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Time For Action To Smash The Health Bill!

DOCTOR Peter Carter, general secretary of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN), has admitted that despite every attempt to co-operate with the coalition government,...

Defend Trent Park Campus–Defend Chase Farm say Middlesex University students

STUDENTS from Middlesex University declared yesterday that the only way to defend their threatened Trent Park Campus and their neighbouring local hospital, Chase Farm,...

You must accept capitalism and its cuts orders Johnson

YESTERDAY, Alan Johnson, the ex-CWU postal workers leader, warned the trade unions that they must accept the capitalist crisis, and as slaves of capital...

16-24 jobless rate 22.3% – get rid of coalition says ATUA’s...

unemployment rose 118,000 in the three months to November to 2.685 million, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) reported yesterday. The unemployment rate rose from...

Socialist Revolution Is The Only Alternative Now

UNITE leader Len McCluskey has pointed out correctly some of the immediate implications of the Miliband-Balls line that Labour will honour and continue with...

Unilever Pensions Action

A rolling programme of strike action is set to hit corporate giant Unilever’s UK operations as workers step up action to defend their final...


RUSSIAN Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev spoke on Thursday about the situation surrounding Iran and Syria, and the United States. He said: ‘The US would...

Nigeria–Oil Shutdown Starts

The general strike in Nigeria entered its fifth day yesterday, as talks between President Goodluck Jonathan and trade union leaders failed to end the...

Russia resisting regime change in Syria!

RUSSIA said yesterday that it strongly disagreed with changes to its draft UN Security Council resolution on Syria made by the western imperialist powers. ‘Unfortunately,...

Three Defeats For Tory Welfare Bill

THE Tory/LibDem coalition suffered three defeats on Wednesday; in the House of Lords over their plans to slash £1.6 billion from the benefits of...

Military Academies ‘Promoting National Service For The Poor’

Teachers union NASUWT on Wednesday slammed a report on military academies for ‘promoting National Service for the poor’. NASUWT general secretary Chris Keates condemned the...

Obama opens up class war front against US workers!

LAST WEEK President Obama, speaking at the Pentagon, told the American people that he was going to open up a new front for the...

Unilever Workers Defending Their Pension

Last Tuesday Unilever workers from all over the country descended on the London headquarters, outraged at the companies ending of their final salary pension...

Labour to match the Tories cut for cut!

‘BUT my argument starts by recognising that tough times will continue,’ said Labour leader Miliband yesterday on his policy for dealing with the crisis. He...

NIGERIA SHUT DOWN! on Fourth Day Of General Strike

THE GENERAL strike in Nigeria over the removal of gasoline subsidies, now in its third day, has shut down most shops and businesses, cut oil...

Nigeria Shut Down By General Strike!

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trades Union Congress (TUC) and civil society groups yesterday shut down the entire country at the beginning of...

World crisis driving forward the European socialist revolution!

THE BOURGEOIS financial markets opened yesterday to the unprecedented news that Germany has sold 3.9 billion euros of debt at a negative rate of...

RESTORE THE FUEL SUBSIDY – 500 workers and students picket Nigerian...

Last Friday over five hundred Nigerian students and workers picketed their London embassy, furious at the Nigerian government’s removal of a fuel subsidy. The fuel...

China responds to Obama!

CHINA’S state media have responded to Barak Obama’s Pentagon announcement that the US is turning its back on the North Atlantic, and therefore...

‘A FIGHT TO THE FINISH’ – Nigerian General Strike is launched

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) yesterday called on workers and the rural poor to be ‘prepared for a fight to the finish’. This came as...


The National Executive of the teacher’s union NASUWT, yesterday refused to sign up to the government’s ‘Heads of Agreement’ pensions plan. The NEC had met...

Nigerian General Strike!

Nigeria’s main trade unions, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trades Union Congress (TUC), have declared mass backing for an indefinite general strike and...

Greek Workers Angry At Eu Diktat

The Greek Prime Minister Lukas Papademos told the trade union leaders of the GSEE (Greek TUC) last Wednesday that wages and all national or...

