voted overwhelmingly in favour of strike action in a dispute over pay, job security and the future of the Crown...
Bma Must Throw Out Tory Health Plans!
GPs have already expressed their opposition to the Coalition plan to privatise the NHS being pushed into law by Health Secretary Lansley. They have...
Ongoing Strikes And Sit-Ins Throughout Egypt
The ITUC on Monday expressed deep concern over statements attributed to the new Minister of Manpower in Egypt, Ismail Fahmy, that ‘the issue of...
US civil war on unions – forward with world revolution
The civil war by US capitalism against its own working class has erupted with a vengeance in the state of Wisconsin. In this state, the...
GREECE: 50bn Euros sell-off to repay loans
At a press conference last Friday the Greek Finance Minister Yiorghos Papakonstantinou announced the main points of the revised IMF-EC Accord that calls for...
Occupy To Stop Hospital Closures
THE Chief Executive of the NHS, Sir David Nicholson, had a stark message for hospitals when he told the BBC yesterday that they would...
RBS crashes as banks get set for rate rises
LOSSES AT the state owned Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) were twice as bad as expected, at £1.13bn and much bigger than the £950...
Greek Workers Clash With Riot Police
WORKERS in Greece staged the biggest march of recent years in Athens on Wednesday, against the government of Prime Minister Yiorghos Papandreou which carries...
WISCONSIN GENERAL STRIKE ON THE WAY – over assault on unions...
IN AMERICA the 45,000-member Southern Central Federation of Labor, the local chapter of the AFL-CIO for the Madison and Southern Central Wisconsin area, has...
TORIES PREPARE SUMMER WAR – Organising tens of thousands of strike...
Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude has been overseeing ‘war games’ in preparation for a General Strike this summer. Following orders from the Cabinet...
Tory war games preparing summer war with unions
FIRST of all Prime Minister Cameron wrote that the entire public sector, local government, the NHS and education were to be taken over by...
Cameron declares war on public sector – unions must answer with...
Tory prime minister, David Cameron, has finally come clean about the coalition plans for destroying the welfare state and the entire public sector. Yesterday, he...
Cameron Is Facing A ‘Bare-Knuckle Fight’ – Over Privatisation Plan
Trade unions yesterday reacted angrily to prime minister Cameron’s declaration of war on the public sector. Writing in the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Cameron said the...
Porter Driven Out By Student Anger
National Union of Students President Aaron Porter has quit, driven out by the fury of his members after he accused them of violence during...