Nigerian workers revolution has begun – it must expropriate the oil...

NIGERIA’S bourgeois government has pledged to the IMF and World Bank that it will push ahead and end oil fuel subsidies regardless of the...

Greek bankers call for autocratic solutions!

GREECE will either lower its standard of living, or it will exit the euro and turn decades back.’ This was the message from the...

COSATU organising general strike action against labour broking

‘We are concluding the year with greater levels of unity and cohesion in our ranks, which will help us confront the daunting challenges of...

2012–The year for organising the working class to take power

THE News Line Editorial Board sends its revolutionary greetings for the New Year of 2012 to all our readers and to the working class...

Thatcher Used Riots To Boost The State!

Margaret Thatcher considered arming the police during the riots of 1981, whilst a section of her government counselled that Liverpool should be abandoned to...

Industrial action not ruled out – over pensions says Scottish BMA...

A group of seven leading public health specialists, past presidents of the UK Faculty of Public Health, have called for the Health and Social...

An NHS For The Rich!

THE BMA and the main TUC trade unions are completely opposed to the Health and Social Care Bill and have given up all efforts...

Trade Union Bureaucracy Resumes Its Full Support For Pension Busting!

ON December 20th the major local government trade unions, after coming under massive attack from their local government members, suspended their support, agreed on...

PAKISTAN CLOSE TO COUP! – as bomb blasts rock Baghdad

PAKISTAN’S Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani has said that conspirators are plotting to bring down his government. He has also accused the military of being...

Explosion Injures 61 Shanghai Workers!

A WEEKEND explosion at a Shanghai factory run by Apple supplier Pegatron injured 61 workers, 23 of whom were hospitalised according to the Taiwan-based...

Stop the pensions sell-out! Sack Barber and Prentis! Call a general...

THE Trade union bureaucracy, led by TUC leader Barber and Unison leader Prentis, have shown clearly, with their position that the trade unions have...

Numsa Pledges To Fight ‘jobs Bloodbath’

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) held a highly successful Central Committee meeting (CC) from Sunday the 11th to Wednesday the...

NO DEAL! – says PCS

THE pcs civil servants union yesterday rejected the government’s pensions plan to force public servants to pay more and work longer for less in...

Banking ‘reforms’ won’t stop them collapsing

Yesterday in parliament the Tory Chancellor, George Osborne, announced that the coalition government intended to accept ‘in full’ the proposals on reforming the banks...

Stop Barber-Prentis Pensions Sell-Out

AT last Thursday’s meeting of the TUC’s Public Service Liaison Group, TUC leader Brendan Barber urged trade unions to capitulate and sign up...

No Pensions sell-out! Sack Prentis and Barber! Forward to the General...

THE reformist trade union leaders are once again, on the pensions issue, showing that they are organically incapable of defending the basic gains of...

Build the Fourth International – the world party of the socialist...

ON Thursday, the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, issued the starkest warning yet that the debt crisis gripping the eurozone...

‘If Spirit Alone Won Battles’

THE DIARY OF JOHN LOWE The 1984-1985 Miners’ Strike in Nottinghamshire edited by John Symcox These diary excerpts are a tribute to the heroic and determined...

US urges Russia to back UN Security Council over Syria

THE United States on Tuesday urged Russia to back UN Security Council action on Syria, after UN officials said the death toll in the...

Chuck out the coalition to deal with growing mass unemployment

UK unemployment has increased to 2.64m, a rise of 128,000 in the three months to October, the highest level since 1994, with 1,027,000 youth...

Another US blow for Pakistan!

THE US Congress yesterday froze $700 million of aid to its ally Pakistan until it gets assurances that Pakistan will combat the spread of...

SWINDON NHS STRIKE ACTION – Against Bullying and Harassment

150 GMB members employed by Carillion at Great Western NHS Hospital in Swindon are to ballot for strike action over bullying, harassment and